mail.c   mail.c 
/* ========================================================================
* Copyright 1988-2006 University of Washington
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* ========================================================================
/* /*
* Program: Mailbox Access routines * Program: Mailbox Access routines
* *
* Author: Mark Crispin * Author: Mark Crispin
* Networks and Distributed Computing * Networks and Distributed Computing
* Computing & Communications * Computing & Communications
* University of Washington * University of Washington
* Administration Building, AG-44 * Administration Building, AG-44
* Seattle, WA 98195 * Seattle, WA 98195
* Internet: MRC@CAC.Washington.EDU * Internet: MRC@CAC.Washington.EDU
* *
* Date: 22 November 1989 * Date: 22 November 1989
* Last Edited: 15 September 2005 * Last Edited: 30 August 2006
* The IMAP toolkit provided in this Distribution is
* Copyright 1988-2005 University of Washington.
* The full text of our legal notices is contained in the file called
* CPYRIGHT, included with this Distribution.
*/ */
#include <ctype.h> #include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdio.h>
#include "mail.h" #include "mail.h"
#include "osdep.h" #include "osdep.h"
#include <time.h> #include <time.h>
#include "misc.h" #include "misc.h"
#include "rfc822.h" #include "rfc822.h"
#include "utf8.h" #include "utf8.h"
#include "smtp.h" #include "smtp.h"
char *UW_copyright = "The IMAP toolkit provided in this Distribution is\nCo pyright 1988-2005 University of Washington.\nThe full text of our legal not ices is contained in the file called\nCPYRIGHT, included with this Distribu tion.\n"; char *UW_copyright = "Copyright 1988-2006 University of Washington\n\nLicen sed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\nyou may not u se this file except in compliance with the License.\nYou may obtain a copy of the License at\n\n\n";
/* c-client global data */ /* c-client global data */
/* list of mail drivers */ /* list of mail drivers */
static DRIVER *maildrivers = NIL; static DRIVER *maildrivers = NIL;
/* list of authenticators */ /* list of authenticators */
static AUTHENTICATOR *mailauthenticators = NIL; static AUTHENTICATOR *mailauthenticators = NIL;
/* SSL driver pointer */ /* SSL driver pointer */
static NETDRIVER *mailssldriver = NIL; static NETDRIVER *mailssldriver = NIL;
/* pointer to alternate gets function */ /* pointer to alternate gets function */
static mailgets_t mailgets = NIL; static mailgets_t mailgets = NIL;
/* pointer to read progress function */ /* pointer to read progress function */
static readprogress_t mailreadprogress = NIL; static readprogress_t mailreadprogress = NIL;
/* mail cache manipulation function */ /* mail cache manipulation function */
static mailcache_t mailcache = mm_cache; static mailcache_t mailcache = mm_cache;
/* RFC-822 output generator */ /* RFC-822 output generator */
static rfc822out_t mail822out = NIL; static rfc822out_t mail822out = NIL;
/* RFC-822 output generator (new style) */
static rfc822outfull_t mail822outfull = NIL;
/* SMTP verbose callback */ /* SMTP verbose callback */
static smtpverbose_t mailsmtpverbose = mm_dlog; static smtpverbose_t mailsmtpverbose = mm_dlog;
/* proxy copy routine */ /* proxy copy routine */
static mailproxycopy_t mailproxycopy = NIL; static mailproxycopy_t mailproxycopy = NIL;
/* RFC-822 external line parse */ /* RFC-822 external line parse */
static parseline_t mailparseline = NIL; static parseline_t mailparseline = NIL;
/* RFC-822 external phrase parser */ /* RFC-822 external phrase parser */
static parsephrase_t mailparsephrase = NIL; static parsephrase_t mailparsephrase = NIL;
static kinit_t mailkinit = NIL; /* application kinit callback */
/* note network sent command */
static sendcommand_t mailsendcommand = NIL;
/* newsrc file name decision function */ /* newsrc file name decision function */
static newsrcquery_t mailnewsrcquery = NIL; static newsrcquery_t mailnewsrcquery = NIL;
/* ACL results callback */ /* ACL results callback */
static getacl_t mailaclresults = NIL; static getacl_t mailaclresults = NIL;
/* list rights results callback */ /* list rights results callback */
static listrights_t maillistrightsresults = NIL; static listrights_t maillistrightsresults = NIL;
/* my rights results callback */ /* my rights results callback */
static myrights_t mailmyrightsresults = NIL; static myrights_t mailmyrightsresults = NIL;
/* quota results callback */ /* quota results callback */
static quota_t mailquotaresults = NIL; static quota_t mailquotaresults = NIL;
/* quota root results callback */ /* quota root results callback */
static quotaroot_t mailquotarootresults = NIL; static quotaroot_t mailquotarootresults = NIL;
/* sorted results callback */ /* sorted results callback */
static sortresults_t mailsortresults = NIL; static sortresults_t mailsortresults = NIL;
/* threaded results callback */ /* threaded results callback */
static threadresults_t mailthreadresults = NIL; static threadresults_t mailthreadresults = NIL;
/* COPY UID results */
static copyuid_t mailcopyuid = NIL;
/* APPEND UID results */
static appenduid_t mailappenduid = NIL;
/* free elt extra stuff callback */ /* free elt extra stuff callback */
static freeeltsparep_t mailfreeeltsparep = NIL; static freeeltsparep_t mailfreeeltsparep = NIL;
/* free envelope extra stuff callback */ /* free envelope extra stuff callback */
static freeenvelopesparep_t mailfreeenvelopesparep = NIL; static freeenvelopesparep_t mailfreeenvelopesparep = NIL;
/* free body extra stuff callback */ /* free body extra stuff callback */
static freebodysparep_t mailfreebodysparep = NIL; static freebodysparep_t mailfreebodysparep = NIL;
/* free stream extra stuff callback */ /* free stream extra stuff callback */
static freestreamsparep_t mailfreestreamsparep = NIL; static freestreamsparep_t mailfreestreamsparep = NIL;
/* SSL start routine */ /* SSL start routine */
static sslstart_t mailsslstart = NIL; static sslstart_t mailsslstart = NIL;
/* SSL certificate query */ /* SSL certificate query */
static sslcertificatequery_t mailsslcertificatequery = NIL; static sslcertificatequery_t mailsslcertificatequery = NIL;
/* SSL client certificate */
static sslclientcert_t mailsslclientcert = NIL;
/* SSL client private key */
static sslclientkey_t mailsslclientkey = NIL;
/* SSL failure notify */ /* SSL failure notify */
static sslfailure_t mailsslfailure = NIL; static sslfailure_t mailsslfailure = NIL;
static kinit_t mailkinit = NIL; /* application kinit callback */
/* snarf interval */ /* snarf interval */
static long mailsnarfinterval = 60; static long mailsnarfinterval = 60;
/* snarf preservation */ /* snarf preservation */
static long mailsnarfpreserve = NIL; static long mailsnarfpreserve = NIL;
/* newsrc name uses canonical host */ /* newsrc name uses canonical host */
static long mailnewsrccanon = LONGT; static long mailnewsrccanon = LONGT;
/* note network sent command */
static sendcommand_t mailsendcommand = NIL;
/* supported threaders */ /* supported threaders */
static THREADER mailthreadordsub = { static THREADER mailthreadordsub = {
"ORDEREDSUBJECT",mail_thread_orderedsubject,NIL "ORDEREDSUBJECT",mail_thread_orderedsubject,NIL
}; };
static THREADER mailthreadlist = { static THREADER mailthreadlist = {
"REFERENCES",mail_thread_references,&mailthreadordsub "REFERENCES",mail_thread_references,&mailthreadordsub
}; };
/* server name */ /* server name */
static char *servicename = "unknown"; static char *servicename = "unknown";
/* server externally-set authentication ID *
static char *externalauthid = NIL;
static int expungeatping = T; /* mail_ping() may call mm_expunged() */ static int expungeatping = T; /* mail_ping() may call mm_expunged() */
static int trysslfirst = NIL; /* always try SSL first */ static int trysslfirst = NIL; /* always try SSL first */
static int notimezones = NIL; /* write timezones in "From " header */ static int notimezones = NIL; /* write timezones in "From " header */
static int trustdns = T; /* do DNS canonicalization */ static int trustdns = T; /* do DNS canonicalization */
static int saslusesptrname = T; /* SASL uses name from DNS PTR looku p */ static int saslusesptrname = T; /* SASL uses name from DNS PTR looku p */
/* trustdns also must be set */ /* trustdns also must be set */
static int debugsensitive = NIL;/* debug telemetry includes sensitive data */ static int debugsensitive = NIL;/* debug telemetry includes sensitive data */
/* Default mail cache handler /* Default mail cache handler
* Accepts: pointer to cache handle * Accepts: pointer to cache handle
* message number * message number
skipping to change at line 180 skipping to change at line 200
if (stream->sc[msgno - 1]) { if (stream->sc[msgno - 1]) {
if (stream->sc[msgno - 1]->from) if (stream->sc[msgno - 1]->from)
fs_give ((void **) &stream->sc[msgno - 1]->from); fs_give ((void **) &stream->sc[msgno - 1]->from);
if (stream->sc[msgno - 1]->to) if (stream->sc[msgno - 1]->to)
fs_give ((void **) &stream->sc[msgno - 1]->to); fs_give ((void **) &stream->sc[msgno - 1]->to);
if (stream->sc[msgno - 1]->cc) if (stream->sc[msgno - 1]->cc)
fs_give ((void **) &stream->sc[msgno - 1]->cc); fs_give ((void **) &stream->sc[msgno - 1]->cc);
if (stream->sc[msgno - 1]->subject) if (stream->sc[msgno - 1]->subject)
fs_give ((void **) &stream->sc[msgno - 1]->subject); fs_give ((void **) &stream->sc[msgno - 1]->subject);
if (stream->sc[msgno - 1]->original_subject)
fs_give ((void **) &stream->sc[msgno - 1]->original_subject);
if (stream->sc[msgno - 1]->unique && if (stream->sc[msgno - 1]->unique &&
(stream->sc[msgno - 1]->unique != stream->sc[msgno - 1]->message_i d)) (stream->sc[msgno - 1]->unique != stream->sc[msgno - 1]->message_i d))
fs_give ((void **) &stream->sc[msgno - 1]->unique); fs_give ((void **) &stream->sc[msgno - 1]->unique);
if (stream->sc[msgno - 1]->message_id) if (stream->sc[msgno - 1]->message_id)
fs_give ((void **) &stream->sc[msgno - 1]->message_id); fs_give ((void **) &stream->sc[msgno - 1]->message_id);
if (stream->sc[msgno - 1]->references) if (stream->sc[msgno - 1]->references)
mail_free_stringlist (&stream->sc[msgno - 1]->references); mail_free_stringlist (&stream->sc[msgno - 1]->references);
fs_give ((void **) &stream->sc[msgno - 1]); fs_give ((void **) &stream->sc[msgno - 1]);
} }
break; break;
skipping to change at line 323 skipping to change at line 341
case GET_NEWSRC: /* use stream dtb instead of environment */ case GET_NEWSRC: /* use stream dtb instead of environment */
ret = (stream && stream->dtb) ? ret = (stream && stream->dtb) ?
/* KLUDGE ALERT: note stream passed as value */ /* KLUDGE ALERT: note stream passed as value */
(*stream->dtb->parameters) (function,stream) : (*stream->dtb->parameters) (function,stream) :
env_parameters (function,value); env_parameters (function,value);
break; break;
fatal ("ENABLE_DEBUG not permitted"); fatal ("ENABLE_DEBUG not permitted");
fatal ("DISABLE_DEBUG not permitted"); fatal ("DISABLE_DEBUG not permitted");
fatal ("SET_DIRFMTTEST not permitted");
if (!(stream && (ret = (*stream->dtb->parameters) (function,NIL))))
fatal ("GET_DIRFMTTEST not permitted");
fatal ("SET_DRIVERS not permitted"); fatal ("SET_DRIVERS not permitted");
case GET_DRIVERS: /* always return global */ case GET_DRIVERS: /* always return global */
ret = (void *) maildrivers; ret = (void *) maildrivers;
break; break;
fatal ("SET_DRIVER not permitted"); fatal ("SET_DRIVER not permitted");
for (d = maildrivers; d && compare_cstring (d->name,(char *) value); for (d = maildrivers; d && compare_cstring (d->name,(char *) value);
d = d->next); d = d->next);
skipping to change at line 345 skipping to change at line 369
for (d = maildrivers; d && compare_cstring (d->name,(char *) value); for (d = maildrivers; d && compare_cstring (d->name,(char *) value);
d = d->next); d = d->next);
if (ret = (void *) d) d->flags &= ~DR_DISABLE; if (ret = (void *) d) d->flags &= ~DR_DISABLE;
break; break;
for (d = maildrivers; d && compare_cstring (d->name,(char *) value); for (d = maildrivers; d && compare_cstring (d->name,(char *) value);
d = d->next); d = d->next);
if (ret = (void *) d) d->flags |= DR_DISABLE; if (ret = (void *) d) d->flags |= DR_DISABLE;
break; break;
case ENABLE_AUTHENTICATOR: /* punt on this for the nonce */ case ENABLE_AUTHENTICATOR:
fatal ("ENABLE_AUTHENTICATOR not permitted"); for (a = mailauthenticators;/* scan authenticators */
a && compare_cstring (a->name,(char *) value); a = a->next);
if (ret = (void *) a) a->flags &= ~AU_DISABLE;
for (a = mailauthenticators;/* scan authenticators */ for (a = mailauthenticators;/* scan authenticators */
a && compare_cstring (a->name,(char *) value); a = a->next); a && compare_cstring (a->name,(char *) value); a = a->next);
if (a) { /* if authenticator name found */ if (ret = (void *) a) a->flags |= AU_DISABLE;
a->client = NIL; /* blow it away */ break;
ret = (void *) a; for (a = mailauthenticators;/* scan authenticators */
a && compare_cstring (a->name,(char *) value); a = a->next);
if (ret = (void *) a) a->flags &= ~AU_HIDE;
for (a = mailauthenticators;/* scan authenticators */
a && compare_cstring (a->name,(char *) value); a = a->next);
if (ret = (void *) a) a->flags |= AU_HIDE;
if (value) { /* setting external authentication ID */
externalauthid = cpystr ((char *) value);
else { /* clearing external authentication ID */
if (externalauthid) fs_give ((void **) &externalauthid);
} }
ret = (void *) externalauthid;
break; break;
case SET_GETS: case SET_GETS:
mailgets = (mailgets_t) value; mailgets = (mailgets_t) value;
case GET_GETS: case GET_GETS:
ret = (void *) mailgets; ret = (void *) mailgets;
break; break;
mailreadprogress = (readprogress_t) value; mailreadprogress = (readprogress_t) value;
ret = (void *) mailreadprogress; ret = (void *) mailreadprogress;
skipping to change at line 376 skipping to change at line 421
mailcache = (mailcache_t) value; mailcache = (mailcache_t) value;
ret = (void *) mailcache; ret = (void *) mailcache;
break; break;
mail822out = (rfc822out_t) value; mail822out = (rfc822out_t) value;
ret = (void *) mail822out; ret = (void *) mail822out;
break; break;
mail822outfull = (rfc822outfull_t) value;
ret = (void *) mail822outfull;
mailsmtpverbose = (smtpverbose_t) value; mailsmtpverbose = (smtpverbose_t) value;
ret = (void *) mailsmtpverbose; ret = (void *) mailsmtpverbose;
break; break;
mailproxycopy = (mailproxycopy_t) value; mailproxycopy = (mailproxycopy_t) value;
ret = (void *) mailproxycopy; ret = (void *) mailproxycopy;
break; break;
skipping to change at line 406 skipping to change at line 456
mailnewsrcquery = (newsrcquery_t) value; mailnewsrcquery = (newsrcquery_t) value;
ret = (void *) mailnewsrcquery; ret = (void *) mailnewsrcquery;
break; break;
mailnewsrccanon = (long) value; mailnewsrccanon = (long) value;
ret = (void *) mailnewsrccanon; ret = (void *) mailnewsrccanon;
break; break;
mailcopyuid = (copyuid_t) value;
ret = (void *) mailcopyuid;
mailappenduid = (appenduid_t) value;
ret = (void *) mailappenduid;
mailfreeenvelopesparep = (freeenvelopesparep_t) value; mailfreeenvelopesparep = (freeenvelopesparep_t) value;
ret = (void *) mailfreeenvelopesparep; ret = (void *) mailfreeenvelopesparep;
break; break;
mailfreeeltsparep = (freeeltsparep_t) value; mailfreeeltsparep = (freeeltsparep_t) value;
ret = (void *) mailfreeeltsparep; ret = (void *) mailfreeeltsparep;
break; break;
skipping to change at line 436 skipping to change at line 496
mailsslstart = (sslstart_t) value; mailsslstart = (sslstart_t) value;
ret = (void *) mailsslstart; ret = (void *) mailsslstart;
break; break;
mailsslcertificatequery = (sslcertificatequery_t) value; mailsslcertificatequery = (sslcertificatequery_t) value;
ret = (void *) mailsslcertificatequery; ret = (void *) mailsslcertificatequery;
break; break;
mailsslclientcert = (sslclientcert_t) value;
ret = (void *) mailsslclientcert;
mailsslclientkey = (sslclientkey_t) value;
ret = (void *) mailsslclientkey;
mailsslfailure = (sslfailure_t) value; mailsslfailure = (sslfailure_t) value;
ret = (void *) mailsslfailure; ret = (void *) mailsslfailure;
break; break;
mailkinit = (kinit_t) value; mailkinit = (kinit_t) value;
ret = (void *) mailkinit; ret = (void *) mailkinit;
break; break;
skipping to change at line 704 skipping to change at line 774
!*mb->authuser) strcpy (mb->authuser,v); !*mb->authuser) strcpy (mb->authuser,v);
else return NIL; else return NIL;
} }
else { /* non-argument switch */ else { /* non-argument switch */
if (!compare_cstring (s,"anonymous")) mb->anoflag = T; if (!compare_cstring (s,"anonymous")) mb->anoflag = T;
else if (!compare_cstring (s,"debug")) mb->dbgflag = T; else if (!compare_cstring (s,"debug")) mb->dbgflag = T;
else if (!compare_cstring (s,"readonly")) mb->readonlyflag = T; else if (!compare_cstring (s,"readonly")) mb->readonlyflag = T;
else if (!compare_cstring (s,"secure")) mb->secflag = T; else if (!compare_cstring (s,"secure")) mb->secflag = T;
else if (!compare_cstring (s,"norsh")) mb->norsh = T; else if (!compare_cstring (s,"norsh")) mb->norsh = T;
else if (!compare_cstring (s,"loser")) mb->loser = T; else if (!compare_cstring (s,"loser")) mb->loser = T;
else if (!compare_cstring (s,"tls") && !mb->notlsflag) mb->tlsflag = else if (!compare_cstring (s,"tls") && !mb->notlsflag)
T; mb->tlsflag = T;
else if (!compare_cstring (s,"tls-sslv23") && !mb->notlsflag)
mb->tlssslv23 = mb->tlsflag = T;
else if (!compare_cstring (s,"notls") && !mb->tlsflag) else if (!compare_cstring (s,"notls") && !mb->tlsflag)
mb->notlsflag = T; mb->notlsflag = T;
else if (!compare_cstring (s,"tryssl")) else if (!compare_cstring (s,"tryssl"))
mb->trysslflag = mailssldriver? T : NIL; mb->trysslflag = mailssldriver? T : NIL;
else if (mailssldriver && !compare_cstring (s,"ssl")) mb->sslflag = else if (mailssldriver && !compare_cstring (s,"ssl") && !mb->tlsflag
T; )
mb->sslflag = mb->notlsflag = T;
else if (mailssldriver && !compare_cstring (s,"novalidate-cert")) else if (mailssldriver && !compare_cstring (s,"novalidate-cert"))
mb->novalidate = T; mb->novalidate = T;
/* hack for compatibility with the past */ /* hack for compatibility with the past */
else if (mailssldriver && !compare_cstring (s,"validate-cert")); else if (mailssldriver && !compare_cstring (s,"validate-cert"));
/* service switches below here */ /* service switches below here */
else if (*mb->service) return NIL; else if (*mb->service) return NIL;
else if (!compare_cstring (s,"imap") || else if (!compare_cstring (s,"imap") ||
!compare_cstring (s,"nntp") || !compare_cstring (s,"nntp") ||
!compare_cstring (s,"pop3") || !compare_cstring (s,"pop3") ||
!compare_cstring (s,"smtp") || !compare_cstring (s,"smtp") ||
skipping to change at line 1126 skipping to change at line 1200
if (d) return (*d->open) (NIL); if (d) return (*d->open) (NIL);
sprintf (tmp,"Can't resolve mailbox %.80s: unknown driver",name); sprintf (tmp,"Can't resolve mailbox %.80s: unknown driver",name);
return mail_close (stream); return mail_close (stream);
} }
/* fall through to default case */ /* fall through to default case */
default: /* not special hack (but could be # name */ default: /* not special hack (but could be # name */
d = mail_valid (NIL,name,(options & OP_SILENT) ? d = mail_valid (NIL,name,(options & OP_SILENT) ?
(char *) NIL : "open mailbox"); (char *) NIL : "open mailbox");
} }
if (d) { /* must have a factory */ return d ? mail_open_work (d,stream,name,options) : stream;
char *oname = cpystr (name); }
if (options & OP_PROTOTYPE) return (*d->open) (NIL); /* Mail open worker routine
if (stream) { /* recycling requested? */ * Accepts: factory
if ((stream->dtb == d) && (d->flags & DR_RECYCLE) && * candidate stream for recycling
((d->flags & DR_HALFOPEN) || !(options & OP_HALFOPEN)) && * mailbox name
mail_usable_network_stream (stream,name)) { * open options
* Returns: stream to use on success, NIL on failure
MAILSTREAM *mail_open_work (DRIVER *d,MAILSTREAM *stream,char *name,
long options)
int i;
char tmp[MAILTMPLEN];
if (options & OP_PROTOTYPE) return (*d->open) (NIL);
/* name is copied here in case the caller does a re-open using
* stream->mailbox or stream->original_mailbox as the argument.
name = cpystr (name); /* make copy of name */
if (stream) { /* recycling requested? */
if ((stream->dtb == d) && (d->flags & DR_RECYCLE) &&
((d->flags & DR_HALFOPEN) || !(options & OP_HALFOPEN)) &&
mail_usable_network_stream (stream,name)) {
/* yes, checkpoint if needed */ /* yes, checkpoint if needed */
if (d->flags & DR_XPOINT) mail_check (stream); if (d->flags & DR_XPOINT) mail_check (stream);
mail_free_cache(stream);/* clean up stream */ mail_free_cache (stream); /* clean up stream */
if (stream->mailbox) fs_give ((void **) &stream->mailbox); if (stream->mailbox) fs_give ((void **) &stream->mailbox);
if (stream->original_mailbox) if (stream->original_mailbox)
fs_give ((void **) &stream->original_mailbox); fs_give ((void **) &stream->original_mailbox);
/* flush user flags */ /* flush user flags */
for (i = 0; i < NUSERFLAGS; i++) for (i = 0; i < NUSERFLAGS; i++)
if (stream->user_flags[i]) fs_give ((void **)&stream->user_flags[i if (stream->user_flags[i]) fs_give ((void **) &stream->user_flags[i]
]); );
else { /* stream not recycleable, babble if net */
if (!stream->silent && stream->dtb && !(stream->dtb->flags&DR_LOCAL)
mail_valid_net_parse (stream->mailbox,&mb)) {
sprintf (tmp,"Closing connection to %.80s",;
MM_LOG (tmp,(long) NIL);
} }
else { /* stream not recycleable, babble if net */
if (!stream->silent && stream->dtb && !(stream->dtb->flags&DR_LOCAL)
mail_valid_net_parse (stream->mailbox,&mb)) {
sprintf (tmp,"Closing connection to %.80s",;
MM_LOG (tmp,(long) NIL);
/* flush the old stream */ /* flush the old stream */
stream = mail_close (stream); stream = mail_close (stream);
} }
/* check if driver does not support halfopen */ /* check if driver does not support halfopen */
else if ((options & OP_HALFOPEN) && !(d->flags & DR_HALFOPEN)) { else if ((options & OP_HALFOPEN) && !(d->flags & DR_HALFOPEN)) {
fs_give ((void **) &oname); fs_give ((void **) &name);
return NIL; return NIL;
} }
/* instantiate new stream if not recycling * / /* instantiate new stream if not recycling * /
if (!stream) (*mailcache) (stream = (MAILSTREAM *) if (!stream) (*mailcache) (stream = (MAILSTREAM *)
memset (fs_get (sizeof (MAILSTREAM)),0, memset (fs_get (sizeof (MAILSTREAM)),0,
sizeof (MAILSTREAM)),(long) 0,CH_INIT sizeof (MAILSTREAM)),(long) 0,CH_INIT);
); stream->dtb = d; /* set dispatch */
stream->dtb = d; /* set dispatch */
/* set mailbox name */ /* set mailbox name */
stream->mailbox = cpystr (stream->original_mailbox = oname); stream->mailbox = cpystr (stream->original_mailbox = name);
/* initialize stream flags */ /* initialize stream flags */
stream->inbox = stream->lock = NIL; stream->inbox = stream->lock = NIL;
stream->debug = (options & OP_DEBUG) ? T : NIL; stream->debug = (options & OP_DEBUG) ? T : NIL;
stream->rdonly = (options & OP_READONLY) ? T : NIL; stream->rdonly = (options & OP_READONLY) ? T : NIL;
stream->anonymous = (options & OP_ANONYMOUS) ? T : NIL; stream->anonymous = (options & OP_ANONYMOUS) ? T : NIL;
stream->scache = (options & OP_SHORTCACHE) ? T : NIL; stream->scache = (options & OP_SHORTCACHE) ? T : NIL;
stream->silent = (options & OP_SILENT) ? T : NIL; stream->silent = (options & OP_SILENT) ? T : NIL;
stream->halfopen = (options & OP_HALFOPEN) ? T : NIL; stream->halfopen = (options & OP_HALFOPEN) ? T : NIL;
stream->secure = (options & OP_SECURE) ? T : NIL; stream->secure = (options & OP_SECURE) ? T : NIL;
stream->tryssl = (options & OP_TRYSSL) ? T : NIL; stream->tryssl = (options & OP_TRYSSL) ? T : NIL;
stream->mulnewsrc = (options & OP_MULNEWSRC) ? T : NIL; stream->mulnewsrc = (options & OP_MULNEWSRC) ? T : NIL;
stream->perm_seen = stream->perm_deleted = stream->perm_flagged = stream->nokod = (options & OP_NOKOD) ? T : NIL;
stream->perm_answered = stream->perm_draft = stream->kwd_create = NIL stream->sniff = (options & OP_SNIFF) ? T : NIL;
; stream->perm_seen = stream->perm_deleted = stream->perm_flagged =
stream->uid_nosticky = (d->flags & DR_NOSTICKY) ? T : NIL; stream->perm_answered = stream->perm_draft = stream->kwd_create = NIL;
stream->uid_last = 0; /* default UID validity */ stream->uid_nosticky = (d->flags & DR_NOSTICKY) ? T : NIL;
stream->uid_validity = time (0); stream->uid_last = 0; /* default UID validity */
stream->uid_validity = (unsigned long) time (0);
/* have driver open, flush if failed */ /* have driver open, flush if failed */
if (!(*d->open) (stream)) stream = mail_close (stream); return ((*d->open) (stream)) ? stream : mail_close (stream);
return stream; /* return the stream */
} }
/* Mail close /* Mail close
* Accepts: mail stream * Accepts: mail stream
* close options * close options
* Returns: NIL, always * Returns: NIL, always
*/ */
MAILSTREAM *mail_close_full (MAILSTREAM *stream,long options) MAILSTREAM *mail_close_full (MAILSTREAM *stream,long options)
{ {
int i; int i;
skipping to change at line 1641 skipping to change at line 1733
unsigned long *len,long flags) unsigned long *len,long flags)
{ {
BODY *b = NIL; BODY *b = NIL;
char tmp[MAILTMPLEN]; char tmp[MAILTMPLEN];
unsigned long i; unsigned long i;
if (len) *len = 0; /* default return size */ if (len) *len = 0; /* default return size */
memset (&stream->private.string,NIL,sizeof (STRING));
if (section && (strlen (section) > (MAILTMPLEN - 20))) return ""; if (section && (strlen (section) > (MAILTMPLEN - 20))) return "";
if (flags & FT_UID) { /* UID form of call */ if (flags & FT_UID) { /* UID form of call */
if (msgno = mail_msgno (stream,msgno)) flags &= ~FT_UID; if (msgno = mail_msgno (stream,msgno)) flags &= ~FT_UID;
else return ""; /* must get UID/msgno map first */ else return ""; /* must get UID/msgno map first */
} }
elt = mail_elt (stream,msgno);/* get cache data */ elt = mail_elt (stream,msgno);/* get cache data */
if (section && *section) { /* nested body text wanted? */ if (section && *section) { /* nested body text wanted? */
if (!((b = mail_body (stream,msgno,section)) && if (!((b = mail_body (stream,msgno,section)) &&
(b->type == TYPEMESSAGE) && !strcmp (b->subtype,"RFC822"))) (b->type == TYPEMESSAGE) && !strcmp (b->subtype,"RFC822")))
return ""; /* lose if no body or not MESSAGE/RFC822 */ return ""; /* lose if no body or not MESSAGE/RFC822 */
skipping to change at line 1676 skipping to change at line 1769
if (!stream->dtb) return ""; /* not in cache, must have live driver */ if (!stream->dtb) return ""; /* not in cache, must have live driver */
if (stream->dtb->msgdata) return if (stream->dtb->msgdata) return
((*stream->dtb->msgdata) (stream,msgno,tmp,0,0,NIL,flags) && p->text.da ta)? ((*stream->dtb->msgdata) (stream,msgno,tmp,0,0,NIL,flags) && p->text.da ta)?
mail_fetch_text_return (&md,&p->text,len) : ""; mail_fetch_text_return (&md,&p->text,len) : "";
if (!(*stream->dtb->text) (stream,msgno,&bs,flags)) return ""; if (!(*stream->dtb->text) (stream,msgno,&bs,flags)) return "";
if (section && *section) { /* nested is more complex */ if (section && *section) { /* nested is more complex */
SETPOS (&bs,p->offset); SETPOS (&bs,p->offset);
i = p->text.size; /* just want this much */ i = p->text.size; /* just want this much */
} }
else i = SIZE (&bs); /* want entire text */ else i = SIZE (&bs); /* want entire text */
return mail_fetch_string_return (&md,&bs,i,len); return mail_fetch_string_return (&md,&bs,i,len,flags);
} }
/* Mail fetch message body part MIME headers /* Mail fetch message body part MIME headers
* Accepts: mail stream * Accepts: mail stream
* message # to fetch * message # to fetch
* MIME section specifier (#.#.#...#) * MIME section specifier (#.#.#...#)
* pointer to returned length * pointer to returned length
* flags * flags
* Returns: message text * Returns: message text
*/ */
skipping to change at line 1757 skipping to change at line 1850
char *mail_fetch_body (MAILSTREAM *stream,unsigned long msgno,char *section , char *mail_fetch_body (MAILSTREAM *stream,unsigned long msgno,char *section ,
unsigned long *len,long flags) unsigned long *len,long flags)
{ {
BODY *b; BODY *b;
char *s,tmp[MAILTMPLEN]; char *s,tmp[MAILTMPLEN];
memset (&stream->private.string,NIL,sizeof (STRING));
if (!(section && *section)) /* top-level text wanted? */ if (!(section && *section)) /* top-level text wanted? */
return mail_fetch_message (stream,msgno,len,flags); return mail_fetch_message (stream,msgno,len,flags);
else if (strlen (section) > (MAILTMPLEN - 20)) return ""; else if (strlen (section) > (MAILTMPLEN - 20)) return "";
flags &= ~FT_INTERNAL; /* can't win with this set */ flags &= ~FT_INTERNAL; /* can't win with this set */
/* initialize message data identifier */ /* initialize message data identifier */
INIT_GETS (md,stream,msgno,section,0,0); INIT_GETS (md,stream,msgno,section,0,0);
/* kludge for old section 0 header */ /* kludge for old section 0 header */
if (!strcmp (s = strcpy (tmp,section),"0") || if (!strcmp (s = strcpy (tmp,section),"0") ||
((s = strstr (tmp,".0")) && !s[2])) { ((s = strstr (tmp,".0")) && !s[2])) {
skipping to change at line 1810 skipping to change at line 1904
return stream-> + p->offset; return stream-> + p->offset;
if (!(*stream->dtb->text) (stream,msgno,&bs,flags)) { if (!(*stream->dtb->text) (stream,msgno,&bs,flags)) {
if (len) *len = 0; if (len) *len = 0;
return ""; return "";
} }
if (bs.dtb->next == mail_string_next) { if (bs.dtb->next == mail_string_next) {
if (stream-> stream-> = bs.cur pos; if (stream-> stream-> = bs.cur pos;
return bs.curpos + p->offset; return bs.curpos + p->offset;
} }
SETPOS (&bs,p->offset); SETPOS (&bs,p->offset);
return mail_fetch_string_return (&md,&bs,t->size,len); return mail_fetch_string_return (&md,&bs,t->size,len,flags);
} }
/* Mail fetch partial message text /* Mail fetch partial message text
* Accepts: mail stream * Accepts: mail stream
* message # to fetch * message # to fetch
* MIME section specifier (#.#.#...#) * MIME section specifier (#.#.#...#)
* offset of first designed byte or 0 to start at beginning * offset of first designed byte or 0 to start at beginning
* maximum number of bytes or 0 for all bytes * maximum number of bytes or 0 for all bytes
* flags * flags
* Returns: T if successful, else NIL * Returns: T if successful, else NIL
*/ */
skipping to change at line 1963 skipping to change at line 2057
return (*mailgets) (mail_read,&bs,t->size,md); return (*mailgets) (mail_read,&bs,t->size,md);
} }
return t->size ? (char *) t->data : ""; return t->size ? (char *) t->data : "";
} }
/* Mail return message string /* Mail return message string
* Accepts: identifier data * Accepts: identifier data
* stringstruct * stringstruct
* text length * text length
* pointer to returned length * pointer to returned length
* Returns: text * flags
* Returns: text, or NIL if stringstruct returned
*/ */
char *mail_fetch_string_return (GETS_DATA *md,STRING *bs,unsigned long i, char *mail_fetch_string_return (GETS_DATA *md,STRING *bs,unsigned long i,
unsigned long *len) unsigned long *len,long flags)
{ {
char *ret = NIL;
if (len) *len = i; /* return size */ if (len) *len = i; /* return size */
/* return stringstruct hack */
memcpy (&md->stream->private.string,bs,sizeof (STRING));
SETPOS (&md->stream->private.string,GETPOS (&md->stream->private.string
/* have to do the mailgets thing? */ /* have to do the mailgets thing? */
if (mailgets) return (*mailgets) (mail_read,bs,i,md); else if (mailgets) ret = (*mailgets) (mail_read,bs,i,md);
/* special hack to avoid extra copy */ /* special hack to avoid extra copy */
if (bs->dtb->next == mail_string_next) return bs->curpos; else if (bs->dtb->next == mail_string_next) ret = bs->curpos;
/* make string copy in memory */ /* make string copy in memory */
return textcpyoffstring (&md->stream->text,bs,GETPOS (bs),i); else ret = textcpyoffstring (&md->stream->text,bs,GETPOS (bs),i);
return ret;
} }
/* Read data from stringstruct /* Read data from stringstruct
* Accepts: stringstruct * Accepts: stringstruct
* size of data to read * size of data to read
* buffer to read into * buffer to read into
* Returns: T, always, stringstruct updated * Returns: T, always, stringstruct updated
*/ */
long mail_read (void *stream,unsigned long size,char *buffer) long mail_read (void *stream,unsigned long size,char *buffer)
{ {
skipping to change at line 2186 skipping to change at line 2288
* character set * character set
* search program * search program
* option flags * option flags
* Returns: T if successful, NIL if bad charset * Returns: T if successful, NIL if bad charset
*/ */
long mail_search_default (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *charset,SEARCHPGM *pgm, long mail_search_default (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *charset,SEARCHPGM *pgm,
long flags) long flags)
{ {
unsigned long i; unsigned long i;
if (charset && *charset && /* convert if charset not US-ASCII or UTF-8 char *msg;
*/ /* make sure that charset is good */
!(((charset[0] == 'U') || (charset[0] == 'u')) && if (msg = utf8_badcharset (charset)) {
((((charset[1] == 'S') || (charset[1] == 's')) && MM_LOG (msg,ERROR); /* output error */
(charset[2] == '-') && fs_give ((void **) &msg);
((charset[3] == 'A') || (charset[3] == 'a')) && return NIL;
((charset[4] == 'S') || (charset[4] == 's')) &&
((charset[5] == 'C') || (charset[5] == 'c')) &&
((charset[6] == 'I') || (charset[6] == 'i')) &&
((charset[7] == 'I') || (charset[7] == 'i')) && !charset[8]) ||
(((charset[1] == 'T') || (charset[1] == 't')) &&
((charset[2] == 'F') || (charset[2] == 'f')) &&
(charset[3] == '-') && (charset[4] == '8') && !charset[5])))) {
if (utf8_text (NIL,charset,NIL,T)) utf8_searchpgm (pgm,charset);
else return NIL; /* charset unknown */
for (i = 1; i <= stream->nmsgs; ++i) if (mail_search_msg (stream,i,NIL,pg
if (flags & SE_UID) mm_searched (stream,mail_uid (stream,i));
else { /* mark as searched, notify mail program */
mail_elt (stream,i)->searched = T;
if (!stream->silent) mm_searched (stream,i);
} }
return LONGT; utf8_searchpgm (pgm,charset);
for (i = 1; i <= stream->nmsgs; ++i)
if (mail_search_msg (stream,i,NIL,pgm)) {
if (flags & SE_UID) mm_searched (stream,mail_uid (stream,i));
else { /* mark as searched, notify mail program */
mail_elt (stream,i)->searched = T;
if (!stream->silent) mm_searched (stream,i);
return LONGT; /* search completed */
} }
/* Mail ping mailbox /* Mail ping mailbox
* Accepts: mail stream * Accepts: mail stream
* Returns: stream if still open else NIL * Returns: stream if still open else NIL
*/ */
long mail_ping (MAILSTREAM *stream) long mail_ping (MAILSTREAM *stream)
{ {
unsigned long i,n,uf,len; unsigned long i,n,uf,len;
char *s,*f,tmp[MAILTMPLEN],flags[MAILTMPLEN]; char *s,*f,tmp[MAILTMPLEN],flags[MAILTMPLEN];
skipping to change at line 2282 skipping to change at line 2378
} }
else { /* copy failed */ else { /* copy failed */
sprintf (tmp,"Unable to move message %lu from %s mailbox", sprintf (tmp,"Unable to move message %lu from %s mailbox",
i,snarf->dtb->name); i,snarf->dtb->name);
mm_log (tmp,WARN); mm_log (tmp,WARN);
} }
} }
} }
/* expunge the messages */ /* expunge the messages */
mail_close_full (snarf,n ? CL_EXPUNGE : NIL); mail_close_full (snarf,n ? CL_EXPUNGE : NIL);
stream->snarf.time = time (0); stream->snarf.time = (unsigned long) time (0);
/* Even if the snarf failed, we don't want to return NIL if the stream /* Even if the snarf failed, we don't want to return NIL if the stream
* is still alive. Or at least that's what we currently think. * is still alive. Or at least that's what we currently think.
*/ */
/* redo the driver's action */ /* redo the driver's action */
ret = stream->dtb ? (*stream->dtb->ping) (stream) : NIL; ret = stream->dtb ? (*stream->dtb->ping) (stream) : NIL;
} }
return ret; return ret;
} }
/* Mail check mailbox /* Mail check mailbox
* Accepts: mail stream * Accepts: mail stream
*/ */
void mail_check (MAILSTREAM *stream) void mail_check (MAILSTREAM *stream)
{ {
/* do the driver's action */ /* do the driver's action */
if (stream->dtb) (*stream->dtb->check) (stream); if (stream->dtb) (*stream->dtb->check) (stream);
} }
/* Mail expunge mailbox /* Mail expunge mailbox
* Accepts: mail stream * Accepts: mail stream
* sequence to expunge if non-NIL
* expunge options
* Returns: T on success, NIL on failure
*/ */
void mail_expunge (MAILSTREAM *stream) long mail_expunge_full (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *sequence,long options)
{ {
/* do the driver's action */ /* do the driver's action */
if (stream->dtb) (*stream->dtb->expunge) (stream); return stream->dtb ? (*stream->dtb->expunge) (stream,sequence,options) : NIL;
} }
/* Mail copy message(s) /* Mail copy message(s)
* Accepts: mail stream * Accepts: mail stream
* sequence * sequence
* destination mailbox * destination mailbox
* flags * flags
*/ */
long mail_copy_full (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *sequence,char *mailbox, long mail_copy_full (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *sequence,char *mailbox,
skipping to change at line 2605 skipping to change at line 2704
elt->zoccident ? "-" : "+",elt->zhours,elt->zminutes); elt->zoccident ? "-" : "+",elt->zhours,elt->zminutes);
return string; return string;
} }
/* Mail parse date into elt fields /* Mail parse date into elt fields
* Accepts: elt to write into * Accepts: elt to write into
* date string to parse * date string to parse
* Returns: T if parse successful, else NIL * Returns: T if parse successful, else NIL
* This routine parses dates as follows: * This routine parses dates as follows:
* . leading three alphas followed by comma and space are ignored * . leading three alphas followed by comma and space are ignored
* . date accepted in format: mm/dd/yy, mm/dd/yyyy, dd-mmm-yy, dd-mmm-yyyy, * . date accepted in format: mm/dd/yy, mm/dd/yyyy, dd-mmm-yy, dd-mmm-yyyy,
* dd mmm yy, dd mmm yyyy * dd mmm yy, dd mmm yyyy, yyyy-mm-dd, yyyymmdd
* . two and three digit years interpreted according to RFC 2822 rules * . two and three digit years interpreted according to RFC 2822 rules
* . space or end of string required * . mandatory end of string if yyyy-mm-dd or yyyymmdd; otherwise optional
* space followed by time:
* . time accepted in format hh:mm:ss or hh:mm * . time accepted in format hh:mm:ss or hh:mm
* . end of string accepted * . end of string accepted
* . timezone accepted: hyphen followed by symbolic timezone, or space * . timezone accepted: hyphen followed by symbolic timezone, or space
* followed by signed numeric timezone or symbolic timezone * followed by signed numeric timezone or symbolic timezone
* Examples of normal input: * Examples of normal input:
* . IMAP date-only (SEARCH): * . IMAP date-only (SEARCH):
* dd-mmm-yyyy * dd-mmm-yyyy
* . IMAP date-time (INTERNALDATE): * . IMAP date-time (INTERNALDATE):
* dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss +zzzz * dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss +zzzz
* . RFC-822: * . RFC-822:
skipping to change at line 2658 skipping to change at line 2758
switch (*s) { /* different parse based on delimite r */ switch (*s) { /* different parse based on delimite r */
case '/': /* mm/dd/yy format */ case '/': /* mm/dd/yy format */
if (isdigit (*++s) && (d = strtoul (s,(char **) &s,10)) && if (isdigit (*++s) && (d = strtoul (s,(char **) &s,10)) &&
(*s == '/') && isdigit (*++s)) { (*s == '/') && isdigit (*++s)) {
y = strtoul (s,(char **) &s,10); y = strtoul (s,(char **) &s,10);
if (*s == '\0') break; /* must end here */ if (*s == '\0') break; /* must end here */
} }
return NIL; /* bogon */ return NIL; /* bogon */
case ' ': /* dd mmm yy format */ case ' ': /* dd mmm yy format */
while (s[1] == ' ') s++; /* slurp extra whitespace */ while (s[1] == ' ') s++; /* slurp extra whitespace */
case '-': /* dd-mmm-yy format */ case '-':
d = m; /* so the number we got is a day */ if (isdigit (s[1])) { /* possible ISO 8601 date format? */
y = m; /* yes, first number is year */
/* get month and day */
if ((m = strtoul (s+1,(char **) &s,10)) && (*s++ == '-') &&
(d = strtoul (s,(char **) &s,10)) && !*s) break;
return NIL; /* syntax error or time present */
d = m; /* dd-mmm-yy[yy], so first number is a day *
/* make sure string long enough! */ /* make sure string long enough! */
if (strlen (s) < (size_t) 5) return NIL; if (strlen (s) < (size_t) 5) return NIL;
/* Some compilers don't allow `<<' and/or longs in case statements. */ /* Some compilers don't allow `<<' and/or longs in case statements. */
/* slurp up the month string */ /* slurp up the month string */
ms = ((s[1] - 'A') * 1024) + ((s[2] - 'A') * 32) + (s[3] - 'A'); ms = ((s[1] - 'A') * 1024) + ((s[2] - 'A') * 32) + (s[3] - 'A');
switch (ms) { /* determine the month */ switch (ms) { /* determine the month */
case (('J'-'A') * 1024) + (('A'-'A') * 32) + ('N'-'A'): m = 1; break; case (('J'-'A') * 1024) + (('A'-'A') * 32) + ('N'-'A'): m = 1; break;
case (('F'-'A') * 1024) + (('E'-'A') * 32) + ('B'-'A'): m = 2; break; case (('F'-'A') * 1024) + (('E'-'A') * 32) + ('B'-'A'): m = 2; break;
case (('M'-'A') * 1024) + (('A'-'A') * 32) + ('R'-'A'): m = 3; break; case (('M'-'A') * 1024) + (('A'-'A') * 32) + ('R'-'A'): m = 3; break;
case (('A'-'A') * 1024) + (('P'-'A') * 32) + ('R'-'A'): m = 4; break; case (('A'-'A') * 1024) + (('P'-'A') * 32) + ('R'-'A'): m = 4; break;
skipping to change at line 2692 skipping to change at line 2799
mi = *s; /* note delimiter, skip alphas */ mi = *s; /* note delimiter, skip alphas */
for (s += 4; isalpha (*s); s++); for (s += 4; isalpha (*s); s++);
/* error if delimiter not here */ /* error if delimiter not here */
if (mi != *s++) return NIL; if (mi != *s++) return NIL;
} }
while (*s == ' ') s++; /* parse year */ while (*s == ' ') s++; /* parse year */
if (isdigit (*s)) { /* must be a digit here */ if (isdigit (*s)) { /* must be a digit here */
y = strtoul (s,(char **) &s,10); y = strtoul (s,(char **) &s,10);
if (*s == '\0' || *s == ' ') break; if (*s == '\0' || *s == ' ') break;
} }
case '\0': /* ISO 8601 compact date */
if (m < (BASEYEAR * 10000)) return NIL;
y = m / 10000; /* get year */
d = (m %= 10000) % 100; /* get day */
m /= 100; /* and month */
default: default:
return NIL; /* unknown date format */ return NIL; /* unknown date format */
} }
/* minimal validity check of date */ /* minimal validity check of date */
if ((d > 31) || (m > 12)) return NIL; if ((d > 31) || (m > 12)) return NIL;
if (y < 49) y += 2000; /* RFC 2282 rules for two digit years 00-49 */ if (y < 49) y += 2000; /* RFC 2282 rules for two digit years 00-49 */
else if (y < 999) y += 1900; /* 2-digit years 50-99 and 3-digit years */ else if (y < 999) y += 1900; /* 2-digit years 50-99 and 3-digit years */
/* reject prehistoric and far future years * / /* reject prehistoric and far future years * /
if ((y < BASEYEAR) || (y > maxyear)) return NIL; if ((y < BASEYEAR) || (y > maxyear)) return NIL;
/* set values in elt */ /* set values in elt */
skipping to change at line 2890 skipping to change at line 3003
* number of messages * number of messages
*/ */
void mail_exists (MAILSTREAM *stream,unsigned long nmsgs) void mail_exists (MAILSTREAM *stream,unsigned long nmsgs)
{ {
char tmp[MAILTMPLEN]; char tmp[MAILTMPLEN];
if (nmsgs > MAXMESSAGES) { if (nmsgs > MAXMESSAGES) {
sprintf (tmp,"Mailbox has more messages (%lu) exist than maximum (%lu)" , sprintf (tmp,"Mailbox has more messages (%lu) exist than maximum (%lu)" ,
mm_log (tmp,ERROR); mm_log (tmp,ERROR);
nmsgs = MAXMESSAGES; /* cap to maximum */
/* probably will crash in mail_elt() soon enough... */
} }
else {
/* make sure cache is large enough */ /* make sure cache is large enough */
(*mailcache) (stream,nmsgs,CH_SIZE); (*mailcache) (stream,nmsgs,CH_SIZE);
stream->nmsgs = nmsgs; /* update stream status */ stream->nmsgs = nmsgs; /* update stream status */
/* notify main program of change */ /* notify main program of change */
if (!stream->silent) MM_EXISTS (stream,nmsgs); if (!stream->silent) MM_EXISTS (stream,nmsgs);
} }
/* Mail n messages are recent /* Mail n messages are recent
* Accepts: mail stream * Accepts: mail stream
* number of recent messages * number of recent messages
*/ */
void mail_recent (MAILSTREAM *stream,unsigned long recent) void mail_recent (MAILSTREAM *stream,unsigned long recent)
{ {
char tmp[MAILTMPLEN]; char tmp[MAILTMPLEN];
skipping to change at line 3094 skipping to change at line 3207
{ {
unsigned long i; unsigned long i;
unsigned char *s,*t; unsigned char *s,*t;
if (!msglines) return T; /* full header is in cache */ if (!msglines) return T; /* full header is in cache */
/* need full header but filtered in cache */ /* need full header but filtered in cache */
if ((flags & FT_NOT) || !lines) return NIL; if ((flags & FT_NOT) || !lines) return NIL;
do { /* make sure all present & accounted for */ do { /* make sure all present & accounted for */
for (m = msglines; m; m = m->next) if (lines->text.size == m->text.size ) { for (m = msglines; m; m = m->next) if (lines->text.size == m->text.size ) {
for (s = lines->,t = m->,i = lines->text.size; for (s = lines->,t = m->,i = lines->text.size;
i && ((islower (*s) ? (*s-('a'-'A')) : *s) == i && !compare_uchar (*s,*t); s++,t++,i--);
(islower (*t) ? (*t-('a'-'A')) : *t)); s++,t++,i--);
if (!i) break; /* this line matches */ if (!i) break; /* this line matches */
} }
if (!m) return NIL; /* didn't find in the list */ if (!m) return NIL; /* didn't find in the list */
} }
while (lines = lines->next); while (lines = lines->next);
return T; /* all lines found */ return T; /* all lines found */
} }
/* Mail filter text by header lines /* Mail filter text by header lines
* Accepts: text to filter, with trailing null * Accepts: text to filter, with trailing null
* length of text * length of text
skipping to change at line 3382 skipping to change at line 3494
/* Mail search message header /* Mail search message header
* Accepts: header as sized text * Accepts: header as sized text
* strings to search * strings to search
* Returns: T if search found a match * Returns: T if search found a match
*/ */
long mail_search_header (SIZEDTEXT *hdr,STRINGLIST *st) long mail_search_header (SIZEDTEXT *hdr,STRINGLIST *st)
{ {
long ret = LONGT; long ret = LONGT;
utf8_mime2text (hdr,&h); /* make UTF-8 version of header */ /* make UTF-8 version of header */
utf8_mime2text (hdr,&h,U8T_CANONICAL);
while (h.size && (([h.size-1]=='\015') || ([h.size-1]=='\012' ))) while (h.size && (([h.size-1]=='\015') || ([h.size-1]=='\012' )))
--h.size; /* slice off trailing newlines */ --h.size; /* slice off trailing newlines */
do if (h.size ? /* search non-empty string */ do if (h.size ? /* search non-empty string */
!search (,h.size,st->,st->text.size) : st->text.size ) !ssearch (,h.size,st->,st->text.size) : st->text.siz e)
ret = NIL; ret = NIL;
while (ret && (st = st->next)); while (ret && (st = st->next));
if ( != hdr->data) fs_give ((void **) &; if ( != hdr->data) fs_give ((void **) &;
return ret; return ret;
} }
/* Mail search message body /* Mail search message body
* Accepts: MAIL stream * Accepts: MAIL stream
* message number * message number
* optional section specification * optional section specification
* string list * string list
skipping to change at line 3420 skipping to change at line 3533
for (stream-> = s; st;) { for (stream-> = s; st;) {
s-> = st->; s-> = st->;
s->text.size = st->text.size; s->text.size = st->text.size;
if (st = st->next) s = s->next = mail_newstringlist (); if (st = st->next) s = s->next = mail_newstringlist ();
} }
stream-> = NIL; stream-> = NIL;
if (flags) { /* want header? */ if (flags) { /* want header? */
SIZEDTEXT s,t; SIZEDTEXT s,t; = (unsigned char *) = (unsigned char *)
mail_fetch_header (stream,msgno,section,NIL,&s.size,FT_INTERNAL|FT_PE EK); mail_fetch_header (stream,msgno,section,NIL,&s.size,FT_INTERNAL|FT_PE EK);
utf8_mime2text (&s,&t); utf8_mime2text (&s,&t,U8T_CANONICAL);
ret = mail_search_string (&t,"UTF-8",&stream->; ret = mail_search_string_work (&t,&stream->;
if ( != fs_give ((void **) &; if ( != fs_give ((void **) &;
} }
if (!ret) { /* still looking for match? */ if (!ret) { /* still looking for match? */
/* no section, get top-level body */ /* no section, get top-level body */
if (!section) mail_fetchstructure (stream,msgno,&body); if (!section) mail_fetchstructure (stream,msgno,&body);
/* get body of nested message */ /* get body of nested message */
else if ((body = mail_body (stream,msgno,section)) && else if ((body = mail_body (stream,msgno,section)) &&
(body->type == TYPEMULTIPART) && body->subtype && (body->type == TYPEMULTIPART) && body->subtype &&
!strcmp (body->subtype,"RFC822")) body = body->nested.msg->body ; !strcmp (body->subtype,"RFC822")) body = body->nested.msg->body ;
if (body) ret = mail_search_body (stream,msgno,body,NIL,1,flags); if (body) ret = mail_search_body (stream,msgno,body,NIL,1,flags);
skipping to change at line 3467 skipping to change at line 3580
PART *part; PART *part;
if (prefix && (strlen (prefix) > (MAILTMPLEN - 20))) return NIL; if (prefix && (strlen (prefix) > (MAILTMPLEN - 20))) return NIL;
sprintf (sect,"%s%lu",prefix ? prefix : "",section++); sprintf (sect,"%s%lu",prefix ? prefix : "",section++);
if (flags && prefix) { /* want to search MIME header too? */ if (flags && prefix) { /* want to search MIME header too? */ = (unsigned char *) mail_fetch_mime (stream,msgno,sect,&st.size , = (unsigned char *) mail_fetch_mime (stream,msgno,sect,&st.size ,
if (stream->dtb->flags & DR_LOWMEM) ret = stream-> ; if (stream->dtb->flags & DR_LOWMEM) ret = stream-> ;
else { else {
utf8_mime2text (&st,&h); /* make UTF-8 version of header */ /* make UTF-8 version of header */
ret = mail_search_string (&h,"UTF-8",&stream->; utf8_mime2text (&st,&h,U8T_CANONICAL);
ret = mail_search_string_work (&h,&stream->;
if ( != fs_give ((void **) &; if ( != fs_give ((void **) &;
} }
} }
if (!ret) switch (body->type) { if (!ret) switch (body->type) {
/* extend prefix if not first time */ /* extend prefix if not first time */
s = prefix ? strcat (sect,".") : ""; s = prefix ? strcat (sect,".") : "";
for (i = 1,part = body->nested.part; part && !ret; i++,part = part->nex t) for (i = 1,part = body->nested.part; part && !ret; i++,part = part->nex t)
ret = mail_search_body (stream,msgno,&part->body,s,i,flags); ret = mail_search_body (stream,msgno,&part->body,s,i,flags);
break; break;
if (!strcmp (body->subtype,"RFC822")) { if (!strcmp (body->subtype,"RFC822")) {
if (flags) { /* want to search nested message header? */ if (flags) { /* want to search nested message header? */ = (unsigned char *) = (unsigned char *)
mail_fetch_header (stream,msgno,sect,NIL,&st.size, mail_fetch_header (stream,msgno,sect,NIL,&st.size,
if (stream->dtb->flags & DR_LOWMEM) ret =stream-> lt; if (stream->dtb->flags & DR_LOWMEM) ret =stream-> lt;
else { else {
utf8_mime2text (&st,&h);/* make UTF-8 version of header */ /* make UTF-8 version of header */
ret = mail_search_string (&h,"UTF-8",&stream-> utf8_mime2text (&st,&h,U8T_CANONICAL);
g); ret = mail_search_string_work (&h,&stream->;
if ( != fs_give ((void **) &; if ( != fs_give ((void **) &;
} }
} }
if (body = body->nested.msg->body) if (body = body->nested.msg->body)
ret = (body->type == TYPEMULTIPART) ? ret = (body->type == TYPEMULTIPART) ?
mail_search_body (stream,msgno,body,(prefix ? prefix : ""), mail_search_body (stream,msgno,body,(prefix ? prefix : ""),
section - 1,flags) : section - 1,flags) :
mail_search_body (stream,msgno,body,strcat (sect,"."),1,flags); mail_search_body (stream,msgno,body,strcat (sect,"."),1,flags);
break; break;
} }
skipping to change at line 3540 skipping to change at line 3655
} }
/* Mail search text /* Mail search text
* Accepts: sized text to search * Accepts: sized text to search
* character set of sized text * character set of sized text
* string list of search keys * string list of search keys
* Returns: T if search found a match * Returns: T if search found a match
*/ */
long mail_search_string (SIZEDTEXT *s,char *charset,STRINGLIST **st) long mail_search_string (SIZEDTEXT *s,char *charset,STRINGLIST **st)
{ {
void *t;
long ret;
STRINGLIST **sc = st; STRINGLIST **sc = st;
/* convert to UTF-8 as best we can */ /* convert to UTF-8 as best we can */
if (!utf8_text (s,charset,&u,NIL)) utf8_text (s,NIL,&u,NIL); if (!utf8_text (s,charset,&u,U8T_CANONICAL))
utf8_text (s,NIL,&u,U8T_CANONICAL);
ret = mail_search_string_work (&u,st);
if ( != s->data) fs_give ((void **) &;
return ret;
/* Mail search text worker routine
* Accepts: sized text to search
* string list of search keys
* Returns: T if search found a match
long mail_search_string_work (SIZEDTEXT *s,STRINGLIST **st)
void *t;
STRINGLIST **sc = st;
while (*sc) { /* run down criteria list */ while (*sc) { /* run down criteria list */
if (search (,u.size,(*sc)->,(*sc)->text.size)) { if (ssearch (s->data,s->size,(*sc)->,(*sc)->text.size)) {
t = (void *) (*sc); /* found one, need to flush this */ t = (void *) (*sc); /* found one, need to flush this */
*sc = (*sc)->next; /* remove it from the list */ *sc = (*sc)->next; /* remove it from the list */
fs_give (&t); /* flush the buffer */ fs_give (&t); /* flush the buffer */
} }
else sc = &(*sc)->next; /* move to next in list */ else sc = &(*sc)->next; /* move to next in list */
} }
if ( != s->data) fs_give ((void **) &;
return *st ? NIL : LONGT; return *st ? NIL : LONGT;
} }
/* Mail search keyword /* Mail search keyword
* Accepts: MAIL stream * Accepts: MAIL stream
* elt to get flags from * elt to get flags from
* keyword list * keyword list
* T for keyword search, NIL for unkeyword search * T for keyword search, NIL for unkeyword search
* Returns: T if search found a match * Returns: T if search found a match
*/ */
skipping to change at line 3595 skipping to change at line 3725
* Returns: T if search found a match * Returns: T if search found a match
*/ */
#define SEARCHBUFLEN (size_t) 2000 #define SEARCHBUFLEN (size_t) 2000
#define SEARCHBUFSLOP (size_t) 5 #define SEARCHBUFSLOP (size_t) 5
long mail_search_addr (ADDRESS *adr,STRINGLIST *st) long mail_search_addr (ADDRESS *adr,STRINGLIST *st)
{ {
ADDRESS *a,tadr; ADDRESS *a,tadr;
char tmp[MAILTMPLEN]; char tmp[SENDBUFLEN + 1];
size_t i = SEARCHBUFLEN; size_t i = SEARCHBUFLEN;
size_t k; size_t k;
long ret = NIL; long ret = NIL;
if (adr) { if (adr) { = (unsigned char *) fs_get (i + SEARCHBUFSLOP); = (unsigned char *) fs_get (i + SEARCHBUFSLOP);
/* never an error or next */ /* never an error or next */
tadr.error = NIL, = NIL; tadr.error = NIL, = NIL;
/* write address list */ /* write address list */
for (txt.size = 0,a = adr; a; a = a->next) { for (txt.size = 0,a = adr; a; a = a->next) {
k = (tadr.mailbox = a->mailbox) ? 4 + 2*strlen (a->mailbox) : 3; k = (tadr.mailbox = a->mailbox) ? 4 + 2*strlen (a->mailbox) : 3;
if (tadr.personal = a->personal) k += 3 + 2*strlen (a->personal); if (tadr.personal = a->personal) k += 3 + 2*strlen (a->personal);
if (tadr.adl = a->adl) k += 3 + 2*strlen (a->adl); if (tadr.adl = a->adl) k += 3 + 2*strlen (a->adl);
if ( = a->host) k += 3 + 2*strlen (a->host); if ( = a->host) k += 3 + 2*strlen (a->host);
if (tadr.personal || tadr.adl) k += 2; if (tadr.personal || tadr.adl) k += 2;
if (k < (MAILTMPLEN-10)) { /* ignore ridiculous addresses */ if (k < (SENDBUFLEN-10)) {/* ignore ridiculous addresses */
tmp[0] = '\0'; tmp[0] = '\0';
rfc822_write_address (tmp,&tadr); rfc822_write_address (tmp,&tadr);
/* resize buffer if necessary */ /* resize buffer if necessary */
if (((k = strlen (tmp)) + txt.size) > i) if (((k = strlen (tmp)) + txt.size) > i)
fs_resize ((void **) &,SEARCHBUFSLOP + (i += SEARCHBUFLEN) ); fs_resize ((void **) &,SEARCHBUFSLOP + (i += SEARCHBUFLEN) );
/* add new address */ /* add new address */
memcpy ( + txt.size,tmp,k); memcpy ( + txt.size,tmp,k);
txt.size += k; txt.size += k;
/* another address follows */ /* another address follows */
if (a->next)[txt.size++] = ','; if (a->next)[txt.size++] = ',';
skipping to change at line 3844 skipping to change at line 3974
else return NIL; else return NIL;
break; break;
} }
while (*s) s = &(*s)->next; /* find tail of list */ while (*s) s = &(*s)->next; /* find tail of list */
*s = mail_newstringlist (); /* make new entry */ *s = mail_newstringlist (); /* make new entry */
/* return the data */ /* return the data */
(*s)-> = (unsigned char *) cpystr (d); (*s)-> = (unsigned char *) cpystr (d);
(*s)->text.size = n; (*s)->text.size = n;
return T; return T;
} }
/* Mail parse set from string
* Accepts: string to parse
* pointer to updated string pointer for return
* Returns: set with pointer updated, or NIL if error
SEARCHSET *mail_parse_set (char *s,char **ret)
while (isdigit (*s)) {
if (!set) cur = set = mail_newsearchset ();
else cur = cur->next = mail_newsearchset ();
/* parse value */
if (!(cur->first = strtoul (s,&s,10)) ||
((*s == ':') && !(isdigit (*++s) && (cur->last = strtoul (s,&s,10)))
break; /* bad value or range */
if (*s == ',') ++s; /* point to next value if more */
else { /* end of set */
*ret = s; /* set return pointer */
return set; /* return set */
mail_free_searchset (&set); /* failure, punt partial set */
return NIL;
/* Mail append to set
* Accepts: head of search set or NIL to do nothing
* message to add
* Returns: tail of search set or NIL if did nothing
SEARCHSET *mail_append_set (SEARCHSET *set,unsigned long msgno)
if (set) { /* find tail */
while (set->next) set = set->next;
/* start of set if no first member */
if (!set->first) set->first = msgno;
else if (msgno == (set->last ? set->last : set->first) + 1)
set->last = msgno; /* extend range if 1 past current */
else (set = set->next = mail_newsearchset ())->first = msgno;
return set;
/* Mail sort messages /* Mail sort messages
* Accepts: mail stream * Accepts: mail stream
* character set * character set
* search program * search program
* sort program * sort program
* option flags * option flags
* Returns: vector of sorted message sequences or NIL if error * Returns: vector of sorted message sequences or NIL if error
*/ */
unsigned long *mail_sort (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *charset,SEARCHPGM *spg, unsigned long *mail_sort (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *charset,SEARCHPGM *spg,
skipping to change at line 3973 skipping to change at line 4148
for (pg = pgm; pg; pg = pg->next) switch (pg->function) { for (pg = pgm; pg; pg = pg->next) switch (pg->function) {
case SORTARRIVAL: /* sort by arrival date */ case SORTARRIVAL: /* sort by arrival date */
if (!s->arrival) { if (!s->arrival) {
/* internal date unknown but can get? */ /* internal date unknown but can get? */
if (!elt->day && !(stream->dtb->flags & DR_NOINTDATE)) { if (!elt->day && !(stream->dtb->flags & DR_NOINTDATE)) {
sprintf (tmp,"%lu",i); sprintf (tmp,"%lu",i);
mail_fetch_fast (stream,tmp,NIL); mail_fetch_fast (stream,tmp,NIL);
} }
/* wrong thing before 3-Jan-1970 */ /* wrong thing before 3-Jan-1970 */
s->arrival = elt->day ? mail_longdate (elt) : 1; s->arrival = elt->day ? mail_longdate (elt) : 1;
s->dirty = T;
} }
break; break;
case SORTSIZE: /* sort by message size */ case SORTSIZE: /* sort by message size */
if (!s->size) { if (!s->size) {
if (!elt->rfc822_size) { if (!elt->rfc822_size) {
sprintf (tmp,"%lu",i); sprintf (tmp,"%lu",i);
mail_fetch_fast (stream,tmp,NIL); mail_fetch_fast (stream,tmp,NIL);
} }
s->size = elt->rfc822_size ? elt->rfc822_size : 1; s->size = elt->rfc822_size ? elt->rfc822_size : 1;
s->dirty = T;
} }
break; break;
case SORTDATE: /* sort by date */ case SORTDATE: /* sort by date */
if (!s->date) { if (!s->date) {
if (env) t = env->date; if (env) t = env->date;
else if ((t = mail_fetch_header (stream,i,NIL,&maildateline,NIL, else if ((t = mail_fetch_header (stream,i,NIL,&maildateline,NIL,
(t = strchr (t,':'))) (t = strchr (t,':')))
for (x = ++t; x = strpbrk (x,"\012\015"); x++) for (x = ++t; x = strpbrk (x,"\012\015"); x++)
switch (*(v = ((*x == '\015') && (x[1] == '\012')) ? x+2 : x+1 )){ switch (*(v = ((*x == '\015') && (x[1] == '\012')) ? x+2 : x+1 )){
skipping to change at line 4015 skipping to change at line 4192
if (!(s->date = s->arrival)) { if (!(s->date = s->arrival)) {
/* internal date unknown but can get? */ /* internal date unknown but can get? */
if (!elt->day && !(stream->dtb->flags & DR_NOINTDATE)) { if (!elt->day && !(stream->dtb->flags & DR_NOINTDATE)) {
sprintf (tmp,"%lu",i); sprintf (tmp,"%lu",i);
mail_fetch_fast (stream,tmp,NIL); mail_fetch_fast (stream,tmp,NIL);
} }
/* wrong thing before 3-Jan-1970 */ /* wrong thing before 3-Jan-1970 */
s->date = (s->arrival = elt->day ? mail_longdate (elt) : 1); s->date = (s->arrival = elt->day ? mail_longdate (elt) : 1);
} }
} }
s->dirty = T;
} }
break; break;
case SORTFROM: /* sort by first from */ case SORTFROM: /* sort by first from */
if (!s->from) { if (!s->from) {
if (env) s->from = env->from && env->from->mailbox ? if (env) s->from = env->from && env->from->mailbox ?
cpystr (env->from->mailbox) : NIL; cpystr (env->from->mailbox) : NIL;
else if ((t = mail_fetch_header (stream,i,NIL,&mailfromline,NIL, else if ((t = mail_fetch_header (stream,i,NIL,&mailfromline,NIL,
(t = strchr (t,':'))) { (t = strchr (t,':'))) {
for (x = ++t; x = strpbrk (x,"\012\015"); x++) for (x = ++t; x = strpbrk (x,"\012\015"); x++)
skipping to change at line 4046 skipping to change at line 4224
default: /* tie off extraneous text */ default: /* tie off extraneous text */
*x = x[1] = '\0'; *x = x[1] = '\0';
} }
if (adr = rfc822_parse_address (&adr,adr,&t,BADHOST,0)) { if (adr = rfc822_parse_address (&adr,adr,&t,BADHOST,0)) {
s->from = adr->mailbox; s->from = adr->mailbox;
adr->mailbox = NIL; adr->mailbox = NIL;
mail_free_address (&adr); mail_free_address (&adr);
} }
} }
if (!s->from) s->from = cpystr (""); if (!s->from) s->from = cpystr ("");
s->dirty = T;
} }
break; break;
case SORTTO: /* sort by first to */ case SORTTO: /* sort by first to */
if (!s->to) { if (!s->to) {
if (env) s->to = env->to && env->to->mailbox ? if (env) s->to = env->to && env->to->mailbox ?
cpystr (env->to->mailbox) : NIL; cpystr (env->to->mailbox) : NIL;
else if ((t = mail_fetch_header (stream,i,NIL,&mailtonline,NIL, else if ((t = mail_fetch_header (stream,i,NIL,&mailtonline,NIL,
(t = strchr (t,':'))) { (t = strchr (t,':'))) {
for (x = ++t; x = strpbrk (x,"\012\015"); x++) for (x = ++t; x = strpbrk (x,"\012\015"); x++)
skipping to change at line 4077 skipping to change at line 4256
default: /* tie off extraneous text */ default: /* tie off extraneous text */
*x = x[1] = '\0'; *x = x[1] = '\0';
} }
if (adr = rfc822_parse_address (&adr,adr,&t,BADHOST,0)) { if (adr = rfc822_parse_address (&adr,adr,&t,BADHOST,0)) {
s->to = adr->mailbox; s->to = adr->mailbox;
adr->mailbox = NIL; adr->mailbox = NIL;
mail_free_address (&adr); mail_free_address (&adr);
} }
} }
if (!s->to) s->to = cpystr (""); if (!s->to) s->to = cpystr ("");
s->dirty = T;
} }
break; break;
case SORTCC: /* sort by first cc */ case SORTCC: /* sort by first cc */
if (!s->cc) { if (!s->cc) {
if (env) s->cc = env->cc && env->cc->mailbox ? if (env) s->cc = env->cc && env->cc->mailbox ?
cpystr (env->cc->mailbox) : NIL; cpystr (env->cc->mailbox) : NIL;
else if ((t = mail_fetch_header (stream,i,NIL,&mailccline,NIL, else if ((t = mail_fetch_header (stream,i,NIL,&mailccline,NIL,
(t = strchr (t,':'))) { (t = strchr (t,':'))) {
for (x = ++t; x = strpbrk (x,"\012\015"); x++) for (x = ++t; x = strpbrk (x,"\012\015"); x++)
skipping to change at line 4108 skipping to change at line 4288
default: /* tie off extraneous text */ default: /* tie off extraneous text */
*x = x[1] = '\0'; *x = x[1] = '\0';
} }
if (adr = rfc822_parse_address (&adr,adr,&t,BADHOST,0)) { if (adr = rfc822_parse_address (&adr,adr,&t,BADHOST,0)) {
s->cc = adr->mailbox; s->cc = adr->mailbox;
adr->mailbox = NIL; adr->mailbox = NIL;
mail_free_address (&adr); mail_free_address (&adr);
} }
} }
if (!s->cc) s->cc = cpystr (""); if (!s->cc) s->cc = cpystr ("");
s->dirty = T;
} }
break; break;
case SORTSUBJECT: /* sort by subject */ case SORTSUBJECT: /* sort by subject */
if (!s->subject) { if (!s->subject) {
/* get subject from envelope if have one */ /* get subject from envelope if have one */
if (env) t = env->subject ? env->subject : ""; if (env) t = env->subject ? env->subject : "";
/* otherwise snarf from header text */ /* otherwise snarf from header text */
else if ((t = mail_fetch_header (stream,i,NIL,&mailsubline, else if ((t = mail_fetch_header (stream,i,NIL,&mailsubline,
(t = strchr (t,':'))) (t = strchr (t,':')))
skipping to change at line 4129 skipping to change at line 4310
switch (*(v = ((*x == '\015') && (x[1] == '\012')) ? x+2 : x+1 )){ switch (*(v = ((*x == '\015') && (x[1] == '\012')) ? x+2 : x+1 )){
case ' ': /* erase continuation newlines */ case ' ': /* erase continuation newlines */
case '\t': case '\t':
memmove (x,v,strlen (v)); memmove (x,v,strlen (v));
break; break;
default: /* tie off extraneous text */ default: /* tie off extraneous text */
*x = x[1] = '\0'; *x = x[1] = '\0';
} }
else t = ""; /* empty subject */ else t = ""; /* empty subject */
/* strip and cache subject */ /* strip and cache subject */
s->refwd = mail_strip_subject (s->original_subject = cpystr (t), s->refwd = mail_strip_subject (t,&s->subject);
&s->subject); s->dirty = T;
} }
break; break;
default: default:
fatal ("Unknown sort function"); fatal ("Unknown sort function");
} }
} }
return sc; return sc;
} }
/* Strip subjects of extra spaces and leading and trailing cruft for sortin g /* Strip subjects of extra spaces and leading and trailing cruft for sortin g
* Accepts: unstripped subject * Accepts: unstripped subject
skipping to change at line 4155 skipping to change at line 4336
unsigned int mail_strip_subject (char *t,char **ret) unsigned int mail_strip_subject (char *t,char **ret)
{ {
SIZEDTEXT src,dst; SIZEDTEXT src,dst;
unsigned long i,slen; unsigned long i,slen;
char c,*s,*x; char c,*s,*x;
unsigned int refwd = NIL; unsigned int refwd = NIL;
if (src.size = strlen (t)) { /* have non-empty subject? */ if (src.size = strlen (t)) { /* have non-empty subject? */ = (unsigned char *) t; = (unsigned char *) t;
/* Step 1 */ /* Step 1 */
/* make copy, convert MIME2 if needed */ /* make copy, convert MIME2 if needed */
*ret = s = (utf8_mime2text (&src,&dst) && ( != ? *ret = s = (utf8_mime2text (&src,&dst,U8T_CANONICAL) &&
(char *) : cpystr (t); ( != ? (char *) : cpystr (t);
/* convert spaces to tab, strip extra spaces */ /* convert spaces to tab, strip extra spaces */
for (x = t = s, c = 'x'; *t; t++) { for (x = t = s, c = 'x'; *t; t++) {
if (c != ' ') c = *x++ = ((*t == '\t') ? ' ' : *t); if (c != ' ') c = *x++ = ((*t == '\t') ? ' ' : *t);
else if ((*t != '\t') && (*t != ' ')) c = *x++ = *t; else if ((*t != '\t') && (*t != ' ')) c = *x++ = *t;
} }
*x = '\0'; /* tie off string */ *x = '\0'; /* tie off string */
/* Step 2 */ /* Step 2 */
for (slen = dst.size; s; slen = strlen (s)) { for (slen = dst.size; s; slen = strlen (s)) {
for (t = s + slen; t > s; ) switch (t[-1]) { for (t = s + slen; t > s; ) switch (t[-1]) {
case ' ': case '\t': /* WSP */ case ' ': case '\t': /* WSP */
skipping to change at line 4540 skipping to change at line 4721
mail_fetch_overview (stream,tmp,mail_thread_loadcache); mail_fetch_overview (stream,tmp,mail_thread_loadcache);
} }
/* still missing data? */ /* still missing data? */
if (!s->date || !s->subject || !s->message_id || !s->references) { if (!s->date || !s->subject || !s->message_id || !s->references) {
/* try to load data from envelope */ /* try to load data from envelope */
if (env = mail_fetch_structure (stream,s->num,NIL,NIL)) { if (env = mail_fetch_structure (stream,s->num,NIL,NIL)) {
if (!s->date && env->date && mail_parse_date (&telt,env->date)) if (!s->date && env->date && mail_parse_date (&telt,env->date))
s->date = mail_longdate (&telt); s->date = mail_longdate (&telt);
if (!s->subject && env->subject) if (!s->subject && env->subject)
s->refwd = s->refwd =
mail_strip_subject (s->original_subject = cpystr (env->subject mail_strip_subject (env->subject,&s->subject);
if (!s->message_id && env->message_id && *env->message_id) if (!s->message_id && env->message_id && *env->message_id)
s->message_id = mail_thread_parse_msgid (env->message_id,NIL); s->message_id = mail_thread_parse_msgid (env->message_id,NIL);
if (!s->references && /* use References: or In-Reply-To: */ if (!s->references && /* use References: or In-Reply-To: */
!(s->references = !(s->references =
mail_thread_parse_references (env->references,T))) mail_thread_parse_references (env->references,T)))
s->references = mail_thread_parse_references(env->in_reply_to,NI L); s->references = mail_thread_parse_references(env->in_reply_to,NI L);
} }
/* last resort */ /* last resort */
if (!s->date && !(s->date = s->arrival)) { if (!s->date && !(s->date = s->arrival)) {
/* internal date unknown but can get? */ /* internal date unknown but can get? */
if (!(elt = mail_elt (stream,s->num))->day && if (!(elt = mail_elt (stream,s->num))->day &&
!(stream->dtb->flags & DR_NOINTDATE)) { !(stream->dtb->flags & DR_NOINTDATE)) {
sprintf (tmp,"%lu",s->num); sprintf (tmp,"%lu",s->num);
mail_fetch_fast (stream,tmp,NIL); mail_fetch_fast (stream,tmp,NIL);
} }
/* wrong thing before 3-Jan-1970 */ /* wrong thing before 3-Jan-1970 */
s->date = (s->arrival = elt->day ? mail_longdate (elt) : 1); s->date = (s->arrival = elt->day ? mail_longdate (elt) : 1);
} }
if (!s->subject) s->subject = cpystr (""); if (!s->subject) s->subject = cpystr ("");
if (!s->references) s->references = mail_newstringlist (); if (!s->references) s->references = mail_newstringlist ();
s->dirty = T;
} }
} }
/* Step 1 (preliminary) */ /* Step 1 (preliminary) */
/* generate unique string */ /* generate unique string */
sprintf (tmp,"%s.%lx.%lx@%s",stream->mailbox,stream->uid_validity, sprintf (tmp,"%s.%lx.%lx@%s",stream->mailbox,stream->uid_validity,
mail_uid (stream,s->num),mylocalhost ()); mail_uid (stream,s->num),mylocalhost ());
/* flush old unique string if not message-id */ /* flush old unique string if not message-id */
if (s->unique && (s->unique != s->message_id)) if (s->unique && (s->unique != s->message_id))
fs_give ((void **) &s->unique); fs_give ((void **) &s->unique);
s->unique = s->message_id ? /* don't permit Message ID duplicate s */ s->unique = s->message_id ? /* don't permit Message ID duplicate s */
skipping to change at line 4740 skipping to change at line 4921
* overview of this message * overview of this message
* msgno of this message * msgno of this message
*/ */
void mail_thread_loadcache (MAILSTREAM *stream,unsigned long uid,OVERVIEW * ov, void mail_thread_loadcache (MAILSTREAM *stream,unsigned long uid,OVERVIEW * ov,
unsigned long msgno) unsigned long msgno)
{ {
if (msgno && ov) { /* just in case */ if (msgno && ov) { /* just in case */
SORTCACHE *s = (SORTCACHE *) (*mailcache) (stream,msgno,CH_SORTCACHE); SORTCACHE *s = (SORTCACHE *) (*mailcache) (stream,msgno,CH_SORTCACHE);
if (!s->subject && ov->subject) if (!s->subject && ov->subject) {
s->refwd = mail_strip_subject (s->original_subject = cpystr(ov->subje s->refwd = mail_strip_subject (ov->subject,&s->subject);
ct), s->dirty = T;
&s->subject); }
if (!s->from && ov->from && ov->from->mailbox) if (!s->from && ov->from && ov->from->mailbox) {
s->from = cpystr (ov->from->mailbox); s->from = cpystr (ov->from->mailbox);
if (!s->date && ov->date && mail_parse_date (&telt,ov->date)) s->dirty = T;
if (!s->date && ov->date && mail_parse_date (&telt,ov->date)) {
s->date = mail_longdate (&telt); s->date = mail_longdate (&telt);
if (!s->message_id && ov->message_id) s->dirty = T;
if (!s->message_id && ov->message_id) {
s->message_id = mail_thread_parse_msgid (ov->message_id,NIL); s->message_id = mail_thread_parse_msgid (ov->message_id,NIL);
s->dirty = T;
if (!s->references && if (!s->references &&
!(s->references = mail_thread_parse_references (ov->references,T))) !(s->references = mail_thread_parse_references (ov->references,T))) {
/* don't do In-Reply-To with NNTP mailboxes */ /* don't do In-Reply-To with NNTP mailboxes */
s->references = mail_newstringlist (); s->references = mail_newstringlist ();
if (!s->size && ov->optional.octets) s->size = ov->optional.octets; s->dirty = T;
if (!s->size && ov->optional.octets) {
s->size = ov->optional.octets;
s->dirty = T;
} }
} }
/* Thread parse Message ID /* Thread parse Message ID
* Accepts: pointer to purported Message ID * Accepts: pointer to purported Message ID
* pointer to return pointer * pointer to return pointer
* Returns: Message ID or NIL, return pointer updated * Returns: Message ID or NIL, return pointer updated
*/ */
char *mail_thread_parse_msgid (char *s,char **ss) char *mail_thread_parse_msgid (char *s,char **ss)
{ {
skipping to change at line 4798 skipping to change at line 4991
*/ */
STRINGLIST *mail_thread_parse_references (char *s,long flag) STRINGLIST *mail_thread_parse_references (char *s,long flag)
{ {
char *t; char *t;
/* found first reference? */ /* found first reference? */
if (t = mail_thread_parse_msgid (s,&s)) { if (t = mail_thread_parse_msgid (s,&s)) {
(ret = mail_newstringlist ())-> = (unsigned char *) t; (ret = mail_newstringlist ())-> = (unsigned char *) t;
/* parse subsequent references */ ret->text.size = strlen (t);
if (flag) for (cur = ret; t = mail_thread_parse_msgid (s,&s); if (flag) /* parse subsequent references */
(cur = cur->next = mail_newstringlist ())-> = for (cur = ret; t = mail_thread_parse_msgid (s,&s); cur = cur->next)
(unsigned char *) t); {
(cur->next = mail_newstringlist ())-> = (unsigned char *) t
cur->next->text.size = strlen (t);
} }
return ret; return ret;
} }
/* Prune dummy messages /* Prune dummy messages
* Accepts: candidate container to prune * Accepts: candidate container to prune
* older sibling of container, if any * older sibling of container, if any
* Returns: container in this position, possibly pruned * Returns: container in this position, possibly pruned
* All children and younger siblings are also pruned * All children and younger siblings are also pruned
*/ */
skipping to change at line 5024 skipping to change at line 5219
} }
/* Parse flag list /* Parse flag list
* Accepts: MAIL stream * Accepts: MAIL stream
* flag list as a character string * flag list as a character string
* pointer to user flags to return * pointer to user flags to return
* Returns: system flags * Returns: system flags
*/ */
long mail_parse_flags (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *flag,unsigned long *uf) long mail_parse_flags (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *flag,unsigned long *uf)
{ {
char *t,*n,*s,tmp[MAILTMPLEN],flg[MAILTMPLEN]; char *t,*n,*s,tmp[MAILTMPLEN],msg[MAILTMPLEN];
short f = 0; short f = 0;
long i,j; long i,j;
*uf = 0; /* initially no user flags */ *uf = 0; /* initially no user flags */
if (flag && *flag) { /* no-op if no flag string */ if (flag && *flag) { /* no-op if no flag string */
/* check if a list and make sure valid */ /* check if a list and make sure valid */
if (((i = (*flag == '(')) ^ (flag[strlen (flag)-1] == ')')) || if (((i = (*flag == '(')) ^ (flag[strlen (flag)-1] == ')')) ||
(strlen (flag) >= MAILTMPLEN)) { (strlen (flag) >= MAILTMPLEN)) {
MM_LOG ("Bad flag list",ERROR); MM_LOG ("Bad flag list",ERROR);
return NIL; return NIL;
} }
/* copy the flag string w/o list construct * / /* copy the flag string w/o list construct * /
strncpy (n = tmp,flag+i,(j = strlen (flag) - (2*i))); strncpy (n = tmp,flag+i,(j = strlen (flag) - (2*i)));
tmp[j] = '\0'; tmp[j] = '\0';
while ((t = n) && *t) { /* parse the flags */ while ((t = n) && *t) { /* parse the flags */
i = 0; /* flag not known yet */
/* find end of flag */ /* find end of flag */
if (n = strchr (t,' ')) *n++ = '\0'; if (n = strchr (t,' ')) *n++ = '\0';
ucase (strcpy (flg,t)); if (*t == '\\') { /* system flag? */
if (flg[0] == '\\') { /* system flag? */ if (!compare_cstring (t+1,"SEEN")) f |= fSEEN;
switch (flg[1]) { /* dispatch based on first character */ else if (!compare_cstring (t+1,"DELETED")) f |= fDELETED;
case 'S': /* possible \Seen flag */ else if (!compare_cstring (t+1,"FLAGGED")) f |= fFLAGGED;
if (flg[2] == 'E' && flg[3] == 'E' && flg[4] == 'N' && !flg[5]) else if (!compare_cstring (t+1,"ANSWERED")) f |= fANSWERED;
i = fSEEN; else if (!compare_cstring (t+1,"DRAFT")) f |= fDRAFT;
break; else {
case 'D': /* possible \Deleted or \Draft flag */ sprintf (msg,"Unsupported system flag: %.80s",t);
if (flg[2] == 'E' && flg[3] == 'L' && flg[4] == 'E' && MM_LOG (msg,WARN);
flg[5] == 'T' && flg[6] == 'E' && flg[7] == 'D' && !flg[8])
else if (flg[2] == 'R' && flg[3] == 'A' && flg[4] == 'F' &&
flg[5] == 'T' && !flg[6]) i = fDRAFT;
case 'F': /* possible \Flagged flag */
if (flg[2] == 'L' && flg[3] == 'A' && flg[4] == 'G' &&
flg[5] == 'G' && flg[6] == 'E' && flg[7] == 'D' && !flg[8])
case 'A': /* possible \Answered flag */
if (flg[2] == 'N' && flg[3] == 'S' && flg[4] == 'W' &&
flg[5] == 'E' && flg[6] == 'R' && flg[7] == 'E' &&
flg[8] == 'D' && !flg[9]) i = fANSWERED;
default: /* unknown */
} }
if (i) f |= i; /* add flag to flags list */
} }
/* user flag, search through table */ else { /* keyword flag */
else for (j = 0; !i && j < NUSERFLAGS && (s =stream->user_flags[j]); for (i = j = 0; /* user flag, search through table */
++j) !i && (j < NUSERFLAGS) && (s = stream->user_flags[j]); ++j)
if (!compare_cstring (t,s)) *uf |= i = 1 << j; if (!compare_cstring (t,s)) *uf |= i = 1 << j;
if (!i) { /* didn't find a matching flag? */ if (!i) { /* flag not found, can it be created? */
if (*t == '\\') { if (stream->kwd_create && (j < NUSERFLAGS) &&
sprintf (flg,"Unsupported system flag: %.80s",t); (strlen (t) <= MAXUSERFLAG)) {
MM_LOG (flg,WARN); for (s = t; t && *s; s++) switch (*s) {
} default: /* all other characters */
/* can we create it? */
else if (stream->kwd_create && (j < NUSERFLAGS) &&
(strlen (t) <= MAXUSERFLAG)) {
for (s = t; t && *s; s++) switch (*s) {
default: /* all other characters */
/* SPACE, CTL, or not CHAR */ /* SPACE, CTL, or not CHAR */
if ((*s > ' ') && (*s < 0x7f)) break; if ((*s > ' ') && (*s < 0x7f)) break;
case '*': case '%': /* list_wildcards */ case '*': case '%': /* list_wildcards */
case '"': case '\\': /* quoted-specials */ case '"': case '\\':/* quoted-specials */
/* atom_specials */ /* atom_specials */
case '(': case ')': case '{': case '(': case ')': case '{':
sprintf (flg,"Invalid flag: %.80s",t); sprintf (msg,"Invalid flag: %.80s",t);
MM_LOG (flg,WARN); MM_LOG (msg,WARN);
t = NIL; t = NIL;
} }
if (t) { /* only if valid */ if (t) { /* only if valid */
*uf |= 1 << j; /* set the bit */ *uf |= 1 << j; /* set the bit */
stream->user_flags[j] = cpystr (t); stream->user_flags[j] = cpystr (t);
/* if out of user flags */ /* if out of user flags */
if (j == NUSERFLAGS - 1) stream->kwd_create = NIL; if (j == NUSERFLAGS - 1) stream->kwd_create = NIL;
else {
sprintf (msg,"Unknown flag: %.80s",t);
MM_LOG (msg,WARN);
} }
else {
sprintf (flg,"Unknown flag: %.80s",t);
MM_LOG (flg,WARN);
} }
} }
} }
} }
return f; return f;
} }
/* Mail check network stream for usability with new name /* Mail check network stream for usability with new name
* Accepts: MAIL stream * Accepts: MAIL stream
* candidate new name * candidate new name
* Returns: T if stream can be used, NIL otherwise * Returns: T if stream can be used, NIL otherwise
skipping to change at line 5659 skipping to change at line 5832
* argument count * argument count
* argument vector * argument vector
* Returns: authenticated user name or NIL * Returns: authenticated user name or NIL
*/ */
char *mail_auth (char *mechanism,authresponse_t resp,int argc,char *argv[]) char *mail_auth (char *mechanism,authresponse_t resp,int argc,char *argv[])
{ {
for (auth = mailauthenticators; auth; auth = auth->next) for (auth = mailauthenticators; auth; auth = auth->next)
if (auth->server && !compare_cstring (auth->name,mechanism)) if (auth->server && !compare_cstring (auth->name,mechanism))
return ((auth->flags & AU_SECURE) || return (!(auth->flags & AU_DISABLE) &&
!mail_parameters (NIL,GET_DISABLEPLAINTEXT,NIL)) ? ((auth->flags & AU_SECURE) ||
(*auth->server) (resp,argc,argv) : NIL; !mail_parameters (NIL,GET_DISABLEPLAINTEXT,NIL))) ?
(*auth->server) (resp,argc,argv) : NIL;
return NIL; /* no authenticator found */ return NIL; /* no authenticator found */
} }
/* Lookup authenticator index /* Lookup authenticator index
* Accepts: authenticator index * Accepts: authenticator index
* Returns: authenticator, or 0 if not found * Returns: authenticator, or 0 if not found
*/ */
AUTHENTICATOR *mail_lookup_auth (unsigned long i) AUTHENTICATOR *mail_lookup_auth (unsigned long i)
{ {
AUTHENTICATOR *auth = mailauthenticators; AUTHENTICATOR *auth = mailauthenticators;
skipping to change at line 5688 skipping to change at line 5862
* required authenticator flags * required authenticator flags
* Returns: index in authenticator chain, or 0 if not found * Returns: index in authenticator chain, or 0 if not found
*/ */
unsigned int mail_lookup_auth_name (char *mechanism,long flags) unsigned int mail_lookup_auth_name (char *mechanism,long flags)
{ {
int i; int i;
for (i = 1, auth = mailauthenticators; auth; i++, auth = auth->next) for (i = 1, auth = mailauthenticators; auth; i++, auth = auth->next)
if (auth->client && !(flags & ~auth->flags) && if (auth->client && !(flags & ~auth->flags) &&
!compare_cstring (auth->name,mechanism)) !(auth->flags & AU_DISABLE) && !compare_cstring (auth->name,mechanis m))
return i; return i;
return 0; return 0;
} }
/* Standard TCP/IP network driver */ /* Standard TCP/IP network driver */
static NETDRIVER tcpdriver = { static NETDRIVER tcpdriver = {
tcp_open, /* open connection */ tcp_open, /* open connection */
tcp_aopen, /* open preauthenticated connection */ tcp_aopen, /* open preauthenticated connection */
tcp_getline, /* get a line */ tcp_getline, /* get a line */
tcp_getbuffer, /* get a buffer */ tcp_getbuffer, /* get a buffer */
 End of changes. 98 change blocks. 
218 lines changed or deleted 389 lines changed or added

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