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New in Version 4.2.3.Final
    No changes since 4.2.3.CR1

New in Version 4.2.3.CR1
    [RF-10758] - Input fields in popupPanel lose focus
    [RF-10980] - Impossible to set tabindex of input inside rich:popupPanel
    [RF-11051] - a4j.version does not work
    [RF-11104] - rich:inputNumberSlider slider position is affected by css position attribute of containing element
    [RF-12113] - rich:inputNumberSpinner minValue and maxValue being ignored after second request
    [RF-12114] - Richfaces 4.2 rich:autocomplete don't fire ajax on blur event
    [RF-12221] - rich:orderingList: fix VDL-DOC of @listHeight, @maxListHeight, @minListHeight, @listWidth
    [RF-12256] - DragAndDrop + position: absolute results in broken positioning
    [RF-12273] - rich:fileUpload does not work in portlets because it does not utilize javax.faces.encodedURL for the XmlHttpRequest URL
    [RF-12424] - Showcase contains Servlet specific code
    [RF-12425] - Showcase fails to load SyntaxHighlighter scripts when Require.js is present
    [RF-12476] - Resource Name in mapping for two menu images is incorrect

    [RF-12343] - Problem when saving form with rich picklist inside composite component

New in Version 4.2.2.Final

    [RF-10839] - tooltip: attachment using target not works if tooltip defined before the component to which it attaches.
    [RF-11343] - tooltip: does not work attached to parent input
    [RF-11370] - Metamer: rich:toolTip: targetted example causes NPE for some IDs
    [RF-11821] - RF4 extendedDataTable rowClasses not working in lazyloading of rows as it was working in Richfaces3.3.3.Final
    [RF-11970] - Ajax event create exception on form submission when defined on dataTable inside that form
    [RF-11994] - Xcss2EcssConverter error handling f:importResource
    [RF-12084] - Richfaces 4.2 <a4j:ajax> when inside <ui:fragment> dont work and causes 'identifier resolved to null'
    [RF-12103] - onmouse events dont working on rich:notifyMessage
    [RF-12154] - richValidator: @disabled=true throws exception
    [RF-12167] - rich:extendedDatatable - onbeforeselectionchange is wrongly evaluated
    [RF-12172] - JBoss AS 7.1.2 no longer bundles the w3c.css.sac modulebb
    [RF-12197] - rich:tooltip incorrect VDL documenation or incorrect implemenation
    [RF-12198] - rich:tooltip does not work inside a4j:commandButton
    [RF-12199] - rich:tooltip does not work inside h:graphicImage
    [RF-12227] - push to androidp devices broken in the kitchensink-rf quickstart

    Feature Request
    [RF-11294] - Log: implement console mode
    [RF-12010] - ecss hot reloading
    [RF-12196] - remove the height in the msg.ecss for rf-msg and rf-msgs

    [RF-12140] - Upgrade com.google.guava:guava from 10.x to 11.x
    [RF-12180] - Migrate the RF-12103 fix to 4.2 branch

New in Version 4.2.1.Final

    [RF-11940] - mobile showcase - a4j:push - not retrieving pushes from server on Android
    [RF-12099] - Kitchensink archetype - mobile demo - loading the about page causes error on the server side
    [RF-12100] - Kitchensink archetype - mobile demo - adding new member causes rendering blank page
    [RF-12119] - Richfaces showcase import into JBoss Tools/JBDS
    [RF-12124] - showcase - a4j:repeat demo - the rendered grid is broken
    [RF-12125] - showcase - demo rich:dataGrid - outputText elements nested in panelGrids have big font and exceed the edges
    [RF-12126] - showcase - rich:editor - autosaving and toolbar & skinning demos exceed the edges
    [RF-12128] - mobile showcase - rich:dropDownMenu - can not select an item from menu on Android tablet
    [RF-12129] - mobile showcase - rich:contextMenu - selecting an item from menu causes JS error
    [RF-12136] - Archetype in JBoss Central - "right-hadn corner, or clck anywhere on" typos in readme.md
    [RF-12141] - itemChangeListener wrong description for attributes @type and @listener in VDL-DOC
    [RF-12155] - Kitchensink archetype - missing org.richfaces.bom.version property in generated pom.xml
    [RF-12156] - richComponentControl: fix vdl-doc for @onbeforeoperation

    Feature Request
    [RF-12137] - Replace the jstl c:if tag in the showcase welcome file with url rewriting

New in Version 4.2.1.CR1

    [RF-7351] - Regression: "messages: globalOnly does not work properly"
    [RF-10754] - extendedDataTable: two or more components placed on the page causes horizontal scroll to disappear
    [RF-10941] - a4j:command* components misses default behavior event
    [RF-10968] - Tree: treeSelectionChangeListener and treeToggleListener attributes should be removed
    [RF-11872] - Mobile Showcase and a4j:region demo: submit button doesn't respond on the first click
    [RF-11884] - Multiple Errors with IE8/9
    [RF-11905] - showcase - shutdown of the JBoss AS with showcase deployed throws DB error
    [RF-11936] - rich:contextMenu activation is possible outside of tree nodes
    [RF-11948] - rich:extendedDataTable create an onready event to trigger javascript interactions after the EDT has been initialized
    [RF-11965] - showcase - a4j:push - error thrown after creating topic for pushCdi
    [RF-11971] - rich:menuItem onclick return value ignored
    [RF-11977] - Multiple fileUpload controls on the same page do not work
    [RF-11978] - Graph Validator - does not mark context to fail validation
    [RF-11989] - The jointpoint attribute of the contextMenu should be removed
    [RF-12007] - AbstractPanelMenuGroup.getChangeExpandListener is not used
    [RF-12013] - Deadlock in push component
    [RF-12018] - Typo in BOM: jsf-api should be jsp-api
    [RF-12020] - Reduce number of absolute opened files
    [RF-12026] - Javascript error in AjaxRequests on FireFox "invalid 'in' operand event"
    [RF-12042] - Metamer: rich:contextMenu doesn't disappear after clicking out of the menu in IE9 and Google Chrome
    [RF-12043] - Metamer: rich:contextMenu isn't rendered correctly in IE 9 compatibility mode
    [RF-12070] - Kitschensink archetype - broken formatting of comments in generated pom.xml
    [RF-12072] - Push: add onsubscribed event (was: Lost event in push)
    [RF-12074] - Showcase mediaOutput refers to GAE limitations
    [RF-12075] - Kitchensink archetype - link for JBoss AS 7 project site is broken
    [RF-12083] - Components: Output UI module doesn't pass unit tests (MenuItemRendererTest and DropDownMenuRendererTest)
    [RF-12085] - The richfaces version change script is missing version strings in the kitchensink archetype file
    [RF-12093] - ResourceServlet can't handle resources outside of specific libraries
    [RF-12109] - Showcase in AS 7.1.1 (JSF 2.1.7) missing doctype and <html> root

    [RF-12048] - Showcase: Change the password for JMS guest connection
    [RF-12051] - Showcase: simplified Push CDI sample which wouldn't use subtopics
    [RF-12066] - Kitchensink archetype is not listed in the modules of the parent pom

    Feature Request
    [RF-11996] - rich:contextMenu on several rows in extendedDataTable
    [RF-12052] - rich:TabPanel - HTML comments should be supported inside the tabPanel
    [RF-12090] - Components: add jrebel profile to allow rapid development

    [RF-12064] - Remove the superfluous versions from the generated pom in the kitchensink archetype
    [RF-12086] - Update the RichFaces WFK version in the archetypes
    [RF-12091] - rich:dataScroller scrollListener not documented

New in Version 4.2.0.Final

    [RF-11930] - showcase - a4j:actionListener - typo in demo description
    [RF-11938] - Mobile Showcase - small font in a4j:actionListener demo
    [RF-11939] - Mobile Showcase - rich:contextMenu demo and "right click" action
    [RF-11943] - [a4j:commandLink] [a4j:queue] IE8 throws an js error if using an global queue within site
    [RF-11953] - showcase - a4j:push - demos do not work on Tomcats
    [RF-11958] - Menu item: ecss for drop down menu not rendered
    [RF-11980] - Readme.txt is outdated

    [RF-11929] - showcase - a4j:actionListener - move commandButtons from panelGrid to make it look better
    [RF-11933] - Push: user-friendly topics initialization on startup
    [RF-11949] - Exclude jquery.js from resource packaging

New in Version 4.2.0.CR1

    [RF-11533] - Notify and IE 8: can't close a message
    [RF-11588] - HeaderClass is ignored on ExtendedDataTable column
    [RF-11657] - Better integration with JBossAS 7.1
    [RF-11760] - Remove parent section from richfaces-bom
    [RF-11775] - mobile showcase - rich:panelMenu - sub menus are not indented accordingly
    [RF-11778] - mobile showcase - rich:calendar - days of new month are smaller than others
    [RF-11779] - showcase and rich:togglePanel sample: bad position of 'View Source' link
    [RF-11806] - UIDataAdaptor breaks with Spring Webflow 2.3 when rendering pages for existing flows
    [RF-11807] - TabPanel does not accept Comment as XML-child
    [RF-11810] - Fix the richfaces-components-ui build to do not overwrite assemblied JAR
    [RF-11813] - Drop down menu generates non-valid HTML
    [RF-11815] - RichFaces version not displayed via EL expression #{a4j} on JBoss AS 7
    [RF-11816] - Notify stack: names of CSS classes do not follow naming conventions
    [RF-11817] - rich:inputNumberSlider has no id=>so it is not testable
    [RF-11820] - rich:hotKey - when used selector for binding to specific component, all hotKeys defined on component are called
    [RF-11829] - Toolbar: cellspacing and cellpadding should be implemented using CSS
    [RF-11830] - Toolbar: attribute width is always generated
    [RF-11831] - Toolbar: col elements should use CSS for width
    [RF-11832] - Toolbar: attribute border should be replaced with CSS
    [RF-11837] - Hot key: remove onkeypress attribute since it doesn't work with special keys and breaks compatibility with other onkeyup/onkeydown
    [RF-11838] - Warning in Chrome console for pages with ajax
    [RF-11840] - jquery.hotkeys.js prevents pickList to observe key events
    [RF-11850] - RF 4.1.0.Final: Problem using columnResize with more than one extendedDataTable on the same page.
    [RF-11860] - Data table: The scope attribute on the td element is obsolete
    [RF-11861] - richfaces 4.1.Final showcase: Non-resolvable parent POM: Could not find artifact org.richfaces:richfaces-root-parent:pom:4.1.0.Final
    [RF-11863] - showcase - rich:hotKey - mistake in demo description
    [RF-11870] - Eliminate SNAPSHOT artifacts in non-default profiles
    [RF-11889] - maven-resources-plugin: ResourceWriter: close streams appropriately
    [RF-11891] - Simple bug in org.richfaces.resource.Xcss2EcssConverter
    [RF-11894] - PushHandlerFilter initialization fails when PushServlet registered manually
    [RF-11895] - Richfaces showcase import into JBoss Tools/JBDS
    [RF-11897] - menuItems do not inherit the mode of the parent contextMenu
    [RF-11898] - Attaching a contextMenu to a h:graphicImage results in a contextMenu that does not display
    [RF-11899] - the attachId of the contextMenu requires the fully qualified path
    [RF-11900] - contextMenu has to be defined after the extendedDatatable, or it cannot attach
    [RF-11909] - Custom resource mapping can't simply reuse pre-generated RichFaces resources
    [RF-11911] - contextMenu API for attaching to components should match that of tooltip
    [RF-11917] - Multiselect in pickList broken
    [RF-11925] - PushHandlerFilter - release SessionManager reference at destroy
    [RF-11926] - Unit tests failures in core module
    [RF-11927] - RichFaces polling is broken

    Component Upgrade
    [RF-11471] - Upgrade to Atmosphere 0.8.4
    [RF-11615] - Upgrade to JBoss Parent version 8
    [RF-11788] - Update build version of MyFaces to 2.1.5
    [RF-11791] - Upgrade build version of JSF RI to 2.1.5
    [RF-11826] - Parent: upgrade maven-plugin-plugin to 2.9 and setup project to use richfaces-parent:12-SNAPSHOT
    [RF-11847] - Upgrade to the latest jQuery
    [RF-11877] - Upgrade Servlets API to 3.0 in BOM

    [RF-11866] - Push: Provide more useful message when subtopic does not meet criteria
    [RF-11873] - Enhancements to slidfast.js library
    [RF-11919] - showcase - names of some samples do not follow camel case naming convention

    Feature Request
    [RF-10197] - Right click menu - rich:contextMenu - should be ported from RF 3
    [RF-10848] - New component : rich:hotkey for 4.0
    [RF-11483] - Elegant way for Push topic creating
    [RF-11808] - Archetypes : remove the generation of *-source jars plumbing
    [RF-11824] - rich:hotKey - add option to prevent default event handling
    [RF-11844] - richfaces-parent: setup for local git release builds with maven-release-plugin
    [RF-11848] - round corner support out of the box
    [RF-11883] - Support dynamic attachment of the contextMenu
    [RF-11906] - Warning when JMS integration is off but JMS is available
    [RF-11907] - Push: add configuration switch for PushContext initialization on startup (org.richfaces.push.initializeOnStartup)

    [RF-11666] - Manage dependencies across whole framework
    [RF-11794] - Define mailingLists POM section in richfaces-parent
    [RF-11835] - Remove repositories and pluginRepositories sections from richfaces-parent
    [RF-11851] - rich:hotKey - add support for onkeypress, onkeydown and onkeyup
    [RF-11876] - Add jsf.js resource dependency to all components to work around RF-11739
    [RF-11879] - Add examle of usage of a4j:actionListener into RF showcase
    [RF-11892] - Push: turn off JMS integration by default
    [RF-11893] - Increment version number to 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT
    [RF-11901] - Review the "new" label on showcase compnents
    [RF-11918] - Create a showcase profile for JBoss AS 7.1
    [RF-11921] - Update the release-notes

    [RF-11811] - Add rich:hotkey to developer examples
    [RF-11812] - Add rich:hotkey to Showcase

    Full Release Notes:

New in Version 4.1.0.Final
    [RF-11802] - A project created with the richfaces-archetype-simpleapp won't compile with eclipse

    [RF-11789] - Rename CDK maven-resources-plugin to maven-richfaces-resources-plugin

    Full Release Notes:

New in Version 4.1.0.CR2
    [RF-11564] - Mobile Showcase and iPhone: defaultly closed rich:collapsiblePanel can't be opened
    [RF-11633] - rich:inplaceInput - client side validation doesn't work
    [RF-11645] - Mobile Showcase and rich:orderingList - selecting an item doesn't enable the moving buttons
    [RF-11673] - Warning messages have color unreadable on white background - (warningColor)
    [RF-11675] - Showcase and rich:dataTable - delayed sorting (regresion fix)
    [RF-11677] - Calendar: buttons in month dialog do not work (regresion fix)
    [RF-11680] - Backing a pickList with an array causes a java.lang.ArrayStoreException
    [RF-11689] - richfaces-archetype-simpleapp : remove unnecessary webResource mapping to src/main/java
    [RF-11695] - showcase - deploying on JBoss AS 7.1.0-SNAPSHOT trows error: JMSInitializer was not correctly initialized
    [RF-11696] - showcase - broken deploying on Tomcat due to wrong SLF4J binding
    [RF-11712] - showcase - a4j:push via JMS- generates JS error on mobile devices
    [RF-11713] - Showcase and rich:accordion - the "view source" link is hidden
    [RF-11744] - Fileupload component doesn't include list of submitted files removed in the onclear event
    [RF-11752] - Propagate UIDataAdaptor#processEvent(ComponentSystemEvent) to #processEvent(SystemEvent)
    [RF-11761] - Archetype: community JBoss repository should not be included for enterprise projects
    [RF-11762] - Archetype: remove simpleapp archetype's parent

    [RF-11714] - showcase - demo rich:select - panels which hold selects should has bigger width
    [RF-11759] - Remove Cellpadding/Cellspacing from EDT, replace with appropriate CSS

    Feature Request
    [RF-11659] - Add the maven jboss as7 deployer to the showcase pom.xml
    [RF-11690] - richfaces-simpleapp-archetype : add support for the enterprise (aka WFK) dependencies

    [RF-11716] - richfaces-archetype-simpleapp: Add useJBossRepositories flag
    [RF-11717] - richfaces-archetype-simpleapp: Remove unnecessary testng dependency in pom.xml
    [RF-11721] - Cleanup mobile RichFaces JavaScript and fix foreseeable problems
    [RF-11743] - Add mobile optimization option to the simpleapp archetype
    [RF-11756] - Reintroduce escape sequences in simpleapp archetype templates

    Full Release Notes:

New in Version 4.1.0.CR1

    - Hibernate validator upgraded to version 4.2
    - Fixes to the VDL-DOC generation (tag library documentation)
    - Fix whereby DnD scripts weren't getting loaded via ajax updates
    - Move project compiler compatibility to 1.6 level
    - Further improvements to the component mobile compatibility and the mobile showcase
    - Many bugs fixed, improving the overall stability of the platform

New in Version 4.1.0.M4

    - Mobile showcase improvements: ajax status indicator, and improved component mobile compatibility
    - Resource mapping context-param rename and sensible defaults
    - Client-side validation regexp improvements, and compatibility with other JSF component sets
    - File upload component has some new attributes, allowing for more control over is uploaded to the server
    - rich:pickList gained switchByClick and switchByDblClick functionality
    - jQuery upgrade to 1.6.4
    - Archetype improvements to both simpleapp and the gae archetype
    - Many bugs fixed, improving the overall stability of the platform

New in Version 4.1.0.M3

    - Mobile showcase demonstrating the mobile compatibility of the current component set
    - Resource mapping feature for javascript and CSS resource packaging and minification
    - Showcase deployed on OpenShift
    - Showcase has samples for the new components
    - Ajax push has a CDI interfaces for firing push events
    - VDL-DOC (generated tag library documentation) linked to from the showcase
    - Many more issues resolved:

New in Version 4.1.0.M2

    - jQuery upgraded to 1.6.2
    - IE 9 support (taking advantage of the compatibility mode)
    - Stabilization of the new components introduced in 4.1.0.M1:
        rich:editor has been integrated with the standard RichFaces styling scheme
        rich:notify has been better integrated into the RichFaces ecosystem,
                    allowing them to consume Client-Side Validation messages
        rich:pickList has picked up ordering capabilities in the target list
    - Many more issues resolved:

New in Version 4.1.0.M1

    - Source code migrated to Git (http://github.com/richfaces)
    - Push component improvements, more lightweight, decoupled from JMS, and support has been added for Comet
    - rich:editor component added
    - rich:notify component added
    - rich:pickList component added
    - rich:orderingList component added
    - Many more issues resolved:

New in Version 4.0.Final

    - Minor, low risk stabilizations, and clean up tasks for the Final build to minimize risk.
    - Thorough review of all the component attributes done and corrections were made based on complexity.
    - Bug fixing for CSV and Object Validation features.
    - Refactored Listeners classes, methods and Event names according to standard JSF convention.
    - Review and update predefined rf-* CSS classes for components to satisfy naming convention
    - TreeNode and TreeDataModel model support for rich:tree added.
    - jQuery updated to 1.5.1. https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-10686
    - Several taglib issues found during QE and made corresponding corrections for better IDE support
    - RichFaces showcase design corrections
    - Reviewed current state of RichFaces showcase in different JSF environments support and
      finalized pom.xml profiles for:
          richfaces-showcase (Mojara 2.0.3 - GAE build, Mojara 2.0.4 default build)
          richfaces-archetype-simpleapp (Mojara 2.0.4 default build)
          rf-gae-sample archetype (MyFaces 2.0.4 both GAE and default builds)
    - Completed Push component demo - irc-sample, with blog and documents before release

New in Version 4.0.CR1

    - Completed nearly all taglib's corrections for better IDE support
    - Stabilized the CSV feature with messages, localization and customization
      improvements https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-10556
      https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-10434 https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-10611
    - Stabilized messages components https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-10293
    - A lots of stabilization issues resolved for Switchable Panels and
      Panel Menu
    - Important push problems solved https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-10457
      https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-10473 https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-10487
      and more customization options added https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-10454
    - A lot of stabilization issues for MyFaces support got resolved
    - Environment updates: JQuery 1.5, MyFaces 2.0.4, Mojara 2.0.4, Atmosphere 0.6.4
    - RichFaces showcase has been updated with new design (https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-9636)
      and now runs stable with MyFaces!

New in Version 4.0.M6

    - Client Side Validation feature is ready!! All the standard JSF
      and most of the JSR-303 validators are available on the client by using
      just <rich:validator> behavior! We will post detailed blog with examples
      in a few days.
    - ObjectValidation feature also was finalized and allows you to validate
      complete objects and dependent fields by just using JSR-303 validators
      and the <rich:graphValidator> component. This will also be covered in an
      up coming blog.
    - The Ajax framework is improved and now provides ignoreDupResponce core
      feature! Together with queue it adds great optimization to your Ajax'ififed
    - All the richfaces components client side API are reviewed and stabilized.
      API Tables will be documented soon in the component reference.
    - Further review and corrections in components for improving IDE's support.
    - RichFaces showcase demo application is updated with new showcases for
      validation components and new examples for previously released components.
    - Further improvements in Component Development Kit.
    - Stabilization works for migrated code. Automation tests with quint, junit.
      Review of attributes and facets for consistency and stability are done
      and most issues get fixed.