Source compatibility report for the JCommon library between 0.8.4 and 0.8.5 versions

Test Info

Library NameJCommon
Version #10.8.4
Version #20.8.5

Test Results

Total Java ARchives1
Total Methods / Classes822 / 125

Problem Summary

Added Methods-121
Removed MethodsHigh0
Problems with
Data Types
Problems with

Added Methods (121)

jcommon-0.8.5.jar, AbstractElementDefinitionHandler.class
package org.jfree.xml
AbstractElementDefinitionHandler.AbstractElementDefinitionHandler ( Parser p1 )
AbstractElementDefinitionHandler.characters ( char[ ] p1, int p2, int p3 )  :  void
AbstractElementDefinitionHandler.endElement ( String p1 )  :  void
AbstractElementDefinitionHandler.getParser ( )  :  Parser
AbstractElementDefinitionHandler.startElement ( String p1, Attributes p2 )  :  void

jcommon-0.8.5.jar, AbstractObjectDescription.class
package org.jfree.xml.factory.objects
AbstractObjectDescription.equals ( Object p1 )  :  boolean
AbstractObjectDescription.getUnconfiguredInstance ( )  :  ObjectDescription
AbstractObjectDescription.hashCode ( )  :  int

jcommon-0.8.5.jar, ArrayClassFactory.class
package org.jfree.xml.factory.objects
ArrayClassFactory.equals ( Object p1 )  :  boolean
ArrayClassFactory.hashCode ( )  :  int

jcommon-0.8.5.jar, BooleanList.class
package org.jfree.util
BooleanList.BooleanList ( )
BooleanList.equals ( Object p1 )  :  boolean
BooleanList.getBoolean ( int p1 )  :  Boolean
BooleanList.setBoolean ( int p1, Boolean p2 )  :  void

jcommon-0.8.5.jar, BooleanObjectDescription.class
package org.jfree.xml.factory.objects
BooleanObjectDescription.equals ( Object p1 )  :  boolean
BooleanObjectDescription.hashCode ( )  :  int

jcommon-0.8.5.jar, ByteObjectDescription.class
package org.jfree.xml.factory.objects
ByteObjectDescription.equals ( Object p1 )  :  boolean
ByteObjectDescription.hashCode ( )  :  int

jcommon-0.8.5.jar, CharacterObjectDescription.class
package org.jfree.xml.factory.objects
CharacterObjectDescription.equals ( Object p1 )  :  boolean
CharacterObjectDescription.hashCode ( )  :  int

jcommon-0.8.5.jar, ClassFactory.class
package org.jfree.xml.factory.objects
ClassFactory.equals ( Object p1 ) [abstract]  :  boolean

jcommon-0.8.5.jar, ClassFactoryCollector.class
package org.jfree.xml.factory.objects
ClassFactoryCollector.equals ( Object p1 )  :  boolean
ClassFactoryCollector.hashCode ( )  :  int

jcommon-0.8.5.jar, ClassFactoryImpl.class
package org.jfree.xml.factory.objects
ClassFactoryImpl.equals ( Object p1 )  :  boolean
ClassFactoryImpl.hashCode ( )  :  int

jcommon-0.8.5.jar, DateCellRenderer.class
package org.jfree.ui
DateCellRenderer.DateCellRenderer ( )
DateCellRenderer.DateCellRenderer ( DateFormat p1 )
DateCellRenderer.getTableCellRendererComponent ( JTable p1, Object p2, boolean p3, boolean p4, int p5, int p6 )  :  Component

jcommon-0.8.5.jar, DoubleObjectDescription.class
package org.jfree.xml.factory.objects
DoubleObjectDescription.equals ( Object p1 )  :  boolean
DoubleObjectDescription.hashCode ( )  :  int

jcommon-0.8.5.jar, FloatObjectDescription.class
package org.jfree.xml.factory.objects
FloatObjectDescription.equals ( Object p1 )  :  boolean
FloatObjectDescription.hashCode ( )  :  int

jcommon-0.8.5.jar, FontTable.class
package org.jfree.util
FontTable.equals ( Object p1 )  :  boolean
FontTable.FontTable ( )
FontTable.getFont ( int p1, int p2 )  :  Font
FontTable.setFont ( int p1, int p2, Font p3 )  :  void

jcommon-0.8.5.jar, IntegerObjectDescription.class
package org.jfree.xml.factory.objects
IntegerObjectDescription.equals ( Object p1 )  :  boolean
IntegerObjectDescription.hashCode ( )  :  int

jcommon-0.8.5.jar, LongObjectDescription.class
package org.jfree.xml.factory.objects
LongObjectDescription.equals ( Object p1 )  :  boolean
LongObjectDescription.hashCode ( )  :  int

jcommon-0.8.5.jar, NumberTable.class
package org.jfree.util
NumberTable.equals ( Object p1 )  :  boolean
NumberTable.getNumber ( int p1, int p2 )  :  Number
NumberTable.NumberTable ( )
NumberTable.setNumber ( int p1, int p2, Number p3 )  :  void

jcommon-0.8.5.jar, ObjectDescription.class
package org.jfree.xml.factory.objects
ObjectDescription.equals ( Object p1 ) [abstract]  :  boolean
ObjectDescription.getUnconfiguredInstance ( ) [abstract]  :  ObjectDescription

jcommon-0.8.5.jar, ObjectList.class
package org.jfree.util
ObjectList.clear ( )  :  void
ObjectList.get ( int p1 )  :  Object
ObjectList.indexOf ( Object p1 )  :  int
ObjectList.ObjectList ( )
ObjectList.ObjectList ( int p1 )
ObjectList.set ( int p1, Object p2 )  :  void
ObjectList.size ( )  :  int

jcommon-0.8.5.jar, ObjectTable.class
package org.jfree.util
ObjectTable.equals ( Object p1 )  :  boolean
ObjectTable.getColumnCount ( )  :  int
ObjectTable.getObject ( int p1, int p2 )  :  Object
ObjectTable.getRowCount ( )  :  int
ObjectTable.ObjectTable ( )
ObjectTable.readSerializedData ( ObjectInputStream p1 )  :  Object
ObjectTable.setObject ( int p1, int p2, Object p3 )  :  void
ObjectTable.writeSerializedData ( ObjectOutputStream p1, Object p2 )  :  void

jcommon-0.8.5.jar, PaintTable.class
package org.jfree.util
PaintTable.equals ( Object p1 )  :  boolean
PaintTable.getPaint ( int p1, int p2 )  :  Paint
PaintTable.PaintTable ( )
PaintTable.readSerializedData ( ObjectInputStream p1 )  :  Object
PaintTable.setPaint ( int p1, int p2, Paint p3 )  :  void
PaintTable.writeSerializedData ( ObjectOutputStream p1, Object p2 )  :  void

jcommon-0.8.5.jar, PaintTableTests.class
package org.jfree.util
PaintTableTests.PaintTableTests ( String p1 )
PaintTableTests.suite ( ) [static]  :  Test
PaintTableTests.testSerialization ( )  :  void

jcommon-0.8.5.jar, ParseException.class
package org.jfree.xml
ParseException.printStackTrace ( PrintStream p1 )  :  void
ParseException.printStackTrace ( PrintWriter p1 )  :  void

jcommon-0.8.5.jar, ParserFrontend.class
package org.jfree.xml
ParserFrontend.configureReader ( XMLReader p1, Parser p2 )  :  void

jcommon-0.8.5.jar, ReadOnlyIterator.class
package org.jfree.util
ReadOnlyIterator.hasNext ( )  :  boolean ( )  :  Object
ReadOnlyIterator.ReadOnlyIterator ( Iterator p1 )
ReadOnlyIterator.remove ( )  :  void

jcommon-0.8.5.jar, RectangleEdge.class
package org.jfree.ui
RectangleEdge.coordinate ( Rectangle2D p1, RectangleEdge p2 ) [static]  :  double
RectangleEdge.equals ( Object p1 )  :  boolean
RectangleEdge.isLeftOrRight ( RectangleEdge p1 ) [static]  :  boolean
RectangleEdge.isTopOrBottom ( RectangleEdge p1 ) [static]  :  boolean
RectangleEdge.opposite ( RectangleEdge p1 ) [static]  :  RectangleEdge
RectangleEdge.toString ( )  :  String

jcommon-0.8.5.jar, SafeTagList.class
package org.jfree.xml.writer
SafeTagList.add ( String p1 )  :  void
SafeTagList.add ( String p1, boolean p2, boolean p3 )  :  void
SafeTagList.isSafeForClose ( String p1 )  :  boolean
SafeTagList.isSafeForOpen ( String p1 )  :  boolean
SafeTagList.SafeTagList ( )

jcommon-0.8.5.jar, ShapeTable.class
package org.jfree.util
ShapeTable.equals ( Object p1 )  :  boolean
ShapeTable.getShape ( int p1, int p2 )  :  Shape
ShapeTable.readSerializedData ( ObjectInputStream p1 )  :  Object
ShapeTable.setShape ( int p1, int p2, Shape p3 )  :  void
ShapeTable.ShapeTable ( )
ShapeTable.writeSerializedData ( ObjectOutputStream p1, Object p2 )  :  void

jcommon-0.8.5.jar, ShapeTableTests.class
package org.jfree.util
ShapeTableTests.ShapeTableTests ( String p1 )
ShapeTableTests.suite ( ) [static]  :  Test
ShapeTableTests.testSerialization ( )  :  void

jcommon-0.8.5.jar, ShortObjectDescription.class
package org.jfree.xml.factory.objects
ShortObjectDescription.equals ( Object p1 )  :  boolean
ShortObjectDescription.hashCode ( )  :  int

jcommon-0.8.5.jar, StringUtils.class
package org.jfree.util
StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase ( String p1, String p2 ) [static]  :  boolean
StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase ( String p1, String p2 ) [static]  :  boolean
StringUtils.StringUtils ( )

jcommon-0.8.5.jar, StrokeTable.class
package org.jfree.util
StrokeTable.equals ( Object p1 )  :  boolean
StrokeTable.getStroke ( int p1, int p2 )  :  Stroke
StrokeTable.readSerializedData ( ObjectInputStream p1 )  :  Object
StrokeTable.setStroke ( int p1, int p2, Stroke p3 )  :  void
StrokeTable.StrokeTable ( )
StrokeTable.writeSerializedData ( ObjectOutputStream p1, Object p2 )  :  void

jcommon-0.8.5.jar, XMLWriterSupport.class
package org.jfree.xml.writer
XMLWriterSupport.decreaseIndent ( )  :  void
XMLWriterSupport.getIndentLevel ( )  :  int
XMLWriterSupport.getLineSeparator ( ) [static]  :  String
XMLWriterSupport.getSafeTags ( )  :  SafeTagList
XMLWriterSupport.increaseIndent ( )  :  void
XMLWriterSupport.indent ( Writer p1, int p2 )  :  void
XMLWriterSupport.normalize ( String p1 ) [static]  :  String
XMLWriterSupport.writeCloseTag ( Writer p1, String p2 )  :  void
XMLWriterSupport.writeTag ( Writer p1, String p2 )  :  void
XMLWriterSupport.writeTag ( Writer p1, String p2, Properties p3, boolean p4 )  :  void
XMLWriterSupport.writeTag ( Writer p1, String p2, String p3, String p4, boolean p5 )  :  void
XMLWriterSupport.XMLWriterSupport ( SafeTagList p1, int p2 )
XMLWriterSupport.XMLWriterSupport ( SafeTagList p1, int p2, String p3 )

to the top

Problems with Data Types, High Severity (6)

package org.jfree.util
[+] Configuration (1)

package org.jfree.xml.factory.objects
[+] ClassFactory (2)
[+] ObjectDescription (3)

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Medium Severity (1)

package org.jfree.xml
[+] ElementDefinitionException (1)

to the top

Java ARchives (1)


to the top