cproj_spec() coverage

specification UnifloatComplex *cproj_spec( CallContext context, UnifloatComplex *x )

coverages branches failures hits/fails
C RE is normal and IM is normal   3
RE is normal and IM is infinity   3
RE is normal and IM is nan failure 17: Requirement failed: {cprojf.01} z projects to z, except that all complex infinities (even those with one infinite part and one NaN part) project to positive infinity on the real axis.
failure 19: Requirement failed: {cproj.01} z projects to z, except that all complex infinities (even those with one infinite part and one NaN part) project to positive infinity on the real axis.
failure 21: Requirement failed: {cprojl.01} z projects to z, except that all complex infinities (even those with one infinite part and one NaN part) project to positive infinity on the real axis.
RE is infinity and IM is normal   3
RE is infinity and IM is infinity   3
RE is infinity and IM is nan   3
RE is nan and IM is normal failure 18: Requirement failed: {cprojf.01} z projects to z, except that all complex infinities (even those with one infinite part and one NaN part) project to positive infinity on the real axis.
failure 20: Requirement failed: {cproj.01} z projects to z, except that all complex infinities (even those with one infinite part and one NaN part) project to positive infinity on the real axis.
failure 22: Requirement failed: {cprojl.01} z projects to z, except that all complex infinities (even those with one infinite part and one NaN part) project to positive infinity on the real axis.
RE is nan and IM is infinity   3
RE is nan and IM is nan   3
100% (9/9)   27/6