Source compatibility report for the JOGL library between 2.0-b4.20101125 and 2.0-b11.20101213 versions

Test Info

Library NameJOGL
Version #12.0-b4.20101125
Version #22.0-b11.20101213

Test Results

Total Java ARchives18
Total Methods / Classes5196 / 263

Problem Summary

Added Methods-460
Removed MethodsHigh407
Problems with
Data Types
Problems with
Other Changes
in Data Types

Added Methods (460)

jogl.awt.jar, GLCanvas.class
GLCanvas.GLCanvas ( GLCapabilitiesImmutable p1, GLContext p2 )

jogl.core.jar, GLContext.class
GLContext.getGLExtensionsString ( ) [abstract]  :  String
GLContext.getGLReadDrawable ( ) [abstract]  :  GLDrawable
GLContext.isGLReadDrawableAvailable ( ) [abstract]  :  boolean
GLContext.setGLReadDrawable ( GLDrawable p1 ) [abstract]  :  void

jogl.core.jar, GLDrawableFactory.class
GLDrawableFactory.createGLPbuffer ( AbstractGraphicsDevice p1, GLCapabilitiesImmutable p2, GLCapabilitiesChooser p3, int p4, int p5, GLContext p6 ) [abstract]  :  GLPbuffer
GLDrawableFactory.createOffscreenDrawable ( AbstractGraphicsDevice p1, GLCapabilitiesImmutable p2, GLCapabilitiesChooser p3, int p4, int p5 ) [abstract]  :  GLDrawable
GLDrawableFactory.createOffscreenSurface ( AbstractGraphicsDevice p1, GLCapabilitiesImmutable p2, GLCapabilitiesChooser p3, int p4, int p5 ) [abstract]  :  NativeSurface

jogl.test.jar, AWTFocusAdapter.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.util
AWTFocusAdapter.AWTFocusAdapter ( String p1 )
AWTFocusAdapter.focusGained ( FocusEvent p1 )  :  void
AWTFocusAdapter.focusLost ( FocusEvent p1 )  :  void
AWTFocusAdapter.getCount ( )  :  int
AWTFocusAdapter.getWasTemporary ( )  :  boolean
AWTFocusAdapter.reset ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, AWTKeyAdapter.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.util
AWTKeyAdapter.AWTKeyAdapter ( String p1 )
AWTKeyAdapter.getCount ( )  :  int
AWTKeyAdapter.keyTyped ( KeyEvent p1 )  :  void
AWTKeyAdapter.reset ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, AWTMouseAdapter.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.util
AWTMouseAdapter.AWTMouseAdapter ( String p1 )
AWTMouseAdapter.getCount ( )  :  int
AWTMouseAdapter.mouseClicked ( MouseEvent p1 )  :  void
AWTMouseAdapter.reset ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, AWTRobotUtil.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.util
AWTRobotUtil.AWTRobotUtil ( )
AWTRobotUtil.centerMouse ( Robot p1, Object p2 ) [static]  :  void
AWTRobotUtil.getCenterLocation ( Object p1, boolean p2 ) [static]  :  Point
AWTRobotUtil.requestFocus ( Robot p1, Object p2 ) [static]  :  void
AWTRobotUtil.requestFocusAndWait ( Robot p1, Object p2, Object p3 ) [static]  :  boolean
AWTRobotUtil.requestFocusAndWait ( Robot p1, Object p2, Object p3, EventCountAdapter p4, EventCountAdapter p5 ) [static]  :  boolean
AWTRobotUtil.testKeyType ( Robot p1, int p2, Object p3, EventCountAdapter p4 ) [static]  :  int
AWTRobotUtil.testMouseClick ( Robot p1, int p2, int p3, Object p4, EventCountAdapter p5 ) [static]  :  int
AWTRobotUtil.toFront ( Robot p1, Window p2 ) [static]  :  boolean
AWTRobotUtil.waitForCount ( int p1, EventCountAdapter p2 ) [static]  :  boolean
AWTRobotUtil.waitForFocus ( Object p1 ) [static]  :  boolean
AWTRobotUtil.waitForFocus ( Object p1, int p2, EventCountAdapter p3, int p4, EventCountAdapter p5 ) [static]  :  boolean

jogl.test.jar, Bug427GLJPanelTest1.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.bugs
Bug427GLJPanelTest1.Bug427GLJPanelTest1 ( )
Bug427GLJPanelTest1.display ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
Bug427GLJPanelTest1.displayChanged ( GLAutoDrawable p1, boolean p2, boolean p3 )  :  void
Bug427GLJPanelTest1.dispose ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
Bug427GLJPanelTest1.init ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
Bug427GLJPanelTest1.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
Bug427GLJPanelTest1.reshape ( GLAutoDrawable p1, int p2, int p3, int p4, int p5 )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, DumpGLInfo.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.util
DumpGLInfo.display ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
DumpGLInfo.dispose ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
DumpGLInfo.DumpGLInfo ( )
DumpGLInfo.init ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
DumpGLInfo.reshape ( GLAutoDrawable p1, int p2, int p3, int p4, int p5 )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, EventCountAdapter.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.util
EventCountAdapter.getCount ( ) [abstract]  :  int
EventCountAdapter.reset ( ) [abstract]  :  void

jogl.test.jar, EventCountAdapterUtil.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.util
EventCountAdapterUtil.EventCountAdapterUtil ( )
EventCountAdapterUtil.reset ( EventCountAdapter[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
EventCountAdapterUtil.reset ( List p1 ) [static]  :  void

jogl.test.jar, Gears.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.demos.gl2.gears
Gears.display ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
Gears.dispose ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
Gears.gear ( GL2 p1, float p2, float p3, float p4, int p5, float p6 ) [static]  :  void
Gears.Gears ( )
Gears.Gears ( int p1 )
Gears.getGear1 ( )  :  int
Gears.getGear2 ( )  :  int
Gears.getGear3 ( )  :  int
Gears.init ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
Gears.reshape ( GLAutoDrawable p1, int p2, int p3, int p4, int p5 )  :  void
Gears.setGears ( int p1, int p2, int p3 )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, GLRunnableDummy.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.parenting
GLRunnableDummy.GLRunnableDummy ( ) ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, GLSLSimpleProgram.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.util
GLSLSimpleProgram.create ( GL2ES2 p1, String p2, String p3, boolean p4 ) [static]  :  GLSLSimpleProgram
GLSLSimpleProgram.getFragShader ( )  :  int
GLSLSimpleProgram.getShaderProgram ( )  :  int
GLSLSimpleProgram.getVertShader ( )  :  int
GLSLSimpleProgram.release ( GL2ES2 p1 )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, Issue326Test1.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.bugs
Issue326Test1.display ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
Issue326Test1.dispose ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
Issue326Test1.init ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
Issue326Test1.Issue326Test1 ( )
Issue326Test1.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
Issue326Test1.reshape ( GLAutoDrawable p1, int p2, int p3, int p4, int p5 )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, Issue326Test2.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.bugs
Issue326Test2.display ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
Issue326Test2.dispose ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
Issue326Test2.init ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
Issue326Test2.Issue326Test2 ( )
Issue326Test2.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
Issue326Test2.reshape ( GLAutoDrawable p1, int p2, int p3, int p4, int p5 )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, Issue344Base.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.bugs
Issue344Base.display ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
Issue344Base.dispose ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
Issue344Base.getText ( ) [abstract]  :  String
Issue344Base.init ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
Issue344Base.Issue344Base ( )
Issue344Base.reshape ( GLAutoDrawable p1, int p2, int p3, int p4, int p5 )  :  void ( String[ ] p1 )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, Issue344Test1.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.bugs
Issue344Test1.getText ( )  :  String
Issue344Test1.Issue344Test1 ( )
Issue344Test1.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void

jogl.test.jar, Issue344Test2.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.bugs
Issue344Test2.getText ( )  :  String
Issue344Test2.Issue344Test2 ( )
Issue344Test2.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void

jogl.test.jar, Issue344Test3.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.bugs
Issue344Test3.getText ( )  :  String
Issue344Test3.Issue344Test3 ( )
Issue344Test3.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void

jogl.test.jar, Issue344Test4.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.bugs
Issue344Test4.getText ( )  :  String
Issue344Test4.Issue344Test4 ( )
Issue344Test4.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void

jogl.test.jar, MiscUtils.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.util
MiscUtils.atoi ( String p1, int p2 ) [static]  :  int
MiscUtils.MiscUtils ( )
MiscUtils.setFieldIfExists ( Object p1, String p2, Object p3 ) [static]  :  boolean

jogl.test.jar, NEWTFocusAdapter.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.util
NEWTFocusAdapter.getCount ( )  :  int
NEWTFocusAdapter.NEWTFocusAdapter ( String p1 )
NEWTFocusAdapter.reset ( )  :  void
NEWTFocusAdapter.windowGainedFocus ( WindowEvent p1 )  :  void
NEWTFocusAdapter.windowLostFocus ( WindowEvent p1 )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, NEWTKeyAdapter.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.util
NEWTKeyAdapter.getCount ( )  :  int
NEWTKeyAdapter.keyTyped ( KeyEvent p1 )  :  void
NEWTKeyAdapter.NEWTKeyAdapter ( String p1 )
NEWTKeyAdapter.reset ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, NEWTMouseAdapter.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.util
NEWTMouseAdapter.getCount ( )  :  int
NEWTMouseAdapter.mouseClicked ( MouseEvent p1 )  :  void
NEWTMouseAdapter.NEWTMouseAdapter ( String p1 )
NEWTMouseAdapter.reset ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, QuitAdapter.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.util
QuitAdapter.keyPressed ( KeyEvent p1 )  :  void
QuitAdapter.keyReleased ( KeyEvent p1 )  :  void
QuitAdapter.keyTyped ( KeyEvent p1 )  :  void
QuitAdapter.QuitAdapter ( )
QuitAdapter.shouldQuit ( )  :  boolean
QuitAdapter.windowDestroyNotify ( WindowEvent p1 )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, ReadBuffer2File.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.offscreen
ReadBuffer2File.display ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
ReadBuffer2File.dispose ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
ReadBuffer2File.ReadBuffer2File ( GLDrawable p1 )

jogl.test.jar, ReadBuffer2Screen.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.offscreen
ReadBuffer2Screen.display ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
ReadBuffer2Screen.dispose ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
ReadBuffer2Screen.init ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
ReadBuffer2Screen.ReadBuffer2Screen ( GLDrawable p1 )
ReadBuffer2Screen.reshape ( GLAutoDrawable p1, int p2, int p3, int p4, int p5 )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, ReadBufferBase.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.offscreen
ReadBufferBase.display ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
ReadBufferBase.dispose ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
ReadBufferBase.init ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
ReadBufferBase.ReadBufferBase ( GLDrawable p1 )
ReadBufferBase.reshape ( GLAutoDrawable p1, int p2, int p3, int p4, int p5 )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, ReadBufferUtil.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.offscreen
ReadBufferUtil.dispose ( )  :  void
ReadBufferUtil.fetchOffscreenTexture ( GLDrawable p1, GL p2 )  :  void
ReadBufferUtil.getPixelBuffer ( )  :  Buffer
ReadBufferUtil.getTexture ( )  :  Texture
ReadBufferUtil.getTextureData ( )  :  TextureData
ReadBufferUtil.isValid ( )  :  boolean
ReadBufferUtil.ReadBufferUtil ( )
ReadBufferUtil.rewindPixelBuffer ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, RedSquare.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.demos.es1
RedSquare.display ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
RedSquare.dispose ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
RedSquare.init ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
RedSquare.RedSquare ( )
RedSquare.RedSquare ( boolean p1 )
RedSquare.reshape ( GLAutoDrawable p1, int p2, int p3, int p4, int p5 )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, RedSquare0.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.demos.es2
RedSquare0.display ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
RedSquare0.dispose ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
RedSquare0.init ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
RedSquare0.RedSquare0 ( )
RedSquare0.reshape ( GLAutoDrawable p1, int p2, int p3, int p4, int p5 )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, RedSquareShader.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.demos.es2.shader
RedSquareShader.RedSquareShader ( )

jogl.test.jar, SingletonInstance.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.util
SingletonInstance.getCanonicalTempLockFilePath ( String p1 ) [static]  :  String
SingletonInstance.getCanonicalTempPath ( ) [static]  :  String
SingletonInstance.isLocked ( )  :  boolean
SingletonInstance.lock ( long p1, long p2 )  :  void
SingletonInstance.SingletonInstance ( File p1 )
SingletonInstance.SingletonInstance ( String p1 )
SingletonInstance.tryLock ( )  :  boolean
SingletonInstance.unlock ( )  :  boolean

jogl.test.jar, Surface2File.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.offscreen
Surface2File.dispose ( )  :  void
Surface2File.Surface2File ( )
Surface2File.surface2File ( String p1 )  :  void
Surface2File.surfaceUpdated ( Object p1, NativeSurface p2, long p3 )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestAWT01GLn.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.awt
TestAWT01GLn.init ( )  :  void
TestAWT01GLn.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestAWT01GLn.release ( )  :  void
TestAWT01GLn.runTestGL ( GLCapabilities p1 )  :  void
TestAWT01GLn.startup ( ) [static]  :  void
TestAWT01GLn.test01GLDefault ( )  :  void
TestAWT01GLn.test03GLMaxFixed ( )  :  void
TestAWT01GLn.TestAWT01GLn ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestAWT02WindowClosing.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.awt
TestAWT02WindowClosing.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestAWT02WindowClosing.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestAWT02WindowClosing.test01WindowClosing ( )  :  void
TestAWT02WindowClosing.TestAWT02WindowClosing ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestAWT03GLCanvasRecreate01.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.awt
TestAWT03GLCanvasRecreate01.init ( )  :  void
TestAWT03GLCanvasRecreate01.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestAWT03GLCanvasRecreate01.release ( )  :  void
TestAWT03GLCanvasRecreate01.startup ( ) [static]  :  void
TestAWT03GLCanvasRecreate01.testAddRemove3Times ( )  :  void
TestAWT03GLCanvasRecreate01.TestAWT03GLCanvasRecreate01 ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestCloseNewtAWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt
TestCloseNewtAWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestCloseNewtAWT.TestCloseNewtAWT ( )
TestCloseNewtAWT.testCloseNewtAWT ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestDisplayLifecycle01NEWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt
TestDisplayLifecycle01NEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestDisplayLifecycle01NEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestDisplayLifecycle01NEWT.setDemoFields ( GLEventListener p1, GLWindow p2 ) [static]  :  void
TestDisplayLifecycle01NEWT.testDisplayCreate01_AutoDestroyLifecycle ( )  :  void
TestDisplayLifecycle01NEWT.TestDisplayLifecycle01NEWT ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestDisplayLifecycle02NEWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt
TestDisplayLifecycle02NEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestDisplayLifecycle02NEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestDisplayLifecycle02NEWT.setDemoFields ( GLEventListener p1, GLWindow p2 ) [static]  :  void
TestDisplayLifecycle02NEWT.testDisplayCreate01 ( )  :  void
TestDisplayLifecycle02NEWT.testDisplayCreate02 ( )  :  void
TestDisplayLifecycle02NEWT.TestDisplayLifecycle02NEWT ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestDrawable01NEWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.drawable
TestDrawable01NEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestDrawable01NEWT.initTest ( )  :  void
TestDrawable01NEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestDrawable01NEWT.releaseClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestDrawable01NEWT.TestDrawable01NEWT ( )
TestDrawable01NEWT.testOnScreenDecorated ( )  :  void
TestDrawable01NEWT.testOnScreenUndecorated ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestEventSourceNotAWTBug.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt
TestEventSourceNotAWTBug.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestEventSourceNotAWTBug.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestEventSourceNotAWTBug.TestEventSourceNotAWTBug ( )
TestEventSourceNotAWTBug.testEventSourceNotNewtBug ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestFocus01SwingAWTRobot.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt
TestFocus01SwingAWTRobot.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestFocus01SwingAWTRobot.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestFocus01SwingAWTRobot.release ( ) [static]  :  void
TestFocus01SwingAWTRobot.testFocus01ProgrFocus ( )  :  void
TestFocus01SwingAWTRobot.TestFocus01SwingAWTRobot ( )
TestFocus01SwingAWTRobot.testFocus02RobotFocus ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestFocus02SwingAWTRobot.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt
TestFocus02SwingAWTRobot.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestFocus02SwingAWTRobot.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestFocus02SwingAWTRobot.release ( ) [static]  :  void
TestFocus02SwingAWTRobot.testFocus01ProgrFocus ( )  :  void
TestFocus02SwingAWTRobot.testFocus02RobotFocus ( )  :  void
TestFocus02SwingAWTRobot.TestFocus02SwingAWTRobot ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestGearsAWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.demos.gl2.gears
TestGearsAWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestGearsAWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestGearsAWT.releaseClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestGearsAWT.runTestGL ( GLCapabilities p1 )  :  void
TestGearsAWT.test01 ( )  :  void
TestGearsAWT.TestGearsAWT ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestGearsGLJPanelAWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.demos.gl2.gears
TestGearsGLJPanelAWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestGearsGLJPanelAWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestGearsGLJPanelAWT.releaseClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestGearsGLJPanelAWT.runTestGL ( GLCapabilities p1 )  :  void
TestGearsGLJPanelAWT.test01 ( )  :  void
TestGearsGLJPanelAWT.TestGearsGLJPanelAWT ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestGearsNEWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.demos.gl2.gears.newt
TestGearsNEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestGearsNEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestGearsNEWT.releaseClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestGearsNEWT.runTestGL ( GLCapabilities p1 )  :  void
TestGearsNEWT.test01 ( )  :  void
TestGearsNEWT.TestGearsNEWT ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestGearsNewtAWTWrapper.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.demos.gl2.gears.newt
TestGearsNewtAWTWrapper.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestGearsNewtAWTWrapper.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestGearsNewtAWTWrapper.releaseClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestGearsNewtAWTWrapper.runTestGL ( GLCapabilitiesImmutable p1 )  :  void
TestGearsNewtAWTWrapper.test01 ( )  :  void
TestGearsNewtAWTWrapper.TestGearsNewtAWTWrapper ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestGLProfile01NEWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.acore
TestGLProfile01NEWT.dumpVersion ( GLProfile p1 )  :  void
TestGLProfile01NEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestGLProfile01NEWT.test00Version ( )  :  void
TestGLProfile01NEWT.test01GLProfileDefault ( )  :  void
TestGLProfile01NEWT.test02GLProfileMaxFixedFunc ( )  :  void
TestGLProfile01NEWT.test03GLProfileMaxProgrammable ( )  :  void
TestGLProfile01NEWT.test04GLProfileGL2ES1 ( )  :  void
TestGLProfile01NEWT.test05GLProfileGL2ES2 ( )  :  void
TestGLProfile01NEWT.TestGLProfile01NEWT ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestGLSLSimple01NEWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.glsl
TestGLSLSimple01NEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestGLSLSimple01NEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestGLSLSimple01NEWT.tearDownClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestGLSLSimple01NEWT.testGLSLCompilation01 ( )  :  void
TestGLSLSimple01NEWT.TestGLSLSimple01NEWT ( )
TestGLSLSimple01NEWT.testGLSLUse01 ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestGLWindows00NEWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt
TestGLWindows00NEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestGLWindows00NEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestGLWindows00NEWT.TestGLWindows00NEWT ( )
TestGLWindows00NEWT.testWindow00 ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestGLWindows01NEWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt
TestGLWindows01NEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestGLWindows01NEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestGLWindows01NEWT.setDemoFields ( GLEventListener p1, GLWindow p2 ) [static]  :  void
TestGLWindows01NEWT.TestGLWindows01NEWT ( )
TestGLWindows01NEWT.testWindowDecor01aSimple ( )  :  void
TestGLWindows01NEWT.testWindowDecor01bSimple ( )  :  void
TestGLWindows01NEWT.testWindowDecor02DestroyWinTwiceA ( )  :  void
TestGLWindows01NEWT.testWindowDecor03TwoWinOneDisplay ( )  :  void
TestGLWindows01NEWT.testWindowDecor03TwoWinTwoDisplays ( )  :  void
TestGLWindows01NEWT.testWindowNativeRecreate01aSimple ( )  :  void
TestGLWindows01NEWT.testWindowNativeRecreate01bSimple ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestGLWindows02NEWTAnimated.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt
TestGLWindows02NEWTAnimated.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestGLWindows02NEWTAnimated.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestGLWindows02NEWTAnimated.setDemoFields ( GLEventListener p1, GLWindow p2 ) [static]  :  void
TestGLWindows02NEWTAnimated.TestGLWindows02NEWTAnimated ( )
TestGLWindows02NEWTAnimated.testWindowDecor01Simple ( )  :  void
TestGLWindows02NEWTAnimated.testWindowDecor02DestroyWinTwiceA ( )  :  void
TestGLWindows02NEWTAnimated.testWindowDecor03TwoWinOneDisplay ( )  :  void
TestGLWindows02NEWTAnimated.testWindowDecor03TwoWinTwoDisplays ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestListenerCom01AWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt
TestListenerCom01AWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestListenerCom01AWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestListenerCom01AWT.setDemoFields ( GLEventListener p1, GLWindow p2, boolean p3 ) [static]  :  void
TestListenerCom01AWT.TestListenerCom01AWT ( )
TestListenerCom01AWT.testListenerStringPassingAndOrder ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestMultisampleAWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.caps
TestMultisampleAWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestMultisampleAWT.testMultiSampleAA4 ( )  :  void
TestMultisampleAWT.TestMultisampleAWT ( )
TestMultisampleAWT.testMultiSampleNone ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestMultisampleNEWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.caps
TestMultisampleNEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestMultisampleNEWT.testMultiSampleAA4 ( )  :  void
TestMultisampleNEWT.TestMultisampleNEWT ( )
TestMultisampleNEWT.testMultiSampleNone ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestOffscreen01NEWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.offscreen
TestOffscreen01NEWT.init ( )  :  void
TestOffscreen01NEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestOffscreen01NEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestOffscreen01NEWT.releaseClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestOffscreen01NEWT.test01aOffscreenWindowPBuffer ( )  :  void
TestOffscreen01NEWT.test01bOffscreenWindowPBufferStencil ( )  :  void
TestOffscreen01NEWT.test01cOffscreenWindowPBuffer555 ( )  :  void
TestOffscreen01NEWT.test01cOffscreenWindowPBufferStencilAlpha ( )  :  void
TestOffscreen01NEWT.test02Offscreen3Windows1DisplayPBuffer ( )  :  void
TestOffscreen01NEWT.test03Offscreen3Windows3DisplaysPBuffer ( )  :  void
TestOffscreen01NEWT.test04OffscreenSnapshotWithDemoPBuffer ( )  :  void
TestOffscreen01NEWT.test11OffscreenWindowPixmap ( )  :  void
TestOffscreen01NEWT.test14OffscreenSnapshotWithDemoPixmap ( )  :  void
TestOffscreen01NEWT.TestOffscreen01NEWT ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestParenting01aAWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.parenting
TestParenting01aAWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting01aAWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting01aAWT.setDemoFields ( GLEventListener p1, GLWindow p2, boolean p3 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting01aAWT.TestParenting01aAWT ( )
TestParenting01aAWT.testWindowParenting01CreateVisibleDestroy1 ( )  :  void
TestParenting01aAWT.testWindowParenting02CreateVisibleDestroy2Defered ( )  :  void
TestParenting01aAWT.testWindowParenting02CreateVisibleDestroy3Odd ( )  :  void
TestParenting01aAWT.testWindowParenting03ReparentNewtWin2Top ( )  :  void
TestParenting01aAWT.testWindowParenting04ReparentNewtWin2TopLayouted ( )  :  void
TestParenting01aAWT.testWindowParenting05ReparentAWTWinHopFrame2Frame ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestParenting01bAWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.parenting
TestParenting01bAWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting01bAWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting01bAWT.setDemoFields ( GLEventListener p1, GLWindow p2, boolean p3 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting01bAWT.TestParenting01bAWT ( )
TestParenting01bAWT.testWindowParenting05ReparentAWTWinHopFrame2FrameFPS25Animator ( )  :  void
TestParenting01bAWT.testWindowParenting05ReparentAWTWinHopFrame2FrameImpl ( int p1 )  :  void
TestParenting01bAWT.testWindowParenting05ReparentAWTWinHopFrame2FrameStdAnimator ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestParenting01cAWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.parenting
TestParenting01cAWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting01cAWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting01cAWT.setDemoFields ( GLEventListener p1, GLWindow p2, boolean p3 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting01cAWT.TestParenting01cAWT ( )
TestParenting01cAWT.testWindowParenting01CreateVisibleDestroy1 ( )  :  void
TestParenting01cAWT.testWindowParenting05ReparentAWTWinHopFrame2Frame ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestParenting01cSwingAWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.parenting
TestParenting01cSwingAWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting01cSwingAWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting01cSwingAWT.setDemoFields ( GLEventListener p1, GLWindow p2, boolean p3 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting01cSwingAWT.TestParenting01cSwingAWT ( )
TestParenting01cSwingAWT.testWindowParenting01CreateVisibleDestroy1 ( )  :  void
TestParenting01cSwingAWT.testWindowParenting05ReparentAWTWinHopFrame2Frame ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestParenting01NEWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.parenting
TestParenting01NEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting01NEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting01NEWT.setDemoFields ( GLEventListener p1, GLWindow p2, boolean p3 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting01NEWT.TestParenting01NEWT ( )
TestParenting01NEWT.testWindowParenting01CreateVisibleDestroy ( )  :  void
TestParenting01NEWT.testWindowParenting02ReparentTop2WinImpl ( boolean p1 )  :  void
TestParenting01NEWT.testWindowParenting02ReparentTop2WinReparentNative ( )  :  void
TestParenting01NEWT.testWindowParenting02ReparentTop2WinReparentRecreate ( )  :  void
TestParenting01NEWT.testWindowParenting03ReparentWin2TopImpl ( boolean p1 )  :  void
TestParenting01NEWT.testWindowParenting03ReparentWin2TopReparentNative ( )  :  void
TestParenting01NEWT.testWindowParenting03ReparentWin2TopReparentRecreate ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestParenting02AWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.parenting
TestParenting02AWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting02AWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting02AWT.runNewtChildOnAWTParent ( boolean p1, boolean p2 )  :  void
TestParenting02AWT.setDemoFields ( GLEventListener p1, GLWindow p2, boolean p3 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting02AWT.TestParenting02AWT ( )
TestParenting02AWT.testWindowParenting01NewtChildOnAWTParentLayouted ( )  :  void
TestParenting02AWT.testWindowParenting02NewtChildOnAWTParentLayoutedDef ( )  :  void
TestParenting02AWT.testWindowParenting03NewtChildOnAWTParentDirect ( )  :  void
TestParenting02AWT.testWindowParenting04NewtChildOnAWTParentDirectDef ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestParenting02NEWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.parenting
TestParenting02NEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting02NEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting02NEWT.setDemoFields ( GLEventListener p1, Window p2, GLWindow p3, boolean p4 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting02NEWT.TestParenting02NEWT ( )
TestParenting02NEWT.testWindowParenting01NewtOnNewtParentChildDraw ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestParenting03AWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.parenting
TestParenting03AWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting03AWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting03AWT.setDemoFields ( GLEventListener p1, GLWindow p2, boolean p3 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting03AWT.TestParenting03AWT ( )
TestParenting03AWT.testWindowParenting1AWTOneNewtChild ( )  :  void
TestParenting03AWT.testWindowParenting1AWTOneNewtChild01 ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestParenting03bAWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.parenting
TestParenting03bAWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting03bAWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting03bAWT.setDemoFields ( GLEventListener p1, GLWindow p2, boolean p3 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting03bAWT.TestParenting03bAWT ( )
TestParenting03bAWT.testWindowParenting1AWTTwoNewtChilds ( )  :  void
TestParenting03bAWT.testWindowParenting1AWTTwoNewtChilds01 ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestRemoteGLWindows01NEWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt
TestRemoteGLWindows01NEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestRemoteGLWindows01NEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestRemoteGLWindows01NEWT.TestRemoteGLWindows01NEWT ( )
TestRemoteGLWindows01NEWT.testRemoteWindow01 ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestRemoteWindow01NEWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt
TestRemoteWindow01NEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestRemoteWindow01NEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestRemoteWindow01NEWT.testRemoteWindow01 ( )  :  void
TestRemoteWindow01NEWT.TestRemoteWindow01NEWT ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestScreenMode00NEWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt
TestScreenMode00NEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestScreenMode00NEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestScreenMode00NEWT.TestScreenMode00NEWT ( )
TestScreenMode00NEWT.testScreenModeInfo00 ( )  :  void
TestScreenMode00NEWT.testScreenModeInfo01 ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestScreenMode01NEWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt
TestScreenMode01NEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestScreenMode01NEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestScreenMode01NEWT.testFullscreenChange01 ( )  :  void
TestScreenMode01NEWT.TestScreenMode01NEWT ( )
TestScreenMode01NEWT.testScreenModeChange01 ( )  :  void
TestScreenMode01NEWT.testScreenModeChangeWithFS01Impl ( boolean p1 )  :  void
TestScreenMode01NEWT.testScreenModeChangeWithFS01Post ( )  :  void
TestScreenMode01NEWT.testScreenModeChangeWithFS01Pre ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestScreenMode02NEWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt
TestScreenMode02NEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestScreenMode02NEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestScreenMode02NEWT.TestScreenMode02NEWT ( )
TestScreenMode02NEWT.testScreenRotationChange01 ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestSharedContextListAWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.acore
TestSharedContextListAWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestSharedContextListAWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestSharedContextListAWT.runTestGL ( Animator p1, int p2, int p3, boolean p4 )  :  Frame
TestSharedContextListAWT.test01 ( )  :  void
TestSharedContextListAWT.TestSharedContextListAWT ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestSharedContextListNEWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.acore
TestSharedContextListNEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestSharedContextListNEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestSharedContextListNEWT.runTestGL ( Animator p1, int p2, int p3, boolean p4 )  :  GLWindow
TestSharedContextListNEWT.test01 ( )  :  void
TestSharedContextListNEWT.TestSharedContextListNEWT ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestSwingAWT01GLn.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.awt
TestSwingAWT01GLn.init ( )  :  void
TestSwingAWT01GLn.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestSwingAWT01GLn.runTestGL ( GLCapabilities p1 )  :  void
TestSwingAWT01GLn.startup ( ) [static]  :  void
TestSwingAWT01GLn.test01GLDefault ( )  :  void
TestSwingAWT01GLn.test03GLMaxFixed ( )  :  void
TestSwingAWT01GLn.TestSwingAWT01GLn ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestSwingAWTRobotUsageBeforeJOGLInitBug411.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.newt
TestSwingAWTRobotUsageBeforeJOGLInitBug411.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestSwingAWTRobotUsageBeforeJOGLInitBug411.release ( ) [static]  :  void
TestSwingAWTRobotUsageBeforeJOGLInitBug411.runTestGL ( Canvas p1, GLAutoDrawable p2 )  :  void
TestSwingAWTRobotUsageBeforeJOGLInitBug411.setup ( ) [static]  :  void
TestSwingAWTRobotUsageBeforeJOGLInitBug411.test01NewtCanvasAWT ( )  :  void
TestSwingAWTRobotUsageBeforeJOGLInitBug411.test02GLCanvas ( )  :  void
TestSwingAWTRobotUsageBeforeJOGLInitBug411.TestSwingAWTRobotUsageBeforeJOGLInitBug411 ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestTexture01AWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.texture
TestTexture01AWT.cleanupTest ( )  :  void
TestTexture01AWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestTexture01AWT.initTest ( )  :  void
TestTexture01AWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestTexture01AWT.test1 ( )  :  void
TestTexture01AWT.TestTexture01AWT ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestTransformFeedbackVaryingsBug407NEWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.glsl
TestTransformFeedbackVaryingsBug407NEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestTransformFeedbackVaryingsBug407NEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestTransformFeedbackVaryingsBug407NEWT.tearDownClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestTransformFeedbackVaryingsBug407NEWT.testGlTransformFeedbackVaryings_WhenVarNameOK ( )  :  void
TestTransformFeedbackVaryingsBug407NEWT.testGlTransformFeedbackVaryings_WhenVarNameWrong ( )  :  void
TestTransformFeedbackVaryingsBug407NEWT.TestTransformFeedbackVaryingsBug407NEWT ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestWindows01NEWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt
TestWindows01NEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestWindows01NEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestWindows01NEWT.testWindowDecor01Simple ( )  :  void
TestWindows01NEWT.testWindowDecor02DestroyWinTwiceA ( )  :  void
TestWindows01NEWT.testWindowDecor03TwoWin ( )  :  void
TestWindows01NEWT.testWindowNativeRecreate01Simple ( )  :  void
TestWindows01NEWT.TestWindows01NEWT ( )

jogl.test.jar, TextureGL2ListenerDraw1.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.util.texture.gl2
TextureGL2ListenerDraw1.display ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
TextureGL2ListenerDraw1.dispose ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
TextureGL2ListenerDraw1.init ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
TextureGL2ListenerDraw1.reshape ( GLAutoDrawable p1, int p2, int p3, int p4, int p5 )  :  void
TextureGL2ListenerDraw1.TextureGL2ListenerDraw1 ( TextureData p1 )

jogl.test.jar, UITestCase.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.util
UITestCase.getSingletonInstance ( )  :  SingletonInstance
UITestCase.oneTimeSetUp ( ) [static]  :  void
UITestCase.oneTimeTearDown ( ) [static]  :  void
UITestCase.setUp ( )  :  void
UITestCase.tearDown ( )  :  void
UITestCase.UITestCase ( )

jogl.test.jar, WindowUtilNEWT.class
package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.offscreen
WindowUtilNEWT.fixCaps ( GLCapabilities p1, boolean p2, boolean p3, boolean p4 ) [static]  :  GLCapabilities ( GLWindow p1, GLEventListener p2, GLWindow p3, WindowListener p4, MouseListener p5, SurfaceUpdatedListener p6, int p7, boolean p8, boolean p9 ) [static]  :  void
WindowUtilNEWT.setDemoFields ( GLEventListener p1, Window p2, GLWindow p3, boolean p4 ) [static]  :  void
WindowUtilNEWT.WindowUtilNEWT ( )

to the top

Removed Methods (407)

jogl.core.jar, GLContext.class
GLContext.getContextFQN ( AbstractGraphicsDevice p1, int p2, int p3, int p4 ) [static]  :  String
GLContext.getGLDrawableRead ( ) [abstract]  :  GLDrawable
GLContext.setGLDrawableRead ( GLDrawable p1 ) [abstract]  :  void

jogl.core.jar, GLDrawableFactory.class
GLDrawableFactory.createGLPbuffer ( GLCapabilitiesImmutable p1, GLCapabilitiesChooser p2, int p3, int p4, GLContext p5 ) [abstract]  :  GLPbuffer
GLDrawableFactory.createGLPbufferDrawable ( GLCapabilitiesImmutable p1, GLCapabilitiesChooser p2, int p3, int p4 ) [abstract]  :  GLDrawable
GLDrawableFactory.createOffscreenDrawable ( GLCapabilitiesImmutable p1, GLCapabilitiesChooser p2, int p3, int p4 ) [abstract]  :  GLDrawable

jogl.test.jar, AWTFocusAdapter.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.util
AWTFocusAdapter.AWTFocusAdapter ( String p1 )
AWTFocusAdapter.focusGained ( FocusEvent p1 )  :  void
AWTFocusAdapter.focusLost ( FocusEvent p1 )  :  void
AWTFocusAdapter.getCount ( )  :  int
AWTFocusAdapter.getWasTemporary ( )  :  boolean
AWTFocusAdapter.reset ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, AWTKeyAdapter.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.util
AWTKeyAdapter.AWTKeyAdapter ( String p1 )
AWTKeyAdapter.getCount ( )  :  int
AWTKeyAdapter.keyTyped ( KeyEvent p1 )  :  void
AWTKeyAdapter.reset ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, AWTMouseAdapter.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.util
AWTMouseAdapter.AWTMouseAdapter ( String p1 )
AWTMouseAdapter.getCount ( )  :  int
AWTMouseAdapter.mouseClicked ( MouseEvent p1 )  :  void
AWTMouseAdapter.reset ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, AWTRobotUtil.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.util
AWTRobotUtil.AWTRobotUtil ( )
AWTRobotUtil.centerMouse ( Robot p1, Object p2 ) [static]  :  void
AWTRobotUtil.getCenterLocation ( Object p1, boolean p2 ) [static]  :  Point
AWTRobotUtil.requestFocus ( Robot p1, Object p2 ) [static]  :  void
AWTRobotUtil.requestFocusAndWait ( Robot p1, Object p2, Object p3 ) [static]  :  boolean
AWTRobotUtil.requestFocusAndWait ( Robot p1, Object p2, Object p3, EventCountAdapter p4, EventCountAdapter p5 ) [static]  :  boolean
AWTRobotUtil.testKeyType ( Robot p1, int p2, Object p3, EventCountAdapter p4 ) [static]  :  int
AWTRobotUtil.testMouseClick ( Robot p1, int p2, int p3, Object p4, EventCountAdapter p5 ) [static]  :  int
AWTRobotUtil.toFront ( Robot p1, Window p2 ) [static]  :  boolean
AWTRobotUtil.waitForCount ( int p1, EventCountAdapter p2 ) [static]  :  boolean
AWTRobotUtil.waitForFocus ( Object p1 ) [static]  :  boolean
AWTRobotUtil.waitForFocus ( Object p1, int p2, EventCountAdapter p3, int p4, EventCountAdapter p5 ) [static]  :  boolean

jogl.test.jar, DumpVersion.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.util
DumpVersion.display ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
DumpVersion.dispose ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
DumpVersion.DumpVersion ( )
DumpVersion.init ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
DumpVersion.reshape ( GLAutoDrawable p1, int p2, int p3, int p4, int p5 )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, EventCountAdapter.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.util
EventCountAdapter.getCount ( ) [abstract]  :  int
EventCountAdapter.reset ( ) [abstract]  :  void

jogl.test.jar, EventCountAdapterUtil.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.util
EventCountAdapterUtil.EventCountAdapterUtil ( )
EventCountAdapterUtil.reset ( EventCountAdapter[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
EventCountAdapterUtil.reset ( List p1 ) [static]  :  void

jogl.test.jar, Gears.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.demos.gl2.gears
Gears.display ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
Gears.dispose ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
Gears.gear ( GL2 p1, float p2, float p3, float p4, int p5, float p6 ) [static]  :  void
Gears.Gears ( )
Gears.Gears ( int p1 )
Gears.init ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
Gears.reshape ( GLAutoDrawable p1, int p2, int p3, int p4, int p5 )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, GLRunnableDummy.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.newt.parenting
GLRunnableDummy.GLRunnableDummy ( ) ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, GLSLSimpleProgram.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.util
GLSLSimpleProgram.create ( GL2ES2 p1, String p2, String p3, boolean p4 ) [static]  :  GLSLSimpleProgram
GLSLSimpleProgram.getFragShader ( )  :  int
GLSLSimpleProgram.getShaderProgram ( )  :  int
GLSLSimpleProgram.getVertShader ( )  :  int
GLSLSimpleProgram.release ( GL2ES2 p1 )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, MiscUtils.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.util
MiscUtils.atoi ( String p1, int p2 ) [static]  :  int
MiscUtils.MiscUtils ( )
MiscUtils.setFieldIfExists ( Object p1, String p2, Object p3 ) [static]  :  boolean

jogl.test.jar, NEWTFocusAdapter.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.util
NEWTFocusAdapter.getCount ( )  :  int
NEWTFocusAdapter.NEWTFocusAdapter ( String p1 )
NEWTFocusAdapter.reset ( )  :  void
NEWTFocusAdapter.windowGainedFocus ( WindowEvent p1 )  :  void
NEWTFocusAdapter.windowLostFocus ( WindowEvent p1 )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, NEWTKeyAdapter.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.util
NEWTKeyAdapter.getCount ( )  :  int
NEWTKeyAdapter.keyTyped ( KeyEvent p1 )  :  void
NEWTKeyAdapter.NEWTKeyAdapter ( String p1 )
NEWTKeyAdapter.reset ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, NEWTMouseAdapter.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.util
NEWTMouseAdapter.getCount ( )  :  int
NEWTMouseAdapter.mouseClicked ( MouseEvent p1 )  :  void
NEWTMouseAdapter.NEWTMouseAdapter ( String p1 )
NEWTMouseAdapter.reset ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, QuitAdapter.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.util
QuitAdapter.keyPressed ( KeyEvent p1 )  :  void
QuitAdapter.keyReleased ( KeyEvent p1 )  :  void
QuitAdapter.keyTyped ( KeyEvent p1 )  :  void
QuitAdapter.QuitAdapter ( )
QuitAdapter.shouldQuit ( )  :  boolean
QuitAdapter.windowDestroyNotify ( WindowEvent p1 )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, ReadBuffer2File.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.offscreen
ReadBuffer2File.display ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
ReadBuffer2File.dispose ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
ReadBuffer2File.ReadBuffer2File ( GLDrawable p1 )

jogl.test.jar, ReadBuffer2Screen.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.offscreen
ReadBuffer2Screen.display ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
ReadBuffer2Screen.dispose ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
ReadBuffer2Screen.init ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
ReadBuffer2Screen.ReadBuffer2Screen ( GLDrawable p1 )
ReadBuffer2Screen.reshape ( GLAutoDrawable p1, int p2, int p3, int p4, int p5 )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, ReadBufferBase.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.offscreen
ReadBufferBase.display ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
ReadBufferBase.dispose ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
ReadBufferBase.init ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
ReadBufferBase.ReadBufferBase ( GLDrawable p1 )
ReadBufferBase.reshape ( GLAutoDrawable p1, int p2, int p3, int p4, int p5 )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, ReadBufferUtil.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.offscreen
ReadBufferUtil.dispose ( )  :  void
ReadBufferUtil.fetchOffscreenTexture ( GLDrawable p1, GL p2 )  :  void
ReadBufferUtil.getPixelBuffer ( )  :  Buffer
ReadBufferUtil.getTexture ( )  :  Texture
ReadBufferUtil.getTextureData ( )  :  TextureData
ReadBufferUtil.isValid ( )  :  boolean
ReadBufferUtil.ReadBufferUtil ( )
ReadBufferUtil.rewindPixelBuffer ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, RedSquare.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.demos.es1
RedSquare.display ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
RedSquare.dispose ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
RedSquare.init ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
RedSquare.RedSquare ( )
RedSquare.RedSquare ( boolean p1 )
RedSquare.reshape ( GLAutoDrawable p1, int p2, int p3, int p4, int p5 )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, RedSquare0.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.demos.es2
RedSquare0.display ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
RedSquare0.dispose ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
RedSquare0.init ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
RedSquare0.RedSquare0 ( )
RedSquare0.reshape ( GLAutoDrawable p1, int p2, int p3, int p4, int p5 )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, RedSquareShader.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.demos.es2.shader
RedSquareShader.RedSquareShader ( )

jogl.test.jar, SingletonInstance.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.util
SingletonInstance.getCanonicalTempLockFilePath ( String p1 ) [static]  :  String
SingletonInstance.getCanonicalTempPath ( ) [static]  :  String
SingletonInstance.isLocked ( )  :  boolean
SingletonInstance.lock ( long p1, long p2 )  :  void
SingletonInstance.SingletonInstance ( File p1 )
SingletonInstance.SingletonInstance ( String p1 )
SingletonInstance.tryLock ( )  :  boolean
SingletonInstance.unlock ( )  :  boolean

jogl.test.jar, Surface2File.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.offscreen
Surface2File.dispose ( )  :  void
Surface2File.Surface2File ( )
Surface2File.surface2File ( String p1 )  :  void
Surface2File.surfaceUpdated ( Object p1, NativeSurface p2, long p3 )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestAWT01GLn.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.awt
TestAWT01GLn.init ( )  :  void
TestAWT01GLn.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestAWT01GLn.release ( )  :  void
TestAWT01GLn.runTestGL ( GLCapabilities p1 )  :  void
TestAWT01GLn.startup ( ) [static]  :  void
TestAWT01GLn.test01GLDefault ( )  :  void
TestAWT01GLn.test03GLMaxFixed ( )  :  void
TestAWT01GLn.TestAWT01GLn ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestAWT02WindowClosing.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.awt
TestAWT02WindowClosing.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestAWT02WindowClosing.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestAWT02WindowClosing.test01WindowClosing ( )  :  void
TestAWT02WindowClosing.TestAWT02WindowClosing ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestAWT03GLCanvasRecreate01.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.awt
TestAWT03GLCanvasRecreate01.init ( )  :  void
TestAWT03GLCanvasRecreate01.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestAWT03GLCanvasRecreate01.release ( )  :  void
TestAWT03GLCanvasRecreate01.startup ( ) [static]  :  void
TestAWT03GLCanvasRecreate01.testAddRemove3Times ( )  :  void
TestAWT03GLCanvasRecreate01.TestAWT03GLCanvasRecreate01 ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestCloseNewtAWT.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.newt
TestCloseNewtAWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestCloseNewtAWT.TestCloseNewtAWT ( )
TestCloseNewtAWT.testCloseNewtAWT ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestDisplayLifecycle01NEWT.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.newt
TestDisplayLifecycle01NEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestDisplayLifecycle01NEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestDisplayLifecycle01NEWT.setDemoFields ( GLEventListener p1, GLWindow p2 ) [static]  :  void
TestDisplayLifecycle01NEWT.testDisplayCreate01_AutoDestroyLifecycle ( )  :  void
TestDisplayLifecycle01NEWT.TestDisplayLifecycle01NEWT ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestDisplayLifecycle02NEWT.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.newt
TestDisplayLifecycle02NEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestDisplayLifecycle02NEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestDisplayLifecycle02NEWT.setDemoFields ( GLEventListener p1, GLWindow p2 ) [static]  :  void
TestDisplayLifecycle02NEWT.testDisplayCreate01 ( )  :  void
TestDisplayLifecycle02NEWT.testDisplayCreate02 ( )  :  void
TestDisplayLifecycle02NEWT.TestDisplayLifecycle02NEWT ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestDrawable01NEWT.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.drawable
TestDrawable01NEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestDrawable01NEWT.initTest ( )  :  void
TestDrawable01NEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestDrawable01NEWT.releaseClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestDrawable01NEWT.TestDrawable01NEWT ( )
TestDrawable01NEWT.testOnScreenDecorated ( )  :  void
TestDrawable01NEWT.testOnScreenUndecorated ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestEventSourceNotAWTBug.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.newt
TestEventSourceNotAWTBug.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestEventSourceNotAWTBug.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestEventSourceNotAWTBug.TestEventSourceNotAWTBug ( )
TestEventSourceNotAWTBug.testEventSourceNotNewtBug ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestFocus01SwingAWTRobot.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.newt
TestFocus01SwingAWTRobot.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestFocus01SwingAWTRobot.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestFocus01SwingAWTRobot.release ( ) [static]  :  void
TestFocus01SwingAWTRobot.testFocus01ProgrFocus ( )  :  void
TestFocus01SwingAWTRobot.TestFocus01SwingAWTRobot ( )
TestFocus01SwingAWTRobot.testFocus02RobotFocus ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestFocus02SwingAWTRobot.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.newt
TestFocus02SwingAWTRobot.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestFocus02SwingAWTRobot.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestFocus02SwingAWTRobot.release ( ) [static]  :  void
TestFocus02SwingAWTRobot.testFocus01ProgrFocus ( )  :  void
TestFocus02SwingAWTRobot.testFocus02RobotFocus ( )  :  void
TestFocus02SwingAWTRobot.TestFocus02SwingAWTRobot ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestGearsAWT.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.demos.gl2.gears
TestGearsAWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestGearsAWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestGearsAWT.releaseClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestGearsAWT.runTestGL ( GLCapabilities p1 )  :  void
TestGearsAWT.test01 ( )  :  void
TestGearsAWT.TestGearsAWT ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestGearsGLJPanelAWT.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.demos.gl2.gears
TestGearsGLJPanelAWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestGearsGLJPanelAWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestGearsGLJPanelAWT.releaseClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestGearsGLJPanelAWT.runTestGL ( GLCapabilities p1 )  :  void
TestGearsGLJPanelAWT.test01 ( )  :  void
TestGearsGLJPanelAWT.TestGearsGLJPanelAWT ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestGearsNEWT.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.demos.gl2.gears.newt
TestGearsNEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestGearsNEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestGearsNEWT.releaseClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestGearsNEWT.runTestGL ( GLCapabilities p1 )  :  void
TestGearsNEWT.test01 ( )  :  void
TestGearsNEWT.TestGearsNEWT ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestGearsNewtAWTWrapper.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.demos.gl2.gears.newt
TestGearsNewtAWTWrapper.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestGearsNewtAWTWrapper.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestGearsNewtAWTWrapper.releaseClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestGearsNewtAWTWrapper.runTestGL ( GLCapabilitiesImmutable p1 )  :  void
TestGearsNewtAWTWrapper.test01 ( )  :  void
TestGearsNewtAWTWrapper.TestGearsNewtAWTWrapper ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestGLProfile01NEWT.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.acore
TestGLProfile01NEWT.dumpVersion ( GLProfile p1 )  :  void
TestGLProfile01NEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestGLProfile01NEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestGLProfile01NEWT.releaseClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestGLProfile01NEWT.test01GLProfileDefault ( )  :  void
TestGLProfile01NEWT.test02GLProfileMaxFixedFunc ( )  :  void
TestGLProfile01NEWT.test03GLProfileMaxProgrammable ( )  :  void
TestGLProfile01NEWT.test04GLProfileGL2ES1 ( )  :  void
TestGLProfile01NEWT.test05GLProfileGL2ES2 ( )  :  void
TestGLProfile01NEWT.TestGLProfile01NEWT ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestGLSLSimple01NEWT.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.glsl
TestGLSLSimple01NEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestGLSLSimple01NEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestGLSLSimple01NEWT.tearDownClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestGLSLSimple01NEWT.testGLSLCompilation01 ( )  :  void
TestGLSLSimple01NEWT.TestGLSLSimple01NEWT ( )
TestGLSLSimple01NEWT.testGLSLUse01 ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestGLWindows00NEWT.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.newt
TestGLWindows00NEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestGLWindows00NEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestGLWindows00NEWT.TestGLWindows00NEWT ( )
TestGLWindows00NEWT.testWindow00 ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestGLWindows01NEWT.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.newt
TestGLWindows01NEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestGLWindows01NEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestGLWindows01NEWT.setDemoFields ( GLEventListener p1, GLWindow p2 ) [static]  :  void
TestGLWindows01NEWT.TestGLWindows01NEWT ( )
TestGLWindows01NEWT.testWindowDecor01aSimple ( )  :  void
TestGLWindows01NEWT.testWindowDecor01bSimple ( )  :  void
TestGLWindows01NEWT.testWindowDecor02DestroyWinTwiceA ( )  :  void
TestGLWindows01NEWT.testWindowDecor03TwoWinOneDisplay ( )  :  void
TestGLWindows01NEWT.testWindowDecor03TwoWinTwoDisplays ( )  :  void
TestGLWindows01NEWT.testWindowNativeRecreate01aSimple ( )  :  void
TestGLWindows01NEWT.testWindowNativeRecreate01bSimple ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestGLWindows02NEWTAnimated.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.newt
TestGLWindows02NEWTAnimated.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestGLWindows02NEWTAnimated.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestGLWindows02NEWTAnimated.setDemoFields ( GLEventListener p1, GLWindow p2 ) [static]  :  void
TestGLWindows02NEWTAnimated.TestGLWindows02NEWTAnimated ( )
TestGLWindows02NEWTAnimated.testWindowDecor01Simple ( )  :  void
TestGLWindows02NEWTAnimated.testWindowDecor02DestroyWinTwiceA ( )  :  void
TestGLWindows02NEWTAnimated.testWindowDecor03TwoWinOneDisplay ( )  :  void
TestGLWindows02NEWTAnimated.testWindowDecor03TwoWinTwoDisplays ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestListenerCom01AWT.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.newt
TestListenerCom01AWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestListenerCom01AWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestListenerCom01AWT.setDemoFields ( GLEventListener p1, GLWindow p2, boolean p3 ) [static]  :  void
TestListenerCom01AWT.TestListenerCom01AWT ( )
TestListenerCom01AWT.testListenerStringPassingAndOrder ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestMultisampleAWT.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.caps
TestMultisampleAWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestMultisampleAWT.testMultiSampleAA4 ( )  :  void
TestMultisampleAWT.TestMultisampleAWT ( )
TestMultisampleAWT.testMultiSampleNone ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestMultisampleNEWT.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.caps
TestMultisampleNEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestMultisampleNEWT.testMultiSampleAA4 ( )  :  void
TestMultisampleNEWT.TestMultisampleNEWT ( )
TestMultisampleNEWT.testMultiSampleNone ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestOffscreen01NEWT.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.offscreen
TestOffscreen01NEWT.init ( )  :  void
TestOffscreen01NEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestOffscreen01NEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestOffscreen01NEWT.releaseClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestOffscreen01NEWT.test01aOffscreenWindowPBuffer ( )  :  void
TestOffscreen01NEWT.test01bOffscreenWindowPBufferStencil ( )  :  void
TestOffscreen01NEWT.test01cOffscreenWindowPBuffer555 ( )  :  void
TestOffscreen01NEWT.test01cOffscreenWindowPBufferStencilAlpha ( )  :  void
TestOffscreen01NEWT.test02Offscreen3Windows1DisplayPBuffer ( )  :  void
TestOffscreen01NEWT.test03Offscreen3Windows3DisplaysPBuffer ( )  :  void
TestOffscreen01NEWT.test04OffscreenSnapshotWithDemoPBuffer ( )  :  void
TestOffscreen01NEWT.test11OffscreenWindowPixmap ( )  :  void
TestOffscreen01NEWT.test14OffscreenSnapshotWithDemoPixmap ( )  :  void
TestOffscreen01NEWT.TestOffscreen01NEWT ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestParenting01aAWT.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.newt.parenting
TestParenting01aAWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting01aAWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting01aAWT.setDemoFields ( GLEventListener p1, GLWindow p2, boolean p3 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting01aAWT.TestParenting01aAWT ( )
TestParenting01aAWT.testWindowParenting01CreateVisibleDestroy1 ( )  :  void
TestParenting01aAWT.testWindowParenting02CreateVisibleDestroy2Defered ( )  :  void
TestParenting01aAWT.testWindowParenting02CreateVisibleDestroy3Odd ( )  :  void
TestParenting01aAWT.testWindowParenting03ReparentNewtWin2Top ( )  :  void
TestParenting01aAWT.testWindowParenting04ReparentNewtWin2TopLayouted ( )  :  void
TestParenting01aAWT.testWindowParenting05ReparentAWTWinHopFrame2Frame ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestParenting01bAWT.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.newt.parenting
TestParenting01bAWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting01bAWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting01bAWT.setDemoFields ( GLEventListener p1, GLWindow p2, boolean p3 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting01bAWT.TestParenting01bAWT ( )
TestParenting01bAWT.testWindowParenting05ReparentAWTWinHopFrame2FrameFPS25Animator ( )  :  void
TestParenting01bAWT.testWindowParenting05ReparentAWTWinHopFrame2FrameImpl ( int p1 )  :  void
TestParenting01bAWT.testWindowParenting05ReparentAWTWinHopFrame2FrameStdAnimator ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestParenting01cAWT.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.newt.parenting
TestParenting01cAWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting01cAWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting01cAWT.setDemoFields ( GLEventListener p1, GLWindow p2, boolean p3 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting01cAWT.TestParenting01cAWT ( )
TestParenting01cAWT.testWindowParenting01CreateVisibleDestroy1 ( )  :  void
TestParenting01cAWT.testWindowParenting05ReparentAWTWinHopFrame2Frame ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestParenting01cSwingAWT.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.newt.parenting
TestParenting01cSwingAWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting01cSwingAWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting01cSwingAWT.setDemoFields ( GLEventListener p1, GLWindow p2, boolean p3 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting01cSwingAWT.TestParenting01cSwingAWT ( )
TestParenting01cSwingAWT.testWindowParenting01CreateVisibleDestroy1 ( )  :  void
TestParenting01cSwingAWT.testWindowParenting05ReparentAWTWinHopFrame2Frame ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestParenting01NEWT.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.newt.parenting
TestParenting01NEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting01NEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting01NEWT.setDemoFields ( GLEventListener p1, GLWindow p2, boolean p3 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting01NEWT.TestParenting01NEWT ( )
TestParenting01NEWT.testWindowParenting01CreateVisibleDestroy ( )  :  void
TestParenting01NEWT.testWindowParenting02ReparentTop2WinImpl ( boolean p1 )  :  void
TestParenting01NEWT.testWindowParenting02ReparentTop2WinReparentNative ( )  :  void
TestParenting01NEWT.testWindowParenting02ReparentTop2WinReparentRecreate ( )  :  void
TestParenting01NEWT.testWindowParenting03ReparentWin2TopImpl ( boolean p1 )  :  void
TestParenting01NEWT.testWindowParenting03ReparentWin2TopReparentNative ( )  :  void
TestParenting01NEWT.testWindowParenting03ReparentWin2TopReparentRecreate ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestParenting02AWT.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.newt.parenting
TestParenting02AWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting02AWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting02AWT.runNewtChildOnAWTParent ( boolean p1, boolean p2 )  :  void
TestParenting02AWT.setDemoFields ( GLEventListener p1, GLWindow p2, boolean p3 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting02AWT.TestParenting02AWT ( )
TestParenting02AWT.testWindowParenting01NewtChildOnAWTParentLayouted ( )  :  void
TestParenting02AWT.testWindowParenting02NewtChildOnAWTParentLayoutedDef ( )  :  void
TestParenting02AWT.testWindowParenting03NewtChildOnAWTParentDirect ( )  :  void
TestParenting02AWT.testWindowParenting04NewtChildOnAWTParentDirectDef ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestParenting02NEWT.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.newt.parenting
TestParenting02NEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting02NEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting02NEWT.setDemoFields ( GLEventListener p1, Window p2, GLWindow p3, boolean p4 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting02NEWT.TestParenting02NEWT ( )
TestParenting02NEWT.testWindowParenting01NewtOnNewtParentChildDraw ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestParenting03AWT.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.newt.parenting
TestParenting03AWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting03AWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting03AWT.setDemoFields ( GLEventListener p1, GLWindow p2, boolean p3 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting03AWT.TestParenting03AWT ( )
TestParenting03AWT.testWindowParenting1AWTOneNewtChild ( )  :  void
TestParenting03AWT.testWindowParenting1AWTOneNewtChild01 ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestParenting03bAWT.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.newt.parenting
TestParenting03bAWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting03bAWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting03bAWT.setDemoFields ( GLEventListener p1, GLWindow p2, boolean p3 ) [static]  :  void
TestParenting03bAWT.TestParenting03bAWT ( )
TestParenting03bAWT.testWindowParenting1AWTTwoNewtChilds ( )  :  void
TestParenting03bAWT.testWindowParenting1AWTTwoNewtChilds01 ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestRemoteGLWindows01NEWT.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.newt
TestRemoteGLWindows01NEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestRemoteGLWindows01NEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestRemoteGLWindows01NEWT.TestRemoteGLWindows01NEWT ( )
TestRemoteGLWindows01NEWT.testRemoteWindow01 ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestRemoteWindow01NEWT.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.newt
TestRemoteWindow01NEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestRemoteWindow01NEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestRemoteWindow01NEWT.testRemoteWindow01 ( )  :  void
TestRemoteWindow01NEWT.TestRemoteWindow01NEWT ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestScreenMode00NEWT.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.newt
TestScreenMode00NEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestScreenMode00NEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestScreenMode00NEWT.TestScreenMode00NEWT ( )
TestScreenMode00NEWT.testScreenModeInfo00 ( )  :  void
TestScreenMode00NEWT.testScreenModeInfo01 ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestScreenMode01NEWT.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.newt
TestScreenMode01NEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestScreenMode01NEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestScreenMode01NEWT.testFullscreenChange01 ( )  :  void
TestScreenMode01NEWT.TestScreenMode01NEWT ( )
TestScreenMode01NEWT.testScreenModeChange01 ( )  :  void
TestScreenMode01NEWT.testScreenModeChangeWithFS01Impl ( boolean p1 )  :  void
TestScreenMode01NEWT.testScreenModeChangeWithFS01Post ( )  :  void
TestScreenMode01NEWT.testScreenModeChangeWithFS01Pre ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestScreenMode02NEWT.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.newt
TestScreenMode02NEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestScreenMode02NEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestScreenMode02NEWT.TestScreenMode02NEWT ( )
TestScreenMode02NEWT.testScreenRotationChange01 ( )  :  void

jogl.test.jar, TestSwingAWT01GLn.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.awt
TestSwingAWT01GLn.init ( )  :  void
TestSwingAWT01GLn.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestSwingAWT01GLn.runTestGL ( GLCapabilities p1 )  :  void
TestSwingAWT01GLn.startup ( ) [static]  :  void
TestSwingAWT01GLn.test01GLDefault ( )  :  void
TestSwingAWT01GLn.test03GLMaxFixed ( )  :  void
TestSwingAWT01GLn.TestSwingAWT01GLn ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestSwingAWTRobotUsageBeforeJOGLInitBug411.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.newt
TestSwingAWTRobotUsageBeforeJOGLInitBug411.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestSwingAWTRobotUsageBeforeJOGLInitBug411.release ( ) [static]  :  void
TestSwingAWTRobotUsageBeforeJOGLInitBug411.runTestGL ( Canvas p1, GLAutoDrawable p2 )  :  void
TestSwingAWTRobotUsageBeforeJOGLInitBug411.setup ( ) [static]  :  void
TestSwingAWTRobotUsageBeforeJOGLInitBug411.test01NewtCanvasAWT ( )  :  void
TestSwingAWTRobotUsageBeforeJOGLInitBug411.test02GLCanvas ( )  :  void
TestSwingAWTRobotUsageBeforeJOGLInitBug411.TestSwingAWTRobotUsageBeforeJOGLInitBug411 ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestTexture01AWT.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.texture
TestTexture01AWT.cleanupTest ( )  :  void
TestTexture01AWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestTexture01AWT.initTest ( )  :  void
TestTexture01AWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestTexture01AWT.test1 ( )  :  void
TestTexture01AWT.TestTexture01AWT ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestTransformFeedbackVaryingsBug407NEWT.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.glsl
TestTransformFeedbackVaryingsBug407NEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestTransformFeedbackVaryingsBug407NEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestTransformFeedbackVaryingsBug407NEWT.tearDownClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestTransformFeedbackVaryingsBug407NEWT.testGlTransformFeedbackVaryings_WhenVarNameOK ( )  :  void
TestTransformFeedbackVaryingsBug407NEWT.testGlTransformFeedbackVaryings_WhenVarNameWrong ( )  :  void
TestTransformFeedbackVaryingsBug407NEWT.TestTransformFeedbackVaryingsBug407NEWT ( )

jogl.test.jar, TestWindows01NEWT.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.newt
TestWindows01NEWT.initClass ( ) [static]  :  void
TestWindows01NEWT.main ( String[ ] p1 ) [static]  :  void
TestWindows01NEWT.testWindowDecor01Simple ( )  :  void
TestWindows01NEWT.testWindowDecor02DestroyWinTwiceA ( )  :  void
TestWindows01NEWT.testWindowDecor03TwoWin ( )  :  void
TestWindows01NEWT.testWindowNativeRecreate01Simple ( )  :  void
TestWindows01NEWT.TestWindows01NEWT ( )

jogl.test.jar, TextureGL2ListenerDraw1.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.util.texture.gl2
TextureGL2ListenerDraw1.display ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
TextureGL2ListenerDraw1.dispose ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
TextureGL2ListenerDraw1.init ( GLAutoDrawable p1 )  :  void
TextureGL2ListenerDraw1.reshape ( GLAutoDrawable p1, int p2, int p3, int p4, int p5 )  :  void
TextureGL2ListenerDraw1.TextureGL2ListenerDraw1 ( TextureData p1 )

jogl.test.jar, UITestCase.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.util
UITestCase.getSingletonInstance ( )  :  SingletonInstance
UITestCase.oneTimeSetUp ( ) [static]  :  void
UITestCase.oneTimeTearDown ( ) [static]  :  void
UITestCase.setUp ( )  :  void
UITestCase.tearDown ( )  :  void
UITestCase.UITestCase ( )

jogl.test.jar, WindowUtilNEWT.class
package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.offscreen
WindowUtilNEWT.fixCaps ( GLCapabilities p1, boolean p2, boolean p3, boolean p4 ) [static]  :  GLCapabilities ( GLWindow p1, GLEventListener p2, GLWindow p3, WindowListener p4, MouseListener p5, SurfaceUpdatedListener p6, int p7, boolean p8, boolean p9 ) [static]  :  void
WindowUtilNEWT.setDemoFields ( GLEventListener p1, Window p2, GLWindow p3, boolean p4 ) [static]  :  void
WindowUtilNEWT.WindowUtilNEWT ( )

to the top

Problems with Data Types, High Severity (81)

[+] GLContext (6)
[+] GLDrawableFactory (6)

package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.acore
[+] TestGLProfile01NEWT (1)

package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.awt
[+] TestAWT01GLn (1)
[+] TestAWT02WindowClosing (1)
[+] TestAWT03GLCanvasRecreate01 (1)
[+] TestSwingAWT01GLn (1)

package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.caps
[+] TestMultisampleAWT (1)
[+] TestMultisampleNEWT (1)

package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.demos.es1
[+] RedSquare (1)

package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.demos.es2
[+] RedSquare0 (1)

package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.demos.es2.shader
[+] RedSquareShader (1)

package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.demos.gl2.gears
[+] Gears (1)
[+] TestGearsAWT (1)
[+] TestGearsGLJPanelAWT (1)

package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.demos.gl2.gears.newt
[+] TestGearsNEWT (1)
[+] TestGearsNewtAWTWrapper (1)

package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.drawable
[+] TestDrawable01NEWT (1)

package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.glsl
[+] TestGLSLSimple01NEWT (1)
[+] TestTransformFeedbackVaryingsBug407NEWT (1)

package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.newt
[+] TestSwingAWTRobotUsageBeforeJOGLInitBug411 (1)

package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.offscreen
[+] ReadBuffer2File (1)
[+] ReadBuffer2Screen (1)
[+] ReadBufferBase (1)
[+] ReadBufferUtil (1)
[+] Surface2File (1)
[+] TestOffscreen01NEWT (1)
[+] WindowUtilNEWT (1)

package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.texture
[+] TestTexture01AWT (1)

package com.jogamp.test.junit.jogl.util.texture.gl2
[+] TextureGL2ListenerDraw1 (1)

package com.jogamp.test.junit.newt
[+] TestCloseNewtAWT (1)
[+] TestDisplayLifecycle01NEWT (1)
[+] TestDisplayLifecycle02NEWT (1)
[+] TestEventSourceNotAWTBug (1)
[+] TestFocus01SwingAWTRobot (1)
[+] TestFocus02SwingAWTRobot (1)
[+] TestGLWindows00NEWT (1)
[+] TestGLWindows01NEWT (1)
[+] TestGLWindows02NEWTAnimated (1)
[+] TestListenerCom01AWT (1)
[+] TestRemoteGLWindows01NEWT (1)
[+] TestRemoteWindow01NEWT (1)
[+] TestScreenMode00NEWT (1)
[+] TestScreenMode01NEWT (1)
[+] TestScreenMode02NEWT (1)
[+] TestWindows01NEWT (1)

package com.jogamp.test.junit.newt.parenting
[+] GLRunnableDummy (1)
[+] TestParenting01aAWT (1)
[+] TestParenting01bAWT (1)
[+] TestParenting01cAWT (1)
[+] TestParenting01cSwingAWT (1)
[+] TestParenting01NEWT (1)
[+] TestParenting02AWT (1)
[+] TestParenting02NEWT (1)
[+] TestParenting03AWT (1)
[+] TestParenting03bAWT (1)

package com.jogamp.test.junit.util
[+] AWTFocusAdapter (1)
[+] AWTKeyAdapter (1)
[+] AWTMouseAdapter (1)
[+] AWTRobotUtil (1)
[+] DumpVersion (1)
[+] EventCountAdapter (1)
[+] EventCountAdapterUtil (1)
[+] GLSLSimpleProgram (1)
[+] MiscUtils (1)
[+] NEWTFocusAdapter (1)
[+] NEWTKeyAdapter (1)
[+] NEWTMouseAdapter (1)
[+] QuitAdapter (1)
[+] SingletonInstance (1)
[+] UITestCase (1)

to the top

Other Changes in Data Types (1)

[+] GLProfile (1)

to the top

Java ARchives (18)


to the top