scenario time_conversion_scenario

trace: /var/opt/lsb/test/olver-core/2014-01-29_05-08-38/time_conversion_scenario.utz (time_conversion_scenario.utt)
start: Wed Jan 29 06:21:37 EST 2014
end: Wed Jan 29 06:21:40 EST 2014
Product Name: CTESK
Product Build: 20090917
Host: localhost.localdomain
arch: ia32
Product Version: 2.7.287
Operating System: Linux 3.6.10-4.fc18.i686.PAE
failure 144: Requirement failed: {asctime.01} equivalent of the following algorithm

failure 145: Requirement failed: {asctime_r.01} equivalent of the following algorithm

failure 146: Requirement failed: {asctime_r.01} equivalent of the following algorithm