xpans.1   xpans.1 
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xpans [-h] [-e] [-k sec] [-p port] [-l log] [-s security log] [-P n] xpans [-h] [-e] [-k sec] [-p port] [-l log] [-s security log] [-P n]
-h print help message -h print help message
-e exit when there are no more XPA connections -e exit when there are no more XPA connections
-k send keepalive messages every n sec -k send keepalive messages every n sec
-l log data base entries to specified file -l log data base entries to specified file
-p listen for connections on specified port -p listen for connections on specified port
-s log security info for each connection to specified f ile -s log security info for each connection to specified f ile
-P accept proxy requests (P=1) using separate thread (P =2) -P accept proxy requests (P=1) using separate thread (P =2)
--version display version and exit
The xpans name server is an XPA-enabled program that is used to mana ge The xpans name server is an XPA-enabled program that is used to mana ge
the names and ports of XPA access points. It is started automaticall y the names and ports of XPA access points. It is started automaticall y
when an XPA access point is registered. You can access the name serv er when an XPA access point is registered. You can access the name serv er
using xpaget to get a list of registered access points. using xpaget to get a list of registered access points.
The xpans name server provides a crucial link between XPA clients an d The xpans name server provides a crucial link between XPA clients an d
servers. When an XPA server defines an access point using XPANew(), servers. When an XPA server defines an access point using XPANew(),
XPACmdNew(), or XPAInfoNew(), the name of the access point is regis‐ XPACmdNew(), or XPAInfoNew(), the name of the access point is regis‐
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Note that this proxy interface to xpans is experimental. It is used to Note that this proxy interface to xpans is experimental. It is used to
provide remote data analysis capabilities on the Chandra-Ed system provide remote data analysis capabilities on the Chandra-Ed system
using ds9. (See http://chandra-ed.cfa.harvard.edu and using ds9. (See http://chandra-ed.cfa.harvard.edu and
http://hea-www.harvard.edu/saord/ds9 for more details). As always, http://hea-www.harvard.edu/saord/ds9 for more details). As always,
please contact us if you have problems or questions. please contact us if you have problems or questions.
See xpa(n) for a list of XPA help pages See xpa(n) for a list of XPA help pages
version 2.1.6 May 2, 2005 xpans (1) version 2.1.8 November 1, 2007 xpans (1)
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