Binary compatibility report for the JCommon library between 0.9.7 and 1.0.0 versions

Test Info

Library NameJCommon
Version #10.9.7
Version #21.0.0

Test Results

Total Java ARchives1
Total Methods / Classes2134 / 328

Problem Summary

Added Methods-209
Removed MethodsHigh114
Problems with
Data Types
Problems with
Other Changes
in Data Types

Added Methods (209)

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, AbstractBoot.class
package org.jfree.base
AbstractBoot.createDefaultHierarchicalConfiguration ( String staticConfig, String userConfig, boolean addSysProps )  :  Configuration
AbstractBoot.getExtendedConfig ( )  :  ExtendedConfiguration

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, AbstractFileSelectionAction.class
package org.jfree.ui.action
AbstractFileSelectionAction.AbstractFileSelectionAction ( Component parent )
AbstractFileSelectionAction.createFileChooser ( )  :  JFileChooser
AbstractFileSelectionAction.getCurrentDirectory ( )  :  File
AbstractFileSelectionAction.getFileDescription ( ) [abstract]  :  String
AbstractFileSelectionAction.getFileExtension ( ) [abstract]  :  String
AbstractFileSelectionAction.performSelectFile ( File selectedFile, int dialogType, boolean appendExtension )  :  File

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, AbstractTabbedUI.class
package org.jfree.ui.tabbedui
AbstractTabbedUI.getRootEditorCount ( )  :  int

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, ArrayUtilities.class
package org.jfree.util
ArrayUtilities.equalReferencesInArrays ( Object[ ] array1, Object[ ] array2 ) [static]  :  boolean

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, AttributedStringUtilities.class
package org.jfree.util
AttributedStringUtilities.equal ( AttributedString s1, AttributedString s2 ) [static]  :  boolean

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, ClassComparator.class
package org.jfree.util
ClassComparator.ClassComparator ( ) ( Object o1, Object o2 )  :  int
ClassComparator.isComparable ( Class c1, Class c2 )  :  boolean

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, Configuration.class
package org.jfree.util
Configuration.getConfigProperties ( ) [abstract]  :  Enumeration

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, DateChooserPanel.class
package org.jfree.ui
DateChooserPanel.getChosenDateButtonColor ( )  :  Color
DateChooserPanel.getChosenMonthButtonColor ( )  :  Color
DateChooserPanel.getChosenOtherButtonColor ( )  :  Color
DateChooserPanel.getYearSelectionRange ( )  :  int
DateChooserPanel.setChosenDateButtonColor ( Color chosenDateButtonColor )  :  void
DateChooserPanel.setChosenMonthButtonColor ( Color chosenMonthButtonColor )  :  void
DateChooserPanel.setChosenOtherButtonColor ( Color chosenOtherButtonColor )  :  void
DateChooserPanel.setYearSelectionRange ( int yearSelectionRange )  :  void

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, DefaultConfiguration.class
package org.jfree.util
DefaultConfiguration.getConfigProperties ( )  :  Enumeration

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, DefaultLog.class
package org.jfree.base.log
DefaultLog.installDefaultLog ( ) [static]  :  void

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, ExtendedConfiguration.class
package org.jfree.util
ExtendedConfiguration.getBoolProperty ( String p1 ) [abstract]  :  boolean
ExtendedConfiguration.getBoolProperty ( String p1, boolean p2 ) [abstract]  :  boolean
ExtendedConfiguration.getIntProperty ( String p1 ) [abstract]  :  int
ExtendedConfiguration.getIntProperty ( String p1, int p2 ) [abstract]  :  int
ExtendedConfiguration.isPropertySet ( String p1 ) [abstract]  :  boolean

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, ExtendedConfigurationWrapper.class
package org.jfree.util
ExtendedConfigurationWrapper.ExtendedConfigurationWrapper ( Configuration parent )
ExtendedConfigurationWrapper.findPropertyKeys ( String prefix )  :  Iterator
ExtendedConfigurationWrapper.getBoolProperty ( String name )  :  boolean
ExtendedConfigurationWrapper.getBoolProperty ( String name, boolean defaultValue )  :  boolean
ExtendedConfigurationWrapper.getConfigProperties ( )  :  Enumeration
ExtendedConfigurationWrapper.getConfigProperty ( String key )  :  String
ExtendedConfigurationWrapper.getConfigProperty ( String key, String defaultValue )  :  String
ExtendedConfigurationWrapper.getIntProperty ( String name )  :  int
ExtendedConfigurationWrapper.getIntProperty ( String name, int defaultValue )  :  int
ExtendedConfigurationWrapper.isPropertySet ( String name )  :  boolean

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, ExtendedDrawable.class
package org.jfree.ui
ExtendedDrawable.getPreferredSize ( ) [abstract]  :  Dimension
ExtendedDrawable.isPreserveAspectRatio ( ) [abstract]  :  boolean

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, FilesystemFilter.class
package org.jfree.ui
FilesystemFilter.FilesystemFilter ( String[ ] fileext, String descr, boolean accDirs )

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, HashNMap.class
package org.jfree.util
HashNMap.add ( Object key, Object val )  :  boolean
HashNMap.createList ( )  :  List
HashNMap.put ( Object key, Object val )  :  boolean

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, HierarchicalConfiguration.class
package org.jfree.base.config
HierarchicalConfiguration.configurationLoaded ( )  :  void
HierarchicalConfiguration.getParentConfig ( )  :  Configuration
HierarchicalConfiguration.HierarchicalConfiguration ( Configuration parentConfiguration )
HierarchicalConfiguration.isParentSaved ( )  :  boolean
HierarchicalConfiguration.setParentConfig ( Configuration config )  :  void

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, InsetsChooserPanel.class
package org.jfree.ui
InsetsChooserPanel.getInsetsValue ( )  :  Insets

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, KeyedComboBoxModel.class
package org.jfree.ui
KeyedComboBoxModel.add ( Object key, Object cbitem )  :  void
KeyedComboBoxModel.addListDataListener ( ListDataListener l )  :  void
KeyedComboBoxModel.clear ( )  :  void
KeyedComboBoxModel.findElementIndex ( Object key )  :  int
KeyedComboBoxModel.fireListDataEvent ( ListDataEvent evt )  :  void
KeyedComboBoxModel.getElementAt ( int index )  :  Object
KeyedComboBoxModel.getKeyAt ( int index )  :  Object
KeyedComboBoxModel.getSelectedItem ( )  :  Object
KeyedComboBoxModel.getSelectedKey ( )  :  Object
KeyedComboBoxModel.getSize ( )  :  int
KeyedComboBoxModel.KeyedComboBoxModel ( )
KeyedComboBoxModel.KeyedComboBoxModel ( Object[ ] keys, Object[ ] values )
KeyedComboBoxModel.removeDataElement ( Object key )  :  void
KeyedComboBoxModel.removeListDataListener ( ListDataListener l )  :  void
KeyedComboBoxModel.setData ( Object[ ] keys, Object[ ] values )  :  void
KeyedComboBoxModel.setSelectedItem ( Object anItem )  :  void
KeyedComboBoxModel.setSelectedKey ( Object anItem )  :  void

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, LengthAdjustmentType.class
package org.jfree.ui
LengthAdjustmentType.equals ( Object obj )  :  boolean
LengthAdjustmentType.hashCode ( )  :  int
LengthAdjustmentType.toString ( )  :  String

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, LineBreakIterator.class
package org.jfree.util
LineBreakIterator.getText ( )  :  String
LineBreakIterator.hasNext ( )  :  boolean
LineBreakIterator.LineBreakIterator ( )
LineBreakIterator.LineBreakIterator ( String text ) ( )  :  Object
LineBreakIterator.nextPosition ( )  :  int
LineBreakIterator.nextWithEnd ( )  :  int
LineBreakIterator.remove ( )  :  void
LineBreakIterator.setText ( String text )  :  void

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, ObjectTable.class
package org.jfree.util
ObjectTable.copyColumn ( int oldColumn, int newColumn )  :  void
ObjectTable.copyRow ( int oldRow, int newRow )  :  void

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, ObjectUtilities.class
package org.jfree.util
ObjectUtilities.clone ( Object object ) [static]  :  Object
ObjectUtilities.deepClone ( Collection collection ) [static]  :  Collection
ObjectUtilities.equal ( Object o1, Object o2 ) [static]  :  boolean
ObjectUtilities.getClassLoader ( ) [static]  :  ClassLoader
ObjectUtilities.getClassLoader ( Class c ) [static]  :  ClassLoader
ObjectUtilities.getClassLoaderSource ( ) [static]  :  String
ObjectUtilities.getResource ( String name, Class c ) [static]  :  URL
ObjectUtilities.getResourceAsStream ( String name, Class context ) [static]  :  InputStream
ObjectUtilities.getResourceRelative ( String name, Class c ) [static]  :  URL
ObjectUtilities.getResourceRelativeAsStream ( String name, Class context ) [static]  :  InputStream
ObjectUtilities.hashCode ( Object object ) [static]  :  int
ObjectUtilities.loadAndInstantiate ( String className, Class source ) [static]  :  Object
ObjectUtilities.setClassLoader ( ClassLoader classLoader ) [static]  :  void
ObjectUtilities.setClassLoaderSource ( String classLoaderSource ) [static]  :  void

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, PaintUtilities.class
package org.jfree.util
PaintUtilities.colorToString ( Color c ) [static]  :  String
PaintUtilities.stringToColor ( String value ) [static]  :  Color

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, PngEncoder.class
package com.keypoint
PngEncoder.getImage ( )  :  Image
PngEncoder.getXDpi ( )  :  int
PngEncoder.getYDpi ( )  :  int
PngEncoder.setDpi ( int xDpi, int yDpi )  :  void
PngEncoder.setXDpi ( int xDpi )  :  void
PngEncoder.setYDpi ( int yDpi )  :  void
PngEncoder.writeResolution ( )  :  void

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, RectangleAnchor.class
package org.jfree.ui
RectangleAnchor.coordinates ( Rectangle2D rectangle, RectangleAnchor anchor ) [static]  :  Point2D

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, RectangleInsets.class
package org.jfree.ui
RectangleInsets.calculateBottomInset ( double height )  :  double
RectangleInsets.calculateBottomOutset ( double height )  :  double
RectangleInsets.calculateLeftInset ( double width )  :  double
RectangleInsets.calculateLeftOutset ( double width )  :  double
RectangleInsets.calculateRightInset ( double width )  :  double
RectangleInsets.calculateRightOutset ( double width )  :  double
RectangleInsets.calculateTopInset ( double height )  :  double
RectangleInsets.calculateTopOutset ( double height )  :  double
RectangleInsets.createAdjustedRectangle ( Rectangle2D base, LengthAdjustmentType horizontal, LengthAdjustmentType vertical )  :  Rectangle2D
RectangleInsets.extendHeight ( double height )  :  double
RectangleInsets.extendWidth ( double width )  :  double
RectangleInsets.hashCode ( )  :  int
RectangleInsets.RectangleInsets ( double top, double left, double bottom, double right )
RectangleInsets.toString ( )  :  String
RectangleInsets.trim ( Rectangle2D area )  :  void
RectangleInsets.trimHeight ( double height )  :  double
RectangleInsets.trimWidth ( double width )  :  double

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, ResourceBundleSupport.class
package org.jfree.util
ResourceBundleSupport.getKeyStroke ( String key, int mask )  :  KeyStroke
ResourceBundleSupport.getLocale ( )  :  Locale
ResourceBundleSupport.ResourceBundleSupport ( Locale locale, ResourceBundle resourceBundle )
ResourceBundleSupport.ResourceBundleSupport ( Locale locale, ResourceBundle resourceBundle, String baseName )
ResourceBundleSupport.ResourceBundleSupport ( Locale locale, String baseName )
ResourceBundleSupport.ResourceBundleSupport ( ResourceBundle resourceBundle )
ResourceBundleSupport.ResourceBundleSupport ( ResourceBundle resourceBundle, String baseName )

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, RootPanel.class
package org.jfree.ui.tabbedui
RootPanel.getMainPanel ( )  :  JComponent
RootPanel.getToolbar ( )  :  JComponent

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, SerialUtilities.class
SerialUtilities.readAttributedString ( ObjectInputStream stream ) [static]  :  AttributedString
SerialUtilities.writeAttributedString ( AttributedString as, ObjectOutputStream stream ) [static]  :  void

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, ShapeUtilities.class
package org.jfree.util
ShapeUtilities.contains ( Rectangle2D rect1, Rectangle2D rect2 ) [static]  :  boolean
ShapeUtilities.createTranslatedShape ( Shape shape, double transX, double transY ) [static]  :  Shape
ShapeUtilities.createTranslatedShape ( Shape shape, RectangleAnchor anchor, double locationX, double locationY ) [static]  :  Shape
ShapeUtilities.equal ( Arc2D a1, Arc2D a2 ) [static]  :  boolean
ShapeUtilities.equal ( Ellipse2D e1, Ellipse2D e2 ) [static]  :  boolean
ShapeUtilities.equal ( GeneralPath p1, GeneralPath p2 ) [static]  :  boolean
ShapeUtilities.equal ( Line2D l1, Line2D l2 ) [static]  :  boolean
ShapeUtilities.equal ( Shape s1, Shape s2 ) [static]  :  boolean
ShapeUtilities.intersects ( Rectangle2D rect1, Rectangle2D rect2 ) [static]  :  boolean

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, Size2D.class
package org.jfree.ui
Size2D.clone ( )  :  Object
Size2D.equals ( Object obj )  :  boolean
Size2D.setHeight ( double height )  :  void
Size2D.setWidth ( double width )  :  void
Size2D.Size2D ( )
Size2D.toString ( )  :  String

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, SortableTableModel.class
package org.jfree.ui
SortableTableModel.isAscending ( )  :  boolean

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, SortedConfigurationWriter.class
package org.jfree.util
SortedConfigurationWriter.getDescription ( String key )  :  String ( File file, Configuration config )  :  void ( OutputStream outStream, Configuration config )  :  void ( String filename, Configuration config )  :  void
SortedConfigurationWriter.SortedConfigurationWriter ( )

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, StandardGradientPaintTransformer.class
package org.jfree.ui
StandardGradientPaintTransformer.hashCode ( )  :  int

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, StringUtils.class
package org.jfree.util
StringUtils.getLineSeparator ( ) [static]  :  String

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, StrokeChooserPanel.class
package org.jfree.ui
StrokeChooserPanel.getSelector ( )  :  JComboBox

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, SubSystem.class
package org.jfree.base.modules
SubSystem.getExtendedConfig ( ) [abstract]  :  ExtendedConfiguration

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, SystemPropertiesPanel.class
package org.jfree.ui.about
SystemPropertiesPanel.getCopyPopupMenu ( )  :  JPopupMenu
SystemPropertiesPanel.getTable ( )  :  JTable

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, SystemProperty.class
package org.jfree.ui.about
SystemPropertiesTableModel.SystemProperty.getName ( )  :  String
SystemPropertiesTableModel.SystemProperty.getValue ( )  :  String
SystemPropertiesTableModel.SystemProperty.SystemPropertiesTableModel.SystemProperty ( String name, String value )

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, SystemPropertyComparator.class
package org.jfree.ui.about ( Object o1, Object o2 )  :  int
SystemPropertiesTableModel.SystemPropertyComparator.equals ( Object o )  :  boolean
SystemPropertiesTableModel.SystemPropertyComparator.hashCode ( )  :  int
SystemPropertiesTableModel.SystemPropertyComparator.SystemPropertiesTableModel.SystemPropertyComparator ( boolean ascending )

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, TabbedApplet.class
package org.jfree.ui.tabbedui
TabbedApplet.getTabbedUI ( )  :  AbstractTabbedUI

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, TabbedDialog.class
package org.jfree.ui.tabbedui
TabbedDialog.getTabbedUI ( )  :  AbstractTabbedUI

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, TabbedFrame.class
package org.jfree.ui.tabbedui
TabbedFrame.getTabbedUI ( )  :  AbstractTabbedUI

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, TextBlock.class
package org.jfree.text
TextBlock.getLineAlignment ( )  :  HorizontalAlignment
TextBlock.hashCode ( )  :  int
TextBlock.setLineAlignment ( HorizontalAlignment alignment )  :  void

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, TextBox.class
package org.jfree.text
TextBox.getInteriorGap ( )  :  RectangleInsets
TextBox.hashCode ( )  :  int
TextBox.setInteriorGap ( RectangleInsets gap )  :  void

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, TextFragment.class
package org.jfree.text
TextFragment.getBaselineOffset ( )  :  float
TextFragment.hashCode ( )  :  int
TextFragment.TextFragment ( String text, Font font, Paint paint, float baselineOffset )

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, TextLine.class
package org.jfree.text
TextLine.hashCode ( )  :  int

jcommon-1.0.0.jar, TextUtilities.class
package org.jfree.text
TextUtilities.createTextBlock ( String text, Font font, Paint paint ) [static]  :  TextBlock
TextUtilities.isUseDrawRotatedStringWorkaround ( ) [static]  :  boolean

jcommon-xml-1.0.0.jar, ClassFactoryImpl.class
package org.jfree.xml.factory.objects
ClassFactoryImpl.getComparator ( )  :  ClassComparator

jcommon-xml-1.0.0.jar, FrontendDefaultHandler.class
package org.jfree.xml
FrontendDefaultHandler.findPropertyKeys ( String prefix )  :  Iterator
FrontendDefaultHandler.FrontendDefaultHandler ( )
FrontendDefaultHandler.getCommentHandler ( )  :  CommentHandler
FrontendDefaultHandler.getConfigProperties ( )  :  Enumeration
FrontendDefaultHandler.getConfigProperty ( String key )  :  String
FrontendDefaultHandler.getConfigProperty ( String key, String defaultValue )  :  String
FrontendDefaultHandler.getContentBase ( )  :  URL
FrontendDefaultHandler.getLocator ( )  :  Locator
FrontendDefaultHandler.getResult ( ) [abstract]  :  Object
FrontendDefaultHandler.newInstance ( ) [abstract]  :  FrontendDefaultHandler
FrontendDefaultHandler.setConfigProperty ( String key, String value )  :  void
FrontendDefaultHandler.setDocumentLocator ( Locator locator )  :  void

jcommon-xml-1.0.0.jar, JCommonXMLInfo.class
package org.jfree.xml
JCommonXMLInfo.getInstance ( ) [static]  :  JCommonXMLInfo

jcommon-xml-1.0.0.jar, Parser.class
package org.jfree.xml
Parser.newInstance ( )  :  FrontendDefaultHandler

jcommon-xml-1.0.0.jar, ParserFrontend.class
package org.jfree.xml
ParserFrontend.configureReader ( XMLReader reader, FrontendDefaultHandler handler )  :  void
ParserFrontend.createDefaultHandler ( URL contentBase )  :  FrontendDefaultHandler
ParserFrontend.getDefaultHandler ( )  :  FrontendDefaultHandler
ParserFrontend.ParserFrontend ( FrontendDefaultHandler parser )
ParserFrontend.setDefaultHandler ( FrontendDefaultHandler handler )  :  void

jcommon-xml-1.0.0.jar, RootXmlReadHandler.class
package org.jfree.xml.parser
RootXmlReadHandler.addDefaultMappings ( )  :  void
RootXmlReadHandler.getHelperObject ( String key )  :  Object
RootXmlReadHandler.getResult ( )  :  Object
RootXmlReadHandler.setHelperObject ( String key, Object value )  :  void

jcommon-xml-1.0.0.jar, StringReadHandler.class
package org.jfree.xml.parser.coretypes
StringReadHandler.getResult ( )  :  String

to the top

Removed Methods (114)

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, ArrayUtils.class
package org.jfree.util
ArrayUtils.ArrayUtils ( )
ArrayUtils.clone ( float[ ][ ] p1 ) [static]  :  float[ ][ ]
ArrayUtils.equal ( float[ ][ ] p1, float[ ][ ] p2 ) [static]  :  boolean
ArrayUtils.hasDuplicateItems ( Object[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  boolean

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, BaseBoot.class
package org.jfree.base
BaseBoot.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, BooleanUtils.class
package org.jfree.util
BooleanUtils.BooleanUtils ( )
BooleanUtils.valueOf ( boolean p1 ) [static]  :  Boolean

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, BoundsAnchor.class
package org.jfree.ui
BoundsAnchor.equals ( Object p1 )  :  boolean
BoundsAnchor.hashCode ( )  :  int
BoundsAnchor.toString ( )  :  String

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, ClassFactoryImpl.class
package org.jfree.xml.factory.objects
ClassFactoryImpl.getComparator ( )  :  ClassComparator

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, ConfigBackend.class
package org.jfree.base.config
ConfigBackend.ConfigBackend ( )

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, FontTable.class
package org.jfree.util
FontTable.equals ( Object p1 )  :  boolean
FontTable.FontTable ( )
FontTable.getFont ( int p1, int p2 )  :  Font
FontTable.setFont ( int p1, int p2, Font p3 )  :  void

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, HashNMap.class
package org.jfree.util
HashNMap.add ( Object p1, Object p2 )  :  void
HashNMap.put ( Object p1, Object p2 )  :  void

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, HierarchicalConfiguration.class
package org.jfree.base.config
HierarchicalConfiguration.getParentConfig ( )  :  ModifiableConfiguration
HierarchicalConfiguration.HierarchicalConfiguration ( ModifiableConfiguration p1 )
HierarchicalConfiguration.setParentConfig ( ModifiableConfiguration p1 )  :  void

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, InsetsChooserPanel.class
package org.jfree.ui
InsetsChooserPanel.getInsets ( )  :  Insets

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, NumberTable.class
package org.jfree.util
NumberTable.equals ( Object p1 )  :  boolean
NumberTable.getNumber ( int p1, int p2 )  :  Number
NumberTable.NumberTable ( )
NumberTable.setNumber ( int p1, int p2, Number p3 )  :  void

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, NumberUtils.class
package org.jfree.util
NumberUtils.equal ( double p1, double p2 ) [static]  :  boolean
NumberUtils.NumberUtils ( )

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, ObjectUtils.class
package org.jfree.util
ObjectUtils.clone ( List p1 ) [static]  :  List
ObjectUtils.clone ( Object p1 ) [static]  :  Object
ObjectUtils.equal ( Object p1, Object p2 ) [static]  :  boolean
ObjectUtils.equalOrBothNull ( Object p1, Object p2 ) [static]  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
ObjectUtils.hashCode ( Object p1 ) [static]  :  int
ObjectUtils.ObjectUtils ( )

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, PaintTable.class
package org.jfree.util
PaintTable.equals ( Object p1 )  :  boolean
PaintTable.getPaint ( int p1, int p2 )  :  Paint
PaintTable.hashCode ( )  :  int
PaintTable.PaintTable ( )
PaintTable.readSerializedData ( ObjectInputStream p1 )  :  Object
PaintTable.setPaint ( int p1, int p2, Paint p3 )  :  void
PaintTable.writeSerializedData ( ObjectOutputStream p1, Object p2 )  :  void

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, PaintUtils.class
package org.jfree.util
PaintUtils.equal ( Paint p1, Paint p2 ) [static]  :  boolean
PaintUtils.PaintUtils ( )

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, ParserFrontend.class
package org.jfree.xml
ParserFrontend.configureReader ( XMLReader p1, Parser p2 )  :  void
ParserFrontend.createDefaultHandler ( URL p1 )  :  Parser
ParserFrontend.getDefaultHandler ( )  :  Parser
ParserFrontend.ParserFrontend ( Parser p1 )
ParserFrontend.setDefaultHandler ( Parser p1 )  :  void

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, RectangleAnchor.class
package org.jfree.ui
RectangleAnchor.coordinates ( Rectangle2D p1, RectangleAnchor p2 ) [static]  :  double[ ]

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, RectangleInsets.class
package org.jfree.ui
RectangleInsets.calculateBottomMargin ( double p1 )  :  double
RectangleInsets.calculateLeftMargin ( double p1 )  :  double
RectangleInsets.calculateRightMargin ( double p1 )  :  double
RectangleInsets.calculateTopMargin ( double p1 )  :  double

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, RefineryUtilities.class
package org.jfree.ui
RefineryUtilities.calculateRotatedStringBounds ( String p1, Graphics2D p2, float p3, float p4, double p5, float p6, float p7 ) [static]  :  Shape *DEPRECATED*
RefineryUtilities.calculateRotatedStringBounds ( String p1, Graphics2D p2, float p3, float p4, TextAnchor p5, TextAnchor p6, double p7 ) [static]  :  Shape *DEPRECATED*
RefineryUtilities.drawAlignedString ( String p1, Graphics2D p2, float p3, float p4, TextAnchor p5 ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
RefineryUtilities.drawRotatedShape ( Shape p1, Graphics2D p2, float p3, float p4, double p5 ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
RefineryUtilities.drawRotatedString ( String p1, Graphics2D p2, float p3, float p4, double p5 ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
RefineryUtilities.drawRotatedString ( String p1, Graphics2D p2, float p3, float p4, double p5, float p6, float p7 ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
RefineryUtilities.drawRotatedString ( String p1, Graphics2D p2, float p3, float p4, TextAnchor p5, float p6, float p7, double p8 ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
RefineryUtilities.drawRotatedString ( String p1, Graphics2D p2, float p3, float p4, TextAnchor p5, TextAnchor p6, double p7 ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
RefineryUtilities.getPointInRectangle ( double p1, double p2, Rectangle2D p3 ) [static]  :  Point2D *DEPRECATED*
RefineryUtilities.invokeAndWait ( Runnable p1 ) [static]  :  boolean
RefineryUtilities.setUseDrawRotatedStringWorkaround ( boolean p1 ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, RootXmlReadHandler.class
package org.jfree.xml.parser
RootXmlReadHandler.getObject ( String p1 )  :  Object
RootXmlReadHandler.putObject ( String p1, Object p2 )  :  void

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, ShapeTable.class
package org.jfree.util
ShapeTable.equals ( Object p1 )  :  boolean
ShapeTable.getShape ( int p1, int p2 )  :  Shape
ShapeTable.hashCode ( )  :  int
ShapeTable.readSerializedData ( ObjectInputStream p1 )  :  Object
ShapeTable.setShape ( int p1, int p2, Shape p3 )  :  void
ShapeTable.ShapeTable ( )
ShapeTable.writeSerializedData ( ObjectOutputStream p1, Object p2 )  :  void

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, ShapeUtilities.class
package org.jfree.util
ShapeUtilities.translateShape ( Shape p1, double p2, double p3 ) [static]  :  Shape

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, ShapeUtils.class
package org.jfree.util
ShapeUtils.clone ( Shape p1 ) [static]  :  Shape
ShapeUtils.createDiagonalCross ( float p1, float p2 ) [static]  :  Shape
ShapeUtils.createDiamond ( float p1 ) [static]  :  Shape
ShapeUtils.createDownTriangle ( float p1 ) [static]  :  Shape
ShapeUtils.createLineRegion ( Line2D p1, float p2 ) [static]  :  Shape
ShapeUtils.createRegularCross ( float p1, float p2 ) [static]  :  Shape
ShapeUtils.createUpTriangle ( float p1 ) [static]  :  Shape
ShapeUtils.drawRotatedShape ( Graphics2D p1, Shape p2, double p3, float p4, float p5 ) [static]  :  void
ShapeUtils.equal ( Polygon p1, Polygon p2 ) [static]  :  boolean
ShapeUtils.getPointInRectangle ( double p1, double p2, Rectangle2D p3 ) [static]  :  Point2D
ShapeUtils.rotateShape ( Shape p1, double p2, float p3, float p4 ) [static]  :  Shape
ShapeUtils.ShapeUtils ( )
ShapeUtils.translateShape ( Shape p1, double p2, double p3 ) [static]  :  Shape

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, SortableTableModel.class
package org.jfree.ui
SortableTableModel.getAscending ( )  :  boolean

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, Spacer.class
package org.jfree.ui
Spacer.equals ( Object p1 )  :  boolean
Spacer.getAdjustedHeight ( double p1 )  :  double
Spacer.getAdjustedWidth ( double p1 )  :  double
Spacer.getBottomSpace ( double p1 )  :  double
Spacer.getLeftSpace ( double p1 )  :  double
Spacer.getRightSpace ( double p1 )  :  double
Spacer.getTopSpace ( double p1 )  :  double
Spacer.Spacer ( int p1, double p2, double p3, double p4, double p5 )
Spacer.trim ( Rectangle2D p1 )  :  void
Spacer.trimWidth ( double p1 )  :  double

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, StrokeTable.class
package org.jfree.util
StrokeTable.equals ( Object p1 )  :  boolean
StrokeTable.getStroke ( int p1, int p2 )  :  Stroke
StrokeTable.hashCode ( )  :  int
StrokeTable.readSerializedData ( ObjectInputStream p1 )  :  Object
StrokeTable.setStroke ( int p1, int p2, Stroke p3 )  :  void
StrokeTable.StrokeTable ( )
StrokeTable.writeSerializedData ( ObjectOutputStream p1, Object p2 )  :  void

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, TextAnchor.class
package org.jfree.ui
TextAnchor.getHorizontalOpposite ( TextAnchor p1 ) [static]  :  TextAnchor *DEPRECATED*
TextAnchor.getVerticalOpposite ( TextAnchor p1 ) [static]  :  TextAnchor *DEPRECATED*

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, TextAnchorTable.class
package org.jfree.ui
TextAnchorTable.equals ( Object p1 )  :  boolean
TextAnchorTable.getAnchor ( int p1, int p2 )  :  TextAnchor
TextAnchorTable.hashCode ( )  :  int
TextAnchorTable.setAnchor ( int p1, int p2, TextAnchor p3 )  :  void
TextAnchorTable.TextAnchorTable ( )

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, TextBox.class
package org.jfree.text
TextBox.getInteriorGap ( )  :  Spacer
TextBox.setInteriorGap ( Spacer p1 )  :  void

to the top

Problems with Data Types, High Severity (42)

package org.jfree.base.config
[+] ConfigBackend (1)

[+] DayAndMonthRule (1)
[+] DayOfWeekInMonthRule (1)
[+] EasterSundayRule (1)
[+] RelativeDayOfWeekRule (1)
[+] SerialDate (5)
[+] SpreadsheetDate (1)

package org.jfree.ui
[+] BoundsAnchor (1)
[+] DateCellRenderer (1)
[+] FloatDimension (1)
[+] NumberCellRenderer (1)
[+] Spacer (1)
[+] TextAnchorTable (1)

package org.jfree.util
[+] ArrayUtils (1)
[+] BooleanList (2)
[+] BooleanUtils (1)
[+] FontTable (1)
[+] NumberTable (1)
[+] NumberUtils (1)
[+] ObjectList (3)
[+] ObjectUtils (1)
[+] PaintList (2)
[+] PaintTable (1)
[+] PaintUtils (1)
[+] ShapeList (2)
[+] ShapeTable (1)
[+] ShapeUtils (1)
[+] StrokeList (2)
[+] StrokeTable (1)

package org.jfree.xml
[+] Parser (1)

package org.jfree.xml.parser
[+] AbstractXmlReadHandler (2)

to the top

Problems with Methods, High Severity (21)

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, AbstractBoot
package org.jfree.base
[+] AbstractBoot.AbstractBoot ( ) (1)

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, AnnualDateRule
[+] AnnualDateRule.AnnualDateRule ( ) (1)

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, ArrayUtilities
package org.jfree.util
[+] ArrayUtilities.ArrayUtilities ( ) (1)

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, Base64
package org.jfree.xml.util
[+] Base64.Base64 ( ) (1)

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, BasicTypeSupport
package org.jfree.xml.util
[+] BasicTypeSupport.BasicTypeSupport ( ) (1)

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, BooleanUtilities
package org.jfree.util
[+] BooleanUtilities.BooleanUtilities ( ) (1)

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, DateUtilities
[+] DateUtilities.DateUtilities ( ) (1)

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, DefaultLog
package org.jfree.base.log
[+] DefaultLog.DefaultLog ( ) (1)

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, FileUtilities
[+] FileUtilities.FileUtilities ( ) (1)

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, HashNMap
package org.jfree.util
[+] HashNMap.add ( Object p1, Object p2 )  :  void (1)
[+] HashNMap.put ( Object p1, Object p2 )  :  void (1)

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, IOUtils
[+] IOUtils.IOUtils ( ) (1)

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, PaintUtilities
package org.jfree.util
[+] PaintUtilities.PaintUtilities ( ) (1)

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, PrintBeanInfo
package org.jfree.xml.generator.model
[+] PrintBeanInfo.PrintBeanInfo ( ) (1)

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, SerialDate
[+] SerialDate.SerialDate ( ) (1)

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, SerialUtilities
[+] SerialUtilities.SerialUtilities ( ) (1)

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, ShapeUtilities
package org.jfree.util
[+] ShapeUtilities.ShapeUtilities ( ) (1)

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, StringUtils
package org.jfree.util
[+] StringUtils.StringUtils ( ) (1)

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, SystemProperties
package org.jfree.ui.about
[+] SystemProperties.SystemProperties ( ) (1)

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, TextUtilities
package org.jfree.text
[+] TextUtilities.TextUtilities ( ) (1)

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, UIUtilities
package org.jfree.ui
[+] UIUtilities.UIUtilities ( ) (1)

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Medium Severity (4)

package org.jfree.ui
[+] FontDisplayField (1)
[+] StandardDialog (1)

package org.jfree.xml
[+] Parser (1)

package org.jfree.xml.parser
[+] RootXmlReadHandler (1)

to the top

Problems with Methods, Medium Severity (2)

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, AbstractBoot
package org.jfree.base
[+] AbstractBoot.isBootDone ( )  :  boolean (1)
[+] AbstractBoot.isBootInProgress ( )  :  boolean (1)

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Low Severity (13)

package org.jfree.ui.tabbedui
[+] RootPanel (2)

package org.jfree.util
[+] BooleanList (1)
[+] PaintList (1)

package org.jfree.xml
[+] Parser (7)

package org.jfree.xml.parser
[+] RootXmlReadHandler (2)

to the top

Problems with Methods, Low Severity (7)

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, AbstractBoot
package org.jfree.base
[+] AbstractBoot.isBootDone ( )  :  boolean (1)
[+] AbstractBoot.isBootInProgress ( )  :  boolean (1)

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, AbstractXmlReadHandler
package org.jfree.xml.parser
[+] AbstractXmlReadHandler.startParsing ( Attributes p1 )  :  void (1)

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, JCommonInfo
package org.jfree
[+] JCommonInfo.getInstance ( ) [static]  :  JCommonInfo (1)

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, RootPanel
package org.jfree.ui.tabbedui
[+] RootPanel.panelActivated ( ) [abstract]  :  void (1)
[+] RootPanel.panelDeactivated ( ) [abstract]  :  void (1)

jcommon-0.9.7.jar, SerialUtilities
[+] SerialUtilities.readPoint2D ( ObjectInputStream p1 ) [static]  :  Point2D (1)

to the top

Other Changes in Data Types (5)

package com.keypoint
[+] PngEncoder (1)

package org.jfree.base.modules
[+] SubSystem (1)

package org.jfree.ui
[+] RectangleInsets (1)

package org.jfree.util
[+] Configuration (1)
[+] PublicCloneable (1)

to the top

Java ARchives (1)


to the top