xpaclient.3   xpaclient.3 
skipping to change at line 73 skipping to change at line 73
Client communication with XPA public access points generally is acco m‐ Client communication with XPA public access points generally is acco m‐
plished using XPAGet() or XPASet() within a program (or xpaget and plished using XPAGet() or XPASet() within a program (or xpaget and
xpaset at the command line). Both routines require specification of xpaset at the command line). Both routines require specification of
the name of the access point. If a template is used to specify the the name of the access point. If a template is used to specify the
access point name (e.g., "ds9*"), then communication will take place access point name (e.g., "ds9*"), then communication will take place
with all servers matching that template. with all servers matching that template.
See xpa(n) for a list of XPA help pages See xpa(n) for a list of XPA help pages
version 2.1.12 January 26, 2010 xpaclient (3) version 2.1.13 April 14, 2011 xpaclient (3)
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
0 lines changed or deleted 0 lines changed or added

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