Binary compatibility report for the JCommon library between 0.9.1 and 0.9.2 versions

Test Info

Library NameJCommon
Version #10.9.1
Version #20.9.2

Test Results

Total Java ARchives1
Total Methods / Classes1540 / 258

Problem Summary

Added Methods-107
Removed MethodsHigh7
Problems with
Data Types
Problems with
Other Changes
in Data Types

Added Methods (107)

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, AbstractObjectList.class
package org.jfree.util
AbstractObjectList.AbstractObjectList ( int initialCapacity, int increment )
AbstractObjectList.hashCode ( )  :  int

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, BooleanList.class
package org.jfree.util
BooleanList.hashCode ( )  :  int

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, BoundsAnchor.class
package org.jfree.ui
BoundsAnchor.hashCode ( )  :  int

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, ClassFactory.class
package org.jfree.xml.factory.objects
ClassFactory.hashCode ( ) [abstract]  :  int

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, Dimension2DObjectDescription.class
package org.jfree.xml.factory.objects
Dimension2DObjectDescription.createObject ( )  :  Object
Dimension2DObjectDescription.Dimension2DObjectDescription ( )
Dimension2DObjectDescription.setParameterFromObject ( Object o )  :  void

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, DimensionObjectDescription.class
package org.jfree.xml.factory.objects
DimensionObjectDescription.createObject ( )  :  Object
DimensionObjectDescription.DimensionObjectDescription ( )
DimensionObjectDescription.setParameterFromObject ( Object o )  :  void

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, FontChooserPanel.class
package org.jfree.ui
FontChooserPanel.setSelectedFont ( Font font )  :  void

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, GradientPaintTransformType.class
package org.jfree.ui
GradientPaintTransformType.hashCode ( )  :  int

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, HorizontalAlignment.class
package org.jfree.ui
HorizontalAlignment.hashCode ( )  :  int

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, Layer.class
package org.jfree.ui
Layer.hashCode ( )  :  int

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, ObjectDescription.class
package org.jfree.xml.factory.objects
ObjectDescription.hashCode ( ) [abstract]  :  int

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, ObjectTable.class
package org.jfree.util
ObjectTable.clear ( )  :  void
ObjectTable.ensureCapacity ( int row, int column )  :  void
ObjectTable.ensureRowCapacity ( int row )  :  void
ObjectTable.getColumnIncrement ( )  :  int
ObjectTable.getRowIncrement ( )  :  int
ObjectTable.hashCode ( )  :  int
ObjectTable.ObjectTable ( int increment )
ObjectTable.ObjectTable ( int rowIncrement, int colIncrement )

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, PaintList.class
package org.jfree.util
PaintList.hashCode ( )  :  int

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, PaintTable.class
package org.jfree.util
PaintTable.hashCode ( )  :  int

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, RectangleAnchor.class
package org.jfree.ui
RectangleAnchor.createRectangle ( Dimension2D dimensions, double anchorX, double anchorY, RectangleAnchor anchor ) [static]  :  Rectangle2D
RectangleAnchor.hashCode ( )  :  int

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, RectangleEdge.class
package org.jfree.ui
RectangleEdge.hashCode ( )  :  int

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, RectangleInsets.class
package org.jfree.ui
RectangleInsets.calculateBottomMargin ( double height )  :  double
RectangleInsets.calculateLeftMargin ( double width )  :  double
RectangleInsets.calculateRightMargin ( double width )  :  double
RectangleInsets.calculateTopMargin ( double height )  :  double
RectangleInsets.createInsetRectangle ( Rectangle2D base )  :  Rectangle2D
RectangleInsets.createInsetRectangle ( Rectangle2D base, boolean horizontal, boolean vertical )  :  Rectangle2D
RectangleInsets.createOutsetRectangle ( Rectangle2D base )  :  Rectangle2D
RectangleInsets.createOutsetRectangle ( Rectangle2D base, boolean horizontal, boolean vertical )  :  Rectangle2D
RectangleInsets.getBottom ( )  :  double
RectangleInsets.getLeft ( )  :  double
RectangleInsets.getRight ( )  :  double
RectangleInsets.getTop ( )  :  double
RectangleInsets.getUnitType ( )  :  UnitType
RectangleInsets.RectangleInsets ( UnitType unitType, double top, double bottom, double left, double right )

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, Rotation.class
package org.jfree.util
Rotation.hashCode ( )  :  int

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, ShapeList.class
package org.jfree.util
ShapeList.hashCode ( )  :  int

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, ShapeTable.class
package org.jfree.util
ShapeTable.hashCode ( )  :  int

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, ShapeUtils.class
package org.jfree.util
ShapeUtils.rotateShape ( Shape base, double angle, float x, float y ) [static]  :  Shape
ShapeUtils.translateShape ( Shape shape, double transX, double transY ) [static]  :  Shape

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, SortOrder.class
package org.jfree.util
SortOrder.hashCode ( )  :  int

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, Spacer.class
package org.jfree.ui
Spacer.equals ( Object obj )  :  boolean
Spacer.getAdjustedHeight ( double height )  :  double
Spacer.getAdjustedWidth ( double width )  :  double
Spacer.getBottomSpace ( double height )  :  double
Spacer.getLeftSpace ( double width )  :  double
Spacer.getRightSpace ( double width )  :  double
Spacer.getTopSpace ( double height )  :  double
Spacer.Spacer ( int type, double left, double top, double right, double bottom )
Spacer.trim ( Rectangle2D area )  :  void

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, StandardGradientPaintTransformer.class
package org.jfree.ui
StandardGradientPaintTransformer.equals ( Object obj )  :  boolean

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, StrokeList.class
package org.jfree.util
StrokeList.hashCode ( )  :  int

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, StrokeTable.class
package org.jfree.util
StrokeTable.hashCode ( )  :  int

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, TableOrder.class
package org.jfree.util
TableOrder.equals ( Object o )  :  boolean
TableOrder.hashCode ( )  :  int
TableOrder.toString ( )  :  String

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, TextAnchor.class
package org.jfree.ui
TextAnchor.hashCode ( )  :  int

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, TextAnchorTable.class
package org.jfree.ui
TextAnchorTable.hashCode ( )  :  int

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, TextBlock.class
package org.jfree.text
TextBlock.addLine ( String text, Font font, Paint paint )  :  void
TextBlock.calculateBounds ( Graphics2D g2, float anchorX, float anchorY, TextBlockAnchor anchor, float rotateX, float rotateY, double angle )  :  Shape
TextBlock.calculateDimensions ( Graphics2D g2 )  :  Dimension2D
TextBlock.equals ( Object obj )  :  boolean
TextBlock.getLines ( )  :  List

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, TextBlockAnchor.class
package org.jfree.text
TextBlockAnchor.hashCode ( )  :  int

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, TextBox.class
package org.jfree.text
TextBox.draw ( Graphics2D g2, float x, float y, RectangleAnchor anchor )  :  void
TextBox.equals ( Object obj )  :  boolean
TextBox.getBackgroundPaint ( )  :  Paint
TextBox.getHeight ( Graphics2D g2 )  :  double
TextBox.getInteriorGap ( )  :  Spacer
TextBox.getOutlinePaint ( )  :  Paint
TextBox.getOutlineStroke ( )  :  Stroke
TextBox.getShadowPaint ( )  :  Paint
TextBox.getShadowXOffset ( )  :  double
TextBox.getShadowYOffset ( )  :  double
TextBox.getTextBlock ( )  :  TextBlock
TextBox.setBackgroundPaint ( Paint paint )  :  void
TextBox.setInteriorGap ( Spacer gap )  :  void
TextBox.setOutlinePaint ( Paint paint )  :  void
TextBox.setOutlineStroke ( Stroke stroke )  :  void
TextBox.setShadowPaint ( Paint paint )  :  void
TextBox.setShadowXOffset ( double offset )  :  void
TextBox.setShadowYOffset ( double offset )  :  void
TextBox.setTextBlock ( TextBlock block )  :  void
TextBox.TextBox ( )
TextBox.TextBox ( String text )
TextBox.TextBox ( TextBlock block )

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, TextFragment.class
package org.jfree.text
TextFragment.calculateDimensions ( Graphics2D g2 )  :  Dimension2D
TextFragment.equals ( Object obj )  :  boolean
TextFragment.getPaint ( )  :  Paint
TextFragment.TextFragment ( String text, Font font, Paint paint )

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, TextLine.class
package org.jfree.text
TextLine.calculateDimensions ( Graphics2D g2 )  :  Dimension2D
TextLine.equals ( Object obj )  :  boolean
TextLine.TextLine ( String text, Font font, Paint paint )

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, TextUtilities.class
package org.jfree.text
TextUtilities.createTextBlock ( String text, Font font, Paint paint, float maxWidth, int maxLines, TextMeasurer measurer ) [static]  :  TextBlock
TextUtilities.createTextBlock ( String text, Font font, Paint paint, float maxWidth, TextMeasurer measurer ) [static]  :  TextBlock

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, UnitType.class
package org.jfree.util
UnitType.equals ( Object o )  :  boolean
UnitType.hashCode ( )  :  int
UnitType.toString ( )  :  String

jcommon-0.9.2.jar, VerticalAlignment.class
package org.jfree.ui
VerticalAlignment.hashCode ( )  :  int

to the top

Removed Methods (7)

jcommon-0.9.1.jar, RefineryUtilities.class
package org.jfree.ui
RefineryUtilities.rotateShape ( Shape p1, Graphics2D p2, double p3, float p4, float p5 ) [static]  :  Shape

jcommon-0.9.1.jar, TextBlock.class
package org.jfree.text
TextBlock.addLine ( String p1, Font p2 )  :  void
TextBlock.calculateDimensions ( Graphics2D p1 )  :  Dimension

jcommon-0.9.1.jar, TextFragment.class
package org.jfree.text
TextFragment.calculateDimensions ( Graphics2D p1 )  :  Dimension

jcommon-0.9.1.jar, TextLine.class
package org.jfree.text
TextLine.calculateDimensions ( Graphics2D p1 )  :  Dimension

jcommon-0.9.1.jar, TextUtilities.class
package org.jfree.text
TextUtilities.createTextBlock ( String p1, Font p2, float p3, int p4, TextMeasurer p5 ) [static]  :  TextBlock
TextUtilities.createTextBlock ( String p1, Font p2, float p3, TextMeasurer p4 ) [static]  :  TextBlock

to the top

Problems with Data Types, High Severity (4)

package org.jfree
[+] JCommon (1)

package org.jfree.ui
[+] Align (1)
[+] RectangleEdge (1)

package org.jfree.xml.generator.model
[+] PropertyType (1)

to the top

Problems with Methods, High Severity (2)

jcommon-0.9.1.jar, Align
package org.jfree.ui
[+] Align.Align ( ) (1)

jcommon-0.9.1.jar, JCommon
package org.jfree
[+] JCommon.JCommon ( ) (1)

to the top

Problems with Methods, Low Severity (4)

jcommon-0.9.1.jar, ObjectTable
package org.jfree.util
[+] ObjectTable.readSerializedData ( ObjectInputStream p1 )  :  Object (1)

jcommon-0.9.1.jar, PaintTable
package org.jfree.util
[+] PaintTable.readSerializedData ( ObjectInputStream p1 )  :  Object (1)

jcommon-0.9.1.jar, ShapeTable
package org.jfree.util
[+] ShapeTable.readSerializedData ( ObjectInputStream p1 )  :  Object (1)

jcommon-0.9.1.jar, StrokeTable
package org.jfree.util
[+] StrokeTable.readSerializedData ( ObjectInputStream p1 )  :  Object (1)

to the top

Other Changes in Data Types (3)

package org.jfree.text
[+] TextFragment (1)

package org.jfree.xml.factory.objects
[+] ClassFactory (1)
[+] ObjectDescription (1)

to the top

Java ARchives (1)


to the top